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Everything posted by 1happykamper

  1. Are you jealous or just a miserable person? I can't tell which ...
  2. Oh. 5555. You got zero replies. Odd. I thought this would be a good thread. Wrong 555. Did you move into that place? I'm wondering exactly the same. Are lifts working now 555?
  3. Sure they have. I'm selling my Toyota Vios... Maybe I should rebrand it as a Rolls Royce?
  4. Oh FFS Apple. You carry on... these guys are very delicate flowers who really have no clue about the world around them. Personally I thought the loooooong advert was confusing and silly... But in no way bashed Thailand at all.
  5. This guy is nothing but trouble! Why are the rest putting up with this circus act?!
  6. Prison? For 10 years? 😱😱😱🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
  7. Thai is a completely useless language outside of Thailand. Get a grip on reality Thai people!
  8. 🀣🀣🀣 Walking street was closed for nearly 2 years due to covid.. Then it was dug up to repave it.. 2 years ago! 555 So again? Pattaya is one big construction mess
  9. What exactly did the baht bus driver do wrong?
  10. I agree. When I stay in a cheap hotel.. I'm much more concerned about having trouble with Western tourists!
  11. Censorship and xenophobic Thai people is off the hook crazy here.
  12. Nope. I don't live with such paranoia.
  13. Preparing to go out for an evening of fun... beer and girls maybe... I would take cash and maybe my phone. A knife? Why? Why would you do that?
  14. I can't imagine this is true all over Thai borders. Why bother with my non o.... Plus airport arrivals were always classed as a more priveliged way to enter Thailand.. Land crossings were backpacker territory and frowned upon. But... TIT
  15. I've been riding a scooter in Thailand for about 7 years... never in Pattaya and certainly not in Bangkok... Can any of you compare riding in Pattaya/Jomtirn (where I'm moving to) to riding a scooter in Hua Hin? Things appear more hectic in Pattaya... are they? Faster too?
  16. Well sure. I'll be riding for days! From Bang Suray up to Bang Lamung. Plus.. Not so easy to tell the age. I'm surprised such a list doesn't exist from a realtor et al.. No?
  17. Let me see if I can resurrect this old topic... I didn't read all five pages.. But those comments that I did read went on about how solid and wonderful their place was... Without mentioning the name of that building! πŸ™ƒπŸ€¦πŸ» Did anyone make a list of old condo building names in Pattaya?
  18. I had dengue in Thailand... Initially.. No blood test.. Diagnosed with stomach flu. Absolute moro@s . The article states that treatment could have started earlier. As far as I know... There is no treatment for any kind of dengue
  19. ... let me guess.. The battery catches fire which propels the car 2000km
  20. One more low class nut job in Thailand. This place is becoming a joke
  21. People who are not guilty do not take a plane out of Thailand and never return. Ridiculous lawsuit and disrespectful to all Thai people et al to think he is not guilty
  22. This is a good example of how fragile most Thai people egos are. Absolutely disgusting. .. However.. I must always remember this as I go about my day here in the Land of Smiles πŸ™‚ RIP to the victim πŸ™
  23. If I had the kind of money it takes to get that elite visa then why on earth would I choose Thailand as my home? Makes no sense.. Much better places for the rich... ... Unless I was here to commit crimes. Then it would be a good choice.
  24. Actually I agree. Emotions along with being vindictive can make things very bad for that business
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