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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. If anyone can give the required info I would be grateful. i live in a Mooban off Chaeng Wattana Road, very close to Tesco and Makro. Unfortunately, apart from two dogs and my helper the house is not occupied as I am in China.

    Does anyone know if this area is vulnerable this time round, or does anyone have "eyes on" information

    Many thanks

  2. Hangzhou ? Never heard of it. Will do some searching online about it.

    What about Chengdu or Kunming ? I heard good things about both ...

    Hong Kong is too much expensive for me.

    Taiwan is a location i've been thinking about already actually. It seems an enjoyable place to live and of course chinese is spoken there.

    Seoul is boring ? Really ? In wich way ?

    Chiang Mai is actually a nice and cheap place as well, it's true. But i'm afraid to get bored after a while.

    Why would i want to live in Bangkok ? Well mostly because i like big cities and also because there is lots of things to do.

    Cultural events, shopping, easy transportation to everywhere around....

    I have lived and worked in Asia for the last thirty odd years, Manila for 6, Thailand for 8, HK for nearly 20 and now China. I relocated with a job from Bangkok to Kunming, and to be honest was really happy to leave thailand, 8 years was enough. Kunming is actually closer by air to BKK than HK but was very disappointed in it. To be honest the climate is perfect, hence the name "spring City", but it is at quite a high altitude which gave me headaches. The City itself is not too inviting, the Expats there struck me as the back packer type.The roads are jammed full of electric scooters and driving is a nightmare.

    Whilst in KM I travelled extensively on business, including such places as Chengdu and Chongching but neither rocked my boat.I am presently based in Dongguan which I am enjoying, but not too sure about how others would find it.

    In your case I would suggest China but in such places as Shenzhen (Shekou) or Zhuhai, where its a literal walk accross the border to HK or Macao respectively. Good infrastructures, International bars restaurants, satellite TV and temperate climates. Both have domestic airports.

  3. Hi Durianfan. You are discussing the worlds biggest hoop jumping situation, if you think Thailand is bad, then you have a huge surprise coming.

    The requirements to obtain a Chinese Visa change by the second. I am almost sure you will not get your g/f a 1 year multi entry tourist visa, you may have better luck with a six month, but whether they give her multi, double or single entry is the luck of the draw. However what ever she gets, she is only allowed to stay in China for 30 consecutive days, she then has to depart and re-enter for another 30 days if she has more than a single entry.

    You state you will be working 'up north" which means probably for other visa reasons she would have to go to HK, where she doesnt need a visa, every 30 days and domestic air tickets are not cheap.

    I had to jump these same hoops 36 months ago when I left BKK to work in Kunming and now Dongguan, luckily I got my Z visa and now I have residence and work permits. Thats the next set of hoops you are going to have to jump through and I wish you luck.

    Another poster mentioned HK as being visa friendly for China. I am not sure as I believe recently the rules changed (yet again) and applicants in HK must hold a HK ID card.

    I wish you luck

  4. It depends on where you are going in China. If youre flying directly into China then a Visa is required and needs to be got from Chinese Consulate. If youre flying into HK first and then crossing into China I believe it is possible to get a Visa on arrival, but very unreliable.

    Strongly suggest you get a Visa in Bangkok or wherever you are

  5. I would be very interested to learn more about Harrow. I have heard both good and bad stories but would like an opnion from someone currently using their services.I originally believed that Harrow was a feeder for Harrow UK, but I understand Harrow UK is a boys only school yet Harrow Thailand is mixed

  6. Egg tarts are actually Chinese, or rather from Hong Kong, to which the Portuguese brought them where they are called Dan Tan, which also mean 'idiot tart'

    KFC is merely doing an overly fatty version of the real Mac Coy, which like most of KFC's recipes is just another way to sell you fat salt and sugar to make the people fatter and more unhealthy everyday. Thanks to KFC Burger King and Mc Donald, Thai are getting fatter everyday.

    Go to China town and get the real deal !

    Almost right, try Macao not HK and yes they are the real deal, living a short distance from Macao I get more than my fait share

  7. Another thing...if you have a cast it must be split before the flight.

    Actually this post is worth noting, I dont know of the legalities of splitting the cast, but, a number of years ago I broke my ankle in 5 places and the cast was up to me knee. The accident happened in Singapore and I had to fly back to HK. I was a gold card holder with Cathay, they kindly upgraded me to business class. The cabin crew warned me that during the flight, my ankle and leg would swell due to the altitude etc etc. Boy were they right it was agonising, so much so that the Captain authorised the cabin crew to break into the emergency medical box to give me medication that knocked me out.Never ever again would I fly with a solid cast.

  8. I was at the VFS office in Shenzhen only this morning and asked the same questions. was told that the facial picture taken will actually be printed on the visa placed in the passport. My Chinese partner asked why she should go through all of the biometric recordings again after having done the same 3 years ago. Answer facial features can change for a number of reasons including facial surgery !!

    Suggest nose job is put on the back burner

  9. If it's just an account that you get from KSC dialup or similar, you only receive a 25MB storage limit. So it's quite conceivable that 850 emails can fill your account.

    Sign in to into your webmail account, click on SPAM. At the top of the page there is a Delete button, next to it there is a More button. Click on the triangle next to the More button and choose Select All. Now you can click on Delete.

    Repeat the exercise in your Trash Folder.


    Many \thanks for your reply/ies however for reasons i cannot fathom out it will not allow me to click on spam, when I do nothing happens or opens. Dont know what to do as for sure my box is full. I have tried using a secondary mail to contact KSC but no answers.

  10. If this is in the wrong forum my apologies and mods feel free to move.

    I have noticed that my incoming mail on KSC.th.com has literally dried up over the last two days. I logged onto my account and notice that the format has drastically changed, however I did find a message saying my box was overloaded and on further checking I find I have over 850 spam mails in the spam box.I clicked onto the spam box but it refused to open and I can find no way to delete these unwanted beasts.

    Does anyone have the method to clean up my spam box please. To be honest the new system in my opinion is not very user friendly at all. I am based in China and so far have been a failure in trying to contact KSC direct, hence this urgent plea for assistance.

  11. I started a high profile job in China a year ago, to get the required residence / work permits here I had to undergo a very extensive medical examination.

    At that time I was told that my blood pressure was on the high side and was advised to take medication if it got worse. Well a year on and I feel the problem is getting worse with the occasional headaches, I am prepared to take medication but am loathe to visit a Chinese hospital for an examination only to be told what I know already.

    I am not putting myself on the shooting gallery to be told by all and sundry that I need a medical blah blah blah, all I am asking is, does anyone know of medication that can help and can I buy it over the counter at a reputable chemists in Hong kong where I intend to visit this weekend. Many thanks

  12. I had a huge rat problem in Manila, huge as a problem and huge animals, no way round it once caught had to drown them. For those who have a rat problem, especially in Thailand beware of snakes that enter into the feeding equation.

  13. The total removal of muslim prayer rooms. the jews, Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, et al are not catered for so why the discriminations. and by the way the use of the words Muslim Prayer rooms is false, last time i stuck my nose into one out of curiosity, I didnt see any bums in the air just loads lolling around reading and smoking !

  14. h

    Ryan Giggs

    Sorry rebbu, not possible it states an ex english International (Giggs is Welsh) and has played for a number of top Premier teams. I believe giggs is a one club player


    My apologies this picture certainly looks like Ryan Giggs which goes against the description of the person involved. On other web sites the name Glen Jonhson is being bandied about

  15. What does it involve?

    A Premier player who has played for a number of big clubs as well as for England, a married/attached man with kids had an affair with a TV Star, even went as far as suggesting they would marry. Then got cold feet and took out a court injunction gagging the publication of his name.

    Sad thing is the lady he was involved with has been hung out to dry.

    Its all over the UK media but no names mentioned. Its all over twitter apparently where he has been named but I am not a user of Twitter,he has also filed a law suit against Twitter for allowing his name to be published, but failed as the injunction only applies in the UK minus scotland

  16. Over the last week Twitter and the likes are inundated with the name of the footballer involved in a gagging order. Yesterday a Scottish Newspaper supposedly published a name and a picture (with the eyes blacked out)and did so legally as the gagging order only applies to England and wales.

    So any one on here have any ideas of who this coward is ?

  17. Thai business lounges have really dropped off over the last 5 years, the Thai first lounge is excellent but my favorite lounge now is the NEW Cathay business, excellent food and wines, free massage, internet etc etc etc...Qantas was really good until they allowed the Jetstar "star class" trash in there :whistling:

    NEW Cathay lounge ? where is it located, the only one I know of is near gate D and I thought it very poor

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