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Posts posted by Foozool

  1. If your paypal account is US address confirmed then the item will go to your US address. 

    I tried to buy an item about $3 from Thailand, but seller did not agree to ship it within Thailand ? since my PayPal account is US address confirmed. 

    If you want the item to be shipped to Thailand then you need to open PayPal with Thai bank account. 

    If you are using a Thai PayPal account then the item will be shipped to your confirmed address in Thailand. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

    Apparently in 2007 these British depositors in Northern Rock didn't forget where they lived and how things worked and rushed to pull out their cash.


    I'm not British, sorry

    perhaps they should consider that. 

    We had Enron and Madoff at the Bush time, but they were not count as "insured banks" by government. 

  3. ***But I think you missed a few: 


    Soap, shampoo, shaving cream, coffee, 


    Snacks? ***


    Great items that OP may not use❗️ 

    But how about girls or maybe, guys ❗️Not dating either one. ?

    There is at least a small cost for that. Or condoms, no condoms❓

    I might be a "cheaper Charlie" to some, but this kind of budget is even beyond my imagination. 


  4. 29 minutes ago, BuddyDean said:


    Seems like the structure attaches to the Chinote....might be a part of the building permit process.  There have been reports of people unsuccessfully trying to separate the structure from the land.  Could almost be considered another grey area, but most land office are aware of maneuvers to avoid taxes.

    I found this: 

    To prevent this rental property tax burden foreigners obtaining a long term lease interest in a property should make sure that they own the house and only lease the land and not lease land and house. Also if they own the property through a limited company the house should be owned separate from the land and the land should be held as an asset in the Thai company, not land and house. When the house on the leased land is owned freehold and owner occupied the house is exempt from housing and land tax.

  5. 15 hours ago, BuddyDean said:

    You have to pay 1% at the land office up front on the rent amount you made up...so maybe they accept 500,000 for thirty..you play 5000, but you are still responsible for rental tax that is usually a skeleton in the closet....and a lot more than 1%.  The Usufruct survives transfer of ownership...but you will pay a lot for the transfer.  It gets quite a bit less after five years.  Also, usufruct is not meant to be used as a way for foreigner to circumvent ownership restrictions on foreigners..it was meant for agriculture land.  Yes, there are rule breakers at various land offices, and the attorneys will know the weak spots at every office.  Not a game I am playing.

    To prevent this rental property tax burden foreigners obtaining a long term lease interest in a property should make sure that they own the house and only lease the land and not lease land and house. Also if they own the property through a limited company the house should be owned separate from the land and the land should be held as an asset in the Thai company, not land and house. When the house on the leased land is owned freehold and owner occupied the house is exempt from housing and land tax.

  6. 10 hours ago, hanssna said:

    Why would this "reputable" but slightly expensive lawyer stop you from building a dream house ? You have a Thai partner, so why not just visiting the land office, and see if you can register a lease ? (Like I did, see my post before yours). Usufruct maybe hard to get, since you're not married ofcourse, and some land offices are reluctunt do do so anyway (they make no money with it, and have a headache if the relationship falls apart) but the 30 y lease is a fine option instead, may cost you 10 or 20k, but there are no more future fees . 

    Is there any annual property tax after you build your house on a leased land ? 

  7. They are not Cambodian-American since they are not US citizens. Some are Cambodians who got their green cards through refugees court and count as legal US residents now. They are not illegal, but I guess something is not right with immigration system in US now. 

    OMG I'm afraid that they don't let me go back home, since my skin is tan by sun now. ?


  8. 35 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


    Trump is still doing his magic each and every day, but you are too blind to see it.


    Look at the market, and earnings and employment figures published lately, and it only can get better.

    Ooooh suuuuure, 

    since you are not blind you will see how he will go down with all his GOP supporters. GOP has lost repetition just because of this clown. 

    My siter is still one of Trump supporters, but you know why? Because she does not want to accept that she has made mistake voting this man. 

    I'm blind but you Keep follow him colsely, the day will come soon. ???

  9. 12 minutes ago, Ruffian Dick said:

    At least he's had more longevity than anyone recently.

    I believe that the N Korean issue is bringing extremists on both sides to bear. Half of the ones who oppose him want to continue the pacifist constitution, the other half want to invade Asia. :ph34r:

    I believe that it is the time for Japan to build own military since China and NK have become real problem in the region. The region needs some balance. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, Media1 said:

    Divorce Cancel amounts to the same thing

    "Divorce" and "cancelling a marriage" are not the same. 

    I don't know how close these words could be in Thai dictionary.

    example: if a marriage get canceled by court, it means the 2 party never been married (for this marriage) and this is very different than a divorce. 


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