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Posts posted by Foozool

  1. 3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    In the 51st state where I live Canada border agency actually shares info with Canada revenue agency and they know exactly how long I have been out of the country as a non resident for tax purposes.


    Be aware that the false safety of not getting caught in the first few years and perhaps even as long as a decade is just an excuse to slap you with maximum penalty and interest.


    In short, yes....it's very easy for them to figure out where you live.

    Don't make up what you don't know. 

    Are you an American ? 

    I'm sure you are not. 


    On 12/12/2017 at 6:45 PM, wrassell said:

    My main question is does the Social Security Administration have access to or share immigration data wherein they know when you come and go. Then also my second question is do they really care that much as long as you stay under their radar.


    It was just matter of luck until 4 or 5 years ago. SS checked randomly. Ever since I'm not sure if things have changed. This is the way they check most: your doctor visits and using your Medical/Medicare account. If you have not used it for long it will becomes suspicious. There could be some other factors as well such as "not using your account for medications. 

    They just cut the supplemental. What ever the extra supplemental amonth was already paid has to be paid back by monthly deductions (could be $100-200) from monthly pay checks. 

    Penalty could be waved by visiting SS office (1st timers). 

    Now it is all up to you to take the risks.

  2. I would do this if i was in that situation:

    1- I would go back and build my life on a solid ground in my country. You could come back later with better shape and find a right girl out of bars. 


     Don't try hard to be a slave, If you think this marriage is the key for staying in the country. This story never ends. 


    • Like 1
  3. I changed my address to my gf house. We went to CW together. The IO told me that there is no need for tm-28. 

    I must report 90 day only with my new address at CW (then next 90 day could be done online), but my gf submitted  tm-30 to report a farang living at her house. 

    The IO said that there is no need to report anything (90 day report only) unless you change your address again. No need to report when you come back to Thailand from your trip with re-entry permit either. Only 90 day report required. 

  4. 15 hours ago, webfact said:

    But Trump has endorsed Moore and taped a "robo-call" that the campaign has rolled out urging voters to back the Republican candidate in order to help support the president's agenda.

      He is in trouble himself and "endorsed" another who is in the same trouble. You guys better look for solution for your common problem together before endorsing each other. ?

    I feel we are back to 1930s.


  5. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    "This time, we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint, we will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars," Trump said.

    I'm afraid that it won't happen (no budget) to go to moon anymore after your "tax reform". 

    By the budget at the time perhaps astronauts will only reach the Earth orbit. Nothing beyond that. 

  6. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:

    I don't do housework, the maid does.

    Building a brick wall, building your own garage etc etc you won't be getting paid but that won't stop someone reporting you because 'they' think you should be paying a Thai to do it. If they report you to Imm'/police ( same thing anyway ) you will get a visit.

    You are absolutely right, but any major job can not be done by one man (owner) anyway (or at least I can not do it alone). Worker or workers need to be hired. Minor jobs won't be noticed.

    And having good friendship with neighbors = less trouble


  7. 1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

    Being pedantic again, IIRC, isn't the definition of work by immigration as the 'expenditure of energy, physical or mental' regarding working, not just being paid for something?

    In that case, those foreign who do beach cleaning or fixing roads will be in trouble as well, right !

    At own house work for major works we need to hire some people. It won't be accomplished by one man anyway. 

    Just don't make anyone upset in the neiborhood by selfishness. 

    Nothing is certain for farang in LOS.

  8. 2 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    In reality getting paid or not doesn't come into it.

    Lots of people would love to help out at local schools etc without pay but they can't because it would be classed as working.

    People trying to help at the time of the Tsunami were at times getting hassle for not having WP's.

    School is not your own house !!!

    we are talking about "own" house.

    Will you get paid for your house work ?

    i guess not. 

    • Like 1
  9. I believe working on your own property does not count as "work" since you won't get paid for it and it is not business related. 

    Working on your own business would be a different story, never do it you could get in trouble. 

    I have done very major adding to my girlfriend's. No problem. 

    Basicly nothing becomes problem as long as you do not cross others and makeing some unhappy. 

  10. 9 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    Why can't they simply make it illegal to burn forests and farmland?  Then when people do start the burning, the police can go and arrest / fine them.  


    They have already started burning the rice fields around my home... right under large signs saying it was not allowed to burn.. and a number to call if people saw any burning.....  

    Yes you are absolutely right. 


    I have heard this word many times when someone tries to justify a wrong doing: "but this is Thailand". 

    There is a sign written+graphic that indicates "no dogs allowed" at my mooban little park (part of it is children Ground ). I see dogs+walkers in that park everyday. 

    As a reminder for that word. 

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