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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. The OP asked "what are the secrets to a happy marriage" And I concur with his statement, but slightly different to what my Father preached to me "Don't sleep on an argument" but reading so many egotistical responses on this thread I have realised that arrogance and not love is obvious.

    These are the people who will be bitching that my Thai wife ripped me off.

    Marriage is a two way street, not as it would appear here whoever drives the bigger vehicle on the street is the Macho, skinny, alcoholic, piss poor financially but still the king because he is non Thai.

    Comeuppance will surely be served and fully deserved.

    Flame if you wish but look in the mirror first

    • Like 2
  2. Come on guys, as an expat for over 35 years I was used to crap TV in HK, Phils but when I relocated to Bangkok 10 years ago True were a godsend. Now things have changed, but they still have brilliant channels, it all depends on your budget. Now I am in China, I still have True legally, but to get over the EPL problem I installed Vietnam and the two marry very well.

    It seems to me that most objectors are those who have been breastfed and are out of their comfort zone and living on very small budgets, which to me is worrying if that is the standard of posters today. I am not knocking, merely observing so flaming is not necessary.

  3. Some advice please.

    I have been running a profitable legal company in Bangkok for nine years, 18 months ago, my Chinese wife and I opened another company in China, during this 18 month period, my Bangkok office has been run by my Thailand manager.

    I have recently realised that my Thai visa runs out next month, whilst my work permit expires in November, with this in mind I need to renew my visa before returning at the end of October to renew my work permit.

    I fully realise that things change over time and many Thai Consulates interpret rulings differently, so with this in mind, can anyone in the know recommend a Consulate that issues 12 month visas without the need to jump through hoops.

  4. He should have known that very strong reasons for taking custody away from the birth mother are needed in most countries and Thailand is no different. Also it is not the Embassy that can arrange for that anyway. It is the Thai courts.

    I can see nothing in this report that states the daughter was born to a Thai mother, nor do I see any reference that the mother and daughter are actually in Thailand.

  5. "no wounds were found on his body, making it clear that he had died from a heart-related disease.

    WOW these Thais are good. Just by looking at the body, no wounds or marks on the exterior so the cause of death is heart decease. In the west, being backward as it is, they still have to really on the old fashioned method called autopsy to establish a cause.

    It's a news report .... From Pattaya One ... No one said there would be no autopsy or that the death certificate would be signed by the reporter from Pattaya One.

    Wow, these farangs are good. Just by seeing something in print, it must be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth no matter the track record of the source.

    I'm surprised that the forensic experts at Thai Visa haven't started in again about railing heights on Thai balconies being at fault.

    And the adequacy of those old fashion methods in the west is dubious anyway. I guess CSI and Bones on TV doesn't reflect reality.

    A quarter of reports on autopsies requested by UK coroners are poor or unacceptable, concludes an audit of coroners' autopsy practice. The audit report calls for national criteria and standards to improve the quality of autopsies.

    The report reviewed coroners' autopsies from one week in May 2005 in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Guernsey, Jersey, and the Isle of Man. Scotland was not included because it operates under a different legal system.

    I wasn't serious, it was sarcasm.thumbsup.gif

    Look up on anywhere you want on the deaths of 3 hopeful SAS recruits. Heat if you are not used to it triggers all sorts of problems

  6. The biggest Chinese bashing thread ever.

    Surprising really, considering we are all supposed to be married to them. sad.png

    Not sure what you mean by that, but it is well known that I have a brain melt down around this time every day !.

    I am actually married to a Chinese business lady with offices in Bangkok and China, very intelligent to boot, speaks Fluent Chinese (of course), English, Russian and Thai. She drives a Honda SUV in Thailand and a BMW X5 in China.

    She cringes when travelling on aircraft with Mainland tour groups on board. Point I make not all Chinese are the same.

    Of course Thailand is very popular with the Chinese, and we realize that to make things calm these peasants need help, and there have been many times my wife and I have filled out tour groups landing cards for them. On one flight from HK to BKK after filling out their forms, when wheels down on final approach one prat decided it was time to go for a pee. Cabin crew were all belted up. I said rather military fashion "Sit Down". A voice from the back belonging to a crew member shouted 'Thank You Sir" and the guy shot back into his seat. Then they all shook my hand when exiting aircraft.

    Are they Peasants, Are they Arrogant or are they really deep down inside nervous of losing face ?

  7. I was a tour guide myself for many years, so I can understand the driver getting upset.

    Tour guides need to learn the culture of countries that tourists come from. I used to have a lot of problems dealing with Chinese myself, until an Asian co worker told me that Chinese only respect people that are strong and stand up for themselves. Once I understood this I had no more problems with Chinese tourists.

    hmmm the driver did stand up for himself AND ?

  8. Come to Thailand and get her a HOT MERCEDES (as in STOLEN).Then have your way with her a few times on the last night..fake a call that there is a Family emergency in Indiana ( where I think you are really from) and right before your plane leaves,,Rat her out to the Coppers and be sure and tell them there is cash and drugs in her apartment...and the in the seats of her stolen Mercedes...and that she has CD's of herself doing Porn in her computers and telephone and cameras..they will "confiscate" all electronics and lock her up...lol. Thank you for the e mini-book it is the 112,000th time I heard similar cases...but always good for a laugh.

    Maxpratt what an idiot you and a lot of posters are. I have been in Asia since 1977 WORKING LEGALLY and have seen this many times in THAILAND (10 years) Philippines (6 years) Indonesia 2 years) and China (4 years) .

    I believe, understand and accept what the OP says and have seen it before and can understand what the OP fears. Your comments show you as a total prick with no experience in Asia. Another dangerous idiot and pretender.

    Eleven posts lol

    • Like 1
  9. Here in China, a Cider called Sandford Orchards from Devon is making huge waves, its a brilliant and award winning Cider. I know the importer, if anyone is interested PM me.

    Anyone who thinks Magners or Strongbow is Cider then they are deluded, nothing more than Chemicals.

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