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  1. Strongly disagree with you. Democrats need his strength, political savvy and dignity befitting a President of USA. Easy to take cheap shots at Joe Biden. Embarassed for you.
  2. Please show us ANYTHING that doesn't. Waiting...
  3. The headline is answered prayers BUT not a word on adding escalators, elevators or extending or connecting existing elevated pathways. Worrying the street vendors about access is a minor factor, never been hindered myself, imho.
  4. Finally a topic I can admire the post. Bangkok has changed in unfortunate ways viz the Bangkok that made me smile night and day when landing here to stay 10 years ago. Evolution is it? The overall result of the struggle to recover from Covid? Unknowable probably. My complaint is the congestion and overcrowding on the roads and public transportation which seems to be unmitigated and increasing. Trying to avoid it, on foot, makes the sometimes ridiculous shrines to overbuilt iron and the poor quality service of pedestrian crossings - climbing ladders without the relief of escalators or elevators. As if there was never a thought to the result of stimulating the success of attracting tourism and replacing a civil city with built up highrise buildings. That's my gripe.
  5. Well, well a topic that brings out the right wing nut jobs in full force. Know nothing, spout bs, blame it on 'the left', the 'marxists, the democrats. A pity they all don't run back to their US criminal masters and stfu in Thailand.
  6. Putin's hysterical rants sound exactly like his partner's, Donald Trump. They are taking on each others psychotic behaviour.
  7. Sure thing, wacko. Try Putin - Sickening deaths daily. Fortunately Russian and North Koreans.
  8. Hahaha the posts here by obvious moron Trump suckers? Please rofl
  9. Snark or collusion with forces of evil?
  10. WSJ - what do you expect?! Then rumor mongering against AP, of course. Typical gaslighting from the Nazis (once known as Republicans) , the Thing and associates that lie with every breathe and the maggots know as Maga. A shame this rag's screed couldn't serve up at least balanced reporting. Long live the principled AP News.
  11. The usual MAGA lying and glorification and pandering of America's greatest traitor, felon Trump. Way over your skis on history. Lacking respect for a truly brave, courageous and heroic leader who has lead successfully battles against Putin, Russia, North Korean troops. Not worthy to lick Zelensky's boots, you. But a lickspittle for cowardly, deranged, backstabbing Trump.
  12. Landslide? ROFL Too ridiculous to reply.
  13. Sorry not, but you are complicit in the destruction of America, my country, by traitors from within. Put an end to Trump and his followers with Extreme Prejudice.
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