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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. I know I'll get some stick from the Spurs fans but I quite like Harry. Straight up and seems to be a good man manager. He's non too shabby tactically either. IMO of course.

    Oh don't be fooled. They loved him when they thought they might actually overtake Arsenal. Then they hated him again when the harsh glare of reality shone upon them.


    Not so. We always acknowledged the good football we played under him and how well he did for us but we never liked the man.

    He's an old crook right out of the same mould as Terry Venerbles and George Graham

    Personally I like Arry, he is a true character, but calling him an old crook along with TV and GG is surely a very libelous piece of writing ??

  2. Assuming the OP is not a troll, then he is definitely a dog with a bone that he wont let go. Its annoying that when a poster asks for info' or advice then ignores it and carries on like a runaway train.

    Its right about now my sympathies fly firmly out of the window !

    • Like 1
  3. Oh dear sounds painful, for what its worth, and this is in the UK and Europe, they will not accept a foreign drivers licence if its not printed in Roman lettering so my Chinese licence was not acceptable, yet my HK licence was !

    I only applied for a CC to enable me to rent a car or book hotels on line. Car rentals will not let you have a car without a CC as they use that CC to block amounts in case of damages etc not covered by insurance so I think you may be in trouble.

    As for home address, can you not use the address of a family member or friend, just tell them you don't live in the USA but the address you give them you can be contacted at.

    Good luck

  4. Oh dear what a great question. Fight for Thailand, my guess is most faangs in Thailand are here for the easy life, cheap booze, cheap women. Can I or any one else see the keyboard brigade putting their easy lives in danger. No way easy come easy go, and when it gets harder ?.....?..

    • Like 2
  5. Another rich farang being "jai-dee" by handing over his vouchers from 7-11 and his empty bottles to the poor hardworking natives!!

    As for the work-ethics of young Thai ladies, let me just say, I don't share your view. Having had (and still have) 50-60 young ladies working for me at any given time in more than 10 years, my experiece tells me, that they don't even know the meaning of the word work-ethics.

    The ladies you mention (all respect to them) simply don't have a choice!

    Sir, could this be something to do with your man management skills ??

    • Like 1
  6. I've seen a few videos with these moronic US sportsbike groups. It would be interesting to know what happened before the video, there had clearly been some issue between the Range Rover and the bikes before we start watching.

    If I had to guess I'd probably say the bikes were driving like a bunch of idiots with the tough guy pack mentality and the guy in the Range Rover decided he wasn't going to give way/wait/move over or whatever was required of him and it escalated quickly from there.

    Saw a similar bunch of Harley Riders recently in Bangkok. Spread across the whole road, driving slow, talking to each other and generally trying to look cool while holding up traffic etc. Very irritating.

    Not sure what happens to people on bikes when they get in a big group. I've been on a couple of group rides in the past where people start riding like <deleted> just because of a perceived 'safety in numbers'. It's one of the reasons I prefer to ride either alone or in a smaller group...

    how about bully boy antics ?
  7. the reactions to my original post have somewhat surprised me, there are of course the usual's, who didn't read what I wrote carefully and responded to issues that were not there. Then there were the "youre a grumpy old sod, bugger off and take your medication" brigade, then there were those who actually read, absorbed and understood what I was trying to project.

    To those who think I am a sick and boring old fart, let me put the record straight, I am not. I am fully enjoying life, a senior position in a joint venture with a 6 figure USD salary per year. My wife (Chinese) and I own a 6 level Villa in China, she drives a BMW x5, whilst I drive a Hyundai, we owe no one any money we are both very self sufficient. For ,my age I play a pretty mean game of squash, I am fit and healthy and have never taken any medication in my life.

    So with the record now been put straight, I am fully aware that things never stay the same and change is inevitable, however, in the case of Thailand, that expected change has been rather rapid and as a few posters have suggested, Thailand is the best of a bad lot. Has anyone else noticed the number of threads talking about relocating to the likes of Vietnam, Cambodia., the Phils and even Myanmar. Now I wonder why ???? You can turn over any stone or rock and find nasty's underneath, it just seems to me that Thailand has too many stones.To those who think I am a sick and boring old fart

    To those who think I am a sick and boring old fart

    Let me put the record straight

    I am not I am

    Fully enjoying life

    A senior position in a joint venture

    With a 6 figure USD salary per year

    My wife


    She drives a BMW x5

    Whilst I drive a Hyundai

    There you go! Much, much better as a poem.

    Cars of choice to be honest, she purchased the Beemer and I the Hyundai . Driving an expensive car in Asia is asking for trouble. But, horses for courses

  8. A lot depends on where in the country you live. It is still fine in the rural areas that don't attract tourists. Though of course living in same, one is often the only farang around, and you won't find much in the way of western food in the shops. Still it is much more comfortable in small town Thailand now than it used to be...electricity far more reliable, internet available, etc etc. So some places have actually improved.

    Bangkok I agree has gone way downhill in terms of quality of living. And Hua Hin, which was a favorite spot of mine in the early 1980's, is not even a remnant of its old self.

    Have to say though that personally I found Pattaya intolerable even back in 1980.....

    Nice Post Sheryl, but your comments suggest that being isolated is OK for you , however you then go on to say there are no tourist there, which was exactly my point. Tourists in the main = decadence = trouble, and the Thais, quite rightly are very good at taking advantage of, whether its scamming or ganging up en mass on vulnerable but idiot tourists. I wonder what would happen if Thailand banned alcohol, banned prostitution (which is already illegal) and made visas even more difficult - which by the way should include jailing for a minimum of 3 months over stayers. Yes I really do wonder !!!!

  9. Be still my heart...tongue.png

    Gotta be the only man who grew sexier as he aged. As hot in his 60's as he was in his 20's. Maybe hotter. (Thanks be to God for letting him keep his hair!!)

    He seems to lose energy midway through this clip though. Granted it was the last set of the night, but still... He usually jumps into the pit at some point in "Rosalita". When/where is it from?

    Review of a concert in 2012:

    “The morning of this show, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote from

    opening night: “At 62, Springsteen is still a taut package of rugged

    masculinity in tight black jeans and a neat vest and button-down shirt;

    and while he might not slide across the stage on his knees anymore, he’s

    still insanely active.” As if in direct retort, there was Bruce during

    “Sunny Day,” sloshing water on his jeans back at the drum riser and soon

    executing a perfect knee-slide across the stage. Always fine-tuning,

    people. Best not to say there’s something he can’t do anymore — or do

    say that, and then watch him do it.”

    Question of the year. Is Sheryl a Filipina ???


  10. the reactions to my original post have somewhat surprised me, there are of course the usual's, who didn't read what I wrote carefully and responded to issues that were not there. Then there were the "youre a grumpy old sod, bugger off and take your medication" brigade, then there were those who actually read, absorbed and understood what I was trying to project.

    To those who think I am a sick and boring old fart, let me put the record straight, I am not. I am fully enjoying life, a senior position in a joint venture with a 6 figure USD salary per year. My wife (Chinese) and I own a 6 level Villa in China, she drives a BMW x5, whilst I drive a Hyundai, we owe no one any money we are both very self sufficient. For ,my age I play a pretty mean game of squash, I am fit and healthy and have never taken any medication in my life.

    So with the record now been put straight, I am fully aware that things never stay the same and change is inevitable, however, in the case of Thailand, that expected change has been rather rapid and as a few posters have suggested, Thailand is the best of a bad lot. Has anyone else noticed the number of threads talking about relocating to the likes of Vietnam, Cambodia., the Phils and even Myanmar. Now I wonder why ???? You can turn over any stone or rock and find nasty's underneath, it just seems to me that Thailand has too many stones.

    I can think of a fourth reaction. Someone who has carefully read your topic, has a reasonable amount of intelligence but just doesn't understand what you are getting at. You ask "is it me who is - or is it you who is +" . Then you suggest that those who are wet behind the knees, newbies etc will be the pluses, then you tell them not to post, you don't want to hear from them. I just don't get it, but from the tone of your responses to those who don't agree with you or see things from a different perspective I don't hold out any hope of enlightenment.

    And the length of time of membership on TV is really quite irrelevant as to whether a person is a newbie to Asia or not. But for what it is worth I think some things may have gone downhill but I don't live in Bangkok and I don't frequent any of the places you mention any more so I wouldn't really know, I live in the country where things are pretty much the same and wouldn't have it any other way.

    Ok lets try again where you see this sign - replace with negative and this one + replace with positive, in other words I am asking is it me who is negative about Thailand and is everyone else positive. judging from the feedback, it certainly does not appear that everyone is positive.

    And just an aside, please see link from todays Daily Star.......................http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/341000/Princess-Diana-murder-SAS-witness-in-fear-of-his-life.

    The statement ............Thailand’s “ask no questions” culture and low cost of living have been a magnet for runaways for years. unquote Now that says a lot in my humble opinion

  11. the reactions to my original post have somewhat surprised me, there are of course the usual's, who didn't read what I wrote carefully and responded to issues that were not there. Then there were the "youre a grumpy old sod, bugger off and take your medication" brigade, then there were those who actually read, absorbed and understood what I was trying to project.

    To those who think I am a sick and boring old fart, let me put the record straight, I am not. I am fully enjoying life, a senior position in a joint venture with a 6 figure USD salary per year. My wife (Chinese) and I own a 6 level Villa in China, she drives a BMW x5, whilst I drive a Hyundai, we owe no one any money we are both very self sufficient. For ,my age I play a pretty mean game of squash, I am fit and healthy and have never taken any medication in my life.

    So with the record now been put straight, I am fully aware that things never stay the same and change is inevitable, however, in the case of Thailand, that expected change has been rather rapid and as a few posters have suggested, Thailand is the best of a bad lot. Has anyone else noticed the number of threads talking about relocating to the likes of Vietnam, Cambodia., the Phils and even Myanmar. Now I wonder why ???? You can turn over any stone or rock and find nasty's underneath, it just seems to me that Thailand has too many stones.

    • Like 2
  12. my attempted post was to simply point out that Thailand's better days are over


    Sounds like your better days are over too. smile.png

    but how would you know>> another newbie with less than 2 years as a TV member but knows it all. you obviously cannot read. I did ask for answers from the old brigade not newbie <deleted>, and yes Sir you are a newbie, so kindly go back to your vipers nest and don't risk getting bitten. comments from the likes of you are ........................ insert what you want ! TV should open up memberships forum titled " I am new here but I know it all" for sure will fill or become a filled topic full of inexperienced nonsense by those children wet behind the knees

  13. It is the same old story. Nostalgia aint what it used to be. When I was a young bloke and first started touring the Far East, the Old Hands, then, were saying the same things. 'Finished with this lot, things have changed too much, this will be my last trip. I'm getting out, paying off, shove it up your clacker.

    Singapore was like a 2nd home to me once upon a time. I flew back just to visit my old stomping grounds a few years back. Somewhat a bit of a disappointment, the place was gutted, a dust bowl, run down. But that's life. I still enjoyed going there, lots of memories, good memories.

    It is the natural human resistance to change. Honestly, I don't think it has bothered me a hell of a lot, I have coped alright. took it all in my stride. Yeah sure, the good old days were really good, and I love talking about them, and reminiscing, I consider myself fortunate more than anything else. I have had a great life so far. Sometimes in cases like this it is the loss of youth which is harder to cope with more than anything else. And lacking the ability to grow old gracefully and accept things the way they are.

    I was here (Far and SE Asia) every year since I was a teenager, and I have watched and been part of the changing first hand.

    Just be thankful, it seems you have had a decent run and an interesting life. it was never going to stay the way it was. You would have to be a fool to expect so.

    I notice you were with the Gurkhas in HK in 78. We used to spend a fair bit of time in HK in those days, HMS Tamar doing Self Maintenance Periods. In 1978, we were sending our sailors out to join up with you blokes to do Illegal Immigrant Patrols on the border. The XO organised it because he reckoned it would stop the sailors getting bored during an extended period alongside.

    The Bull and bear was a favourite in 78 - When Australian Sailors weren't barred and they would let us in.

    Running around Wanchai as a 16 YO in 1970. Got to be happy with that! Even if Wanchai had never changed. I sure have. LOL.

    Cheer up mate. Life is what you make it. Look back and be happy, not sad.

    cpoc,thanks for your intelligent and polite response, yes I remember the Bull and Bear very well, how about the China Fleet Club?? Yes I can recollect a number of Aussie matelots on Border patrol with us, a real comedy act, bit different to quietly moving around on board a ship, these guys were noisy, but the thing that stands out was the fact that the Kukri boys (great troops) didn't understand a word your guys spoke !!

    I don't understand how most seem to think I am a delusional old fart, I am not, my attempted post was to simply point out that Thailand's better days are over, and what once used to be an exciting posting is now a nightmare, don't be surprised if Myanmar now starts to attract attention.


  14. Motorcycle again, they should be banned or very highly regulated, and before any rider of a sewing machine on wheels pipes up in defense, coming off a 50cc can do the same bodily damage as coming off a 150cc, 250cc, 400cc or 650cc.Especially when kitted out in shorts and flip flops, which I accept the deceased was not wearing.

    Looking at the picture the road does appear to have its fair share of skid marks etc. considering the report mentioned a pick up and a MC were involved, leaves me wondering if this area is a dangerous one, requiring last minute braking.

  15. SAS hero of the mall massacre: Off duty soldier with a handgun saved 100 lives as terrorists ran amok

    • Was having coffee at Westgate mall when it was attacked on Saturday
    • Returned to building a dozen times, despite intense gunfire
    • Sources said the soldier was with the Special Air Service, or SAS
    • Man, who can't be named for security reasons, was pictured with victims.


    Those SAS boys don't mess around...

    Do you reckon he was in Kenya on Safari?

    xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

    Special forces go all over the globe to learn stuff. I think if this guy was ''on duty'' he would have had back up and more ammo on his person. Lets see the full story that comes out of this.

    I doubt he was "on duty" in a shopping mall, but that doesn't mean he was in Kenya on Safari, now does it?

    It is not a secret that the British Army have a number of bases in Kenya and do in fact train the Kenyan military, these are called British Army Training Teams (BATTs). It is also not a secret that in their ranks they have a number of close to retirement SAS members., It is also known that these BATTs members whilst out of camp and off duty, i.e. a days shopping/relaxing in Nairobi, are legally allowed to carry a hand gun. This is possibly the scenario here, SAS chappie enjoying a private quiet coffee on a day off, when the world ignites around him, and he bravely reacted

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