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Everything posted by 1happykamper

  1. What a surprise. Off topic.. Sorry... What about the removal of alcohol taxes that was announced a while ago? Did that ever go into effect?
  2. Okaaaay. So your post is just... Strange
  3. The gumption? To get a simple haircut? Sure.. Many.. Why not? Please explain clearly your thinking... You're a germaphobic now? Or what? You sit in your room 24/7? I'm curious...
  4. What sort of punishment does your normal.. Not rich... Thai get for such a crime? Ten years in prison? Or more? Thailand needs to change pronto... Enforce the road laws. Patrol the roads. Harsh fines for speeding etc and jail for more serious stuff. It's not rocket science But first... Teach the fkrs how to drive.
  5. Well there you go. Don't get angry. Relax and move your lazy a** and park 50 meters further.
  6. You presume a lot cup cake. I pay plenty of taxes here in LOS...
  7. .. and if I do pay taxes in Thailand.. what will I get in return ? 555
  8. .. and one of the first emoji used is laughter. You think this is funny? Safety is getting worse in Thailand!
  9. Are you high now.. because I find this post hard to understand
  10. Hmmmm... Those "peasants" are probably Thai!
  11. Plenty of Thai beg.. Especially in Bkk. What law is the farang breaking?
  12. Only barking dogs annoy me. And the occasional rice rocket that produces a noise for what seems like 5 minutes! 555
  13. Mushrooms are about to become legal in Thailand. Right? Why the fuss
  14. It's all sorted now thanks. I had subscribed to the daily newsletter by mistake... I switched to the new news 555. Thanks
  15. and how many hours did all that prep work and immigration visits and travel take you? Hence why I use an agent... But the "in and out in 40 minutes" crowd would laugh at me. Yeh right 555 555
  16. Ha. So this is the help forum? Useless Nevermind
  17. I don't see why... If I give a friend my atm card... To get cash.. That's not illegal.
  18. I subscribed to the daily updates... Which consist of many old topics but with recent comments. Zero value to me. Where do I sign up to get new news and topics only? Thanks
  19. Im hoping to get more of a handle of my electrical problem before PEA arrives.. Today? 55. Fingers crossed. My issue started one week ago.. Lights began flickering and aircon compressor noise changed pitch and struggled. Then the flickering went to full on and off mode. I turned the main circuit breaker switch to OFF Next morning... Breakers back on... No issues. Non of my neighbors had issues... So it appeared it was just my problem. Last night... again.. Night time... The issue returned. Exact same events. I worked up early.. 5 am... Turned the breaker to ON... and went outside to check out the pole with my meter and 3 more.. Yikes.... My meter... Was zapping a lot... Which coincided with the flashing light show inside my home. I called PEA. They will be here within 34 hours 5555 555.... However... All is normal again now... Aircon is on as an experiment and zero issues. I have a UPS that supplies power to some electronics... and the UPS is happy My question...why would the shorting sound at the meter and flickering only occur at night.. Sure.. Higher humidity... But it's not that much a difference.. The temperature.. In the sun... is very different. Some lose connection would do this? A lizard fried there would have been done with a week ago... Any additional thoughts? Cheers
  20. .. and 5 people here think this is funny? You must be one of the s*ck f*KS too. Find this guy... Punish him
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