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Posts posted by Foozool

  1. 7 hours ago, davehowden said:

    Looks like some Turks have been on a training course in Thailand !

    Perhaps you'v never visited Turkey and have no idea. 

    I've been there several times. Crook Turks are very talented. 

    Thai are far from what Turks are. Police  are very much useless in Turkey. Do you think they bother to look video recorded by camera to find own kind ?


  2. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    The FBI has criticized Apple for how difficult it is to obtain data from its devices when they are locked. The phones contain a so-called "secure enclave" that makes it difficult to crack their encryption, and too many errant attempts to unlock an iPhone can erase all data.

    Criticized Apple phones for being reliable and secure ❗️?


  3. 19 hours ago, sceadugenga said:

    The first place I'd look is Makro.

    Never noticed any in Tops/Central today.

    I guess you mean "Makro".

    I checked out turkeys today at Makro. They look not so good to me. I rather not having that. 

  4. wow ❗️what a opportunity for GOP since Trump needs help at this moment. Tax is always republicans 1st prooority. It is the time that republicans pay back their rich supporters, those who always pay for senators campaigns. 

    There is nothing for lower middle or middle class. 

    They Just try to fool people with their attractive plan as usual. 

    US will get in deeper dept. For years. 

    Trump wants to make America again by tax cut ? Old story of republicans. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

    As an American I'd take less than great if my taxes were lower. Bring our troops home.

    I'm not sure if it happens soon. Seems it is just the beginning after 15 years. ?

    Trump is getting ready to press button of a big war. 

    Beautiful years were over when Bush (17 years ago) became president. And

    "dark age"  Has begun by Trump presidency. 


  6. This is one side story. 

    While ago I was drinking my coffee at a local coffee shop in one of soys close to Pasio, Rankhamheang. A farang English speaking man about 65 yo stepped in with his wife (I guess) and 2 kids. The kids were screaming sooo laud and their dad with a proud face was just looking and laughing, haaaa haaaa haaaa. It was just unblieveable to me. I walked out right away. 

    OP need to look in mirror and ask himself why such thing should happen? That man never met you before. Perhaps he tries to keep his common living area peaceful as before. 

    In addition, 

    there are crazy farang are out there as well. Hopefully the problem will be solved peacefully. 



  7. 5 hours ago, LaoPo said:


    That's not correct; the Thai seller doesn't know her/his stuff than...


    The PayPal address is just an email account, which could be everywhere in the world, not a shipping address.

    My wife often receives orders* from different email addresses rather than the email PP account and ships to the address the client wants it to be shipped.


    * on a side note: we also order ourselves from eBay and sometimes from Thailand, shipped to Europe; no problem; paid with the PP address as originally used once you register with PP. 

    Many people use a different PP email address rather than their day-to-day email correspondence.



    I'm sorry, but this is not about e-mail address. 

    This about confirmed shipping address. You can have more than one (confirmed shipping address) address on your PayPal account and some sellers may ship the item to those addresses as you chose it at the time of check out, but there is only one confirmed address for every credit card or bank account. 

    The seller could refuse shipping the item to unconfirmed address since the shipping address is not as same as confirmed (billing address) of credit card or bank account. 


    If it is still not correct to you, just forget about the whole thing and do what is correct to you. ?


  8. 5 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    Actually I have no issues obtaining shipment to Thailand using Ebay and PayPal with a US Credit Card having my Thai Address.  There is no need for a Thai bank account for PayPal payment.

    Your Thai PayPal address is not a confirmed address since your US credit card billing address is a US address. PayPal confirm credit card billing address as a confirmed address.


    Perhaps you just better disregard about my post since I'm not sure how it works in Thailand. ?

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