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Posts posted by Foozool

  1. 12 hours ago, webfact said:

    Slide Fire Solutions, the maker of the so-called bump stock device Paddock used to achieve a near-automatic rate of fire, was named in previous lawsuits over the shooting, but not in any of the suits filed on Monday.


    Aziz said Slide Fire was not named because most of his clients supported the right to bear arms.


    "We want to focus on hotel and venue security, not turn this into a gun rights case," he said.


    All clients support bump stock. Perhaps it is a "cool" device, but bump stock (full automatic machine-gun) had no roll in mass murder to them ❗️But hotel security did, because they did not detect guns. ???



  2. 19 minutes ago, LaoPo said:

    You can't stand the truth.


    Off topic? Have you read the OP's first message?


    Speaking about off topic when you wrote about your uncle fighting the Korean War....Pot Kettle Black Foozol? :wink:



    People like you never give up !!! 

    Going back to a century ago to justify your today's terrible behavior ? 

    Anyway , put it on cool water. 

    This is what it is.

    Sorry you can not change what people think about bad manners. Unless those with bad manners change themselves.

    get life. 

  3. 1 hour ago, marko kok prong said:

    I lived in Hong kong for a year back in the 90's bad enough there,but boy did i get a shock when i went to the mainland,and i once spent 6 months in India,Chinese behavouir is appaling.


    i guess they discharge their purity only out of mainland , right ? 

    Why don't you go back to your real paradise and enjoy it there with your bodies. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, LaoPo said:

    Horrible experience...have you also ever read or watched about the Rape of Nanking in 1937 were the Japanese slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Chinese children, raped women on an enormous scale and murdered on a never-seen-before situation with methods even the Nazis didn't know about?

    I'm sorry but you're also generalising a total country and I bet you've never been there to witness and I wish the bashing would stop now.

    Off topic :⚠️

    what happened by Japanese has nothing to do with Chinese with bad manners and terrible behaviors in Thailand or anywhere else by their tourists. ?


  5. Senators don't work for people, but they do work hard for their supporters such as insurance companies. Insurances put pressure on GOP to find a way to pass the best case scenario. Insurance companies are legal gangsters who suck people's blood for more profit. 

    Gangesters deciced to work legally after losing battle over smogling alcohol. They began with insurances and casinos in LV. 

  6. This is what I consider it safest if you are not married(marriage could affect things differently and more complicated):

    I will buy a land on my gf's daughter name and then lease it for 30y on my name at the same time. I design/build a small (I really don't need more than 1 bedroom) modern nice house for not more than 1/2 mil. It will pay off itself in 15 year to compare to rent a room/a cheap house. 

    If I lose all in case of unknown reason I won't regret since it did not cost me a fortune.

    People who you know them very well change in matter of one night. Never put your whole life/savings at risk.



  7. 1 hour ago, CLW said:

    But not for a beginner. It's more likely he'll have a accident because of too much power and the heavy weight of such a big bike.
    I prefer a 150cc or 300cc bike for riding alone. Everything over this is useless Especially in Thailand where you can't go fast anyway.
    You seem to be obsessed with big cc bikes. That is my opinion.

    Larger engin does not mean higher speed only. There are at least a few different factors involve. Stability,  control, tire sizes, better breaks (discs in rear) and quicker if need to speed up in case.

    It is all depends on the rider. I drive scoters locally only. 

  8. 3 hours ago, CLW said:
    4 hours ago, Foozool said:
    With 150cc to issan, 
    With a 150cc bike ? 
    You must be a brave manemoji779.pngemoji615.png

    Where is the problem? 150cc is enough for one person, especially for beginner


    You may lose control by trucks passing by. Not really stable at high peed. It will do the job, but what about the risks. 

    I even don't do that with a 300cc. 

    Good luck. 



  9. 30 minutes ago, CRUNCHER said:

    Whatever.  They were guilty of putting intelligence into the public domain that proved to be wrong at the time.   Whether lies or incompetence is not relevant. They can't be trusted.


    Perhaps the current intelligence was developed by the Clintons. Can't say it is not possible.

    Trump is a very unique President that America never experienced. To hide his weakness accuses everyone as a liar. Every source is fake. There is no truth about him by media. Why such atmosphere only for this president ? 

    Perhaps we need to look at him closer  to see what he really is. 



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