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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. I am at a loss to understand why people Re posting comments that are just ridiculous, I was not blocking the road, I was behind 3 cars!

    Mate you are missing the pint. You, cyclists and Soi dogs are at the very bottom of the food chain and very vulnerable to the egotistically driving higher up the food chains to you. Let me put it another way, if you were driving a BMW x5 or a Range Rover, would you be subjected to the same disdain ? I think not

  2. They simply don't accept bikes using the street. They think all bikes have to use the side lane (hard schoulder) or at least drive as far to the left as possible. Thats all. If such idiot comes and you cannot overtake, its best to slo down and let him pass. If not ... well now you know what happens then smile.png

    Any where in Asia its the pecking order and relates to size, you with a small sewing machine on wheels are the bottom of the shit heap. Not being personal, but I really do not understand why people such as yourself ride them, even more so with a child on the back !!

    Here in China I road test huge 6x6 Airport Crash tenders weighing 30 tonnes, do I have your problems, hell no, the usually aggressive container trucks and buses steer clean away.

    Ditch your sewing machine on wheels and drive something more protective. as an aside, you mentioned you wore a helmet, did the 11 yo ??

  3. All very nice and we can all play the card of innocense meanwhile sometimes the laws are not as clear as they can be. Besides, which foreigner in the UK or the rest

    of Europe needs to show either 800.000B or has to get married to stay longer than a little while. I still feel a lot for the eye for an eye policy: If you can't own a house here. Thais should not be able to own one in your country until they change the law. If you can't stay here for a prolonged holiday unless you pay through your nose for it, do the same to the Thais abroad. If you can't own a car on a tourist visa, do the same abroad to the Thais. If you need to report every three months to police....etc etc. See how that feels. We all know that lots of Thais own numerous houses (read: Villas) and cars in our countries of origin. But that all seems to be ok and fine.

    Totally off topic and totally irrelevant. Like it or not the rules are the rules, break them at your own discretion. Where is self honesty and regard for discipline in this world these days. If it were me to decide on results such as this, then I would suggest the minimum of a 3 month confinement. Then we will see how these "arrogants would possibly change their attitudes.

    Try these tricks in China and see then how important you think you are


    • Like 2
  4. After sitting all these years, the condition of these trucks and boats will be rubbish.

    Maybe its time to start getting bids for more equipement whistling.gif

    Better still take all possessions from those responsible and use the proceeeds to refurbish the trucks.

    Add a few life sentances in for good measure.

    Sorry T I T nothing will happen blink.png

    I cannot comment on the units parked up in Laem Cha Bang, but the units parked up at a Fire companies Workshop in Sai Noi, are started daily. Fire pumps are engaged and all operational equipment tested monthly, the units are cleaned every week.

    These could be used operationally now.

    • Like 1
  5. I am watching Sky news on CTH at the moment. No problem.

    What you mean is that you are watching replay after replay with a few adverts thrown in ! or are CTH different to all others who show Sky News

    I think that is the idea of 24hr news channels - you can turn it on at your convenience and catch up with the news headlines.

    Agreed, but pretty damn boring a rolling cycle. I prefer BBC or CNN where they don't do this, but if need be break in with "Breaking News"

  6. If she has ILR, then that's it; she can remain in the UK even though your marriage has now broken down. Unless you can prove that she obtained her ILR by deception, i.e. used your marriage as a means of obtaining her ILR and had no intention of remaining with you once she had achieved this. Difficult to prove.

    If u are married in the uk she can claim half of everything

    She can claim, but maintenance and division of assets following divorce in the UK is determined by the court.

    See Money and property when a relationship ends

    You have no children and she is working, so unlikely that she will get any maintenance. If she has never contributed to the marital home she's also unlikely to be given any of your assets. But you should speak to a solicitor about that.

    OP, go for it, immigration, explain stuff. My chum did I\

    Like thousands of chancers, Filipina, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, she will have dropped off the Radar. just watch UK Border agency on YouTube. Its a joke. Of course she is being assisted and you are likely a dead man walking unless you front up and fight back


  7. It's more a psychological measure so that other passengers from the same airline are not too scared when they see the crashed plane.

    This is classic:


    Coincidentally, the crashed plane was a flight from BKK to HKG, operated by Mandarin for China Airlines. I had a friend on the flight, and after the movement stopped, and he was suspended upside down, just before he undid his seat belt he turned to his girl friend and said: "This is going to hurt." He was uninjured, though.

    again Typhoon weather related. HKIA is a very difficult airport due to windshear

  8. Flight from China the injured were more than likely standing trying to get there luggage out of the overhead.

    moe 666 yes you are probably correct, but their actions were not responsible for the incident. Please note the word incident not accident. General consensus of opinion from those that don't guess, pretend to know, speculate, post on subjects they know FA about , in other words get some egotistical pleasure about seeing their names in print even tho their comments are embarrassing and instant experts they are not. Oh where was I? Oh yes general consensus is that the plane did not "skid" off the runway, and no it didn't land too far down the perameter, quite simply, the nose wheel was not in the correct lined up position, i.e straight, meaning the aircraft steered itself off the run way and no the nose wheel did not collapse.

    Ingress of <deleted> etc from the soft ground was the probable cause of the engine fire, and guess what Fire services were there very quickly to extinguish. The Cabin crew performed well by opening the slides opposite the fire area. A text book evacuation.

    Now here is the question that needs to be answered, and that is, did the 4 bar ranker in the sharp end realise that the nose wheel was not aligned, which caused the aircraft to steer off, or not. Was this pilot error ??? watch this space

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  9. What's is happening with Thai Airways? Last time it was at Hong Kong.

    I think the incident on approach to Honk Kong was probably not the fault of Thai. Sounds like they ran into some jet wake from another aircraft which happens often at this stage even though the tower tries to prevent it. Most likely the passengers were just not wearing their seat belts when they were supposed to and went flying about the cabin. When I was a flight attendant I found myself up off the floor on more than one occasion during approach due to jet wake. Luckily my passengers were all buckled in and only the crew was left hanging on for dear life.

    The turbulence related incident was not an accident, the weather conditions were caused by a number of factors including x winds etc. These were all attributed to a passing typhoon. a Hong Kong Airlines A320 en route from Phuket flight had the same problem on the same day. Both aircraft were on final approach.

  10. can trailand registered truck go to China via Laos? How is the road condition? How come I was advised to use Vietnam route in order to go into China?

    Volks where is your intended destination in China ? I live, work and drive in China, roads conditions i.e Expressways are excellent but other roads rather worrying. I assume your vehicle is RHD ? if it is then I am convinced you will have problems as the driving standards here are abysmal

  11. There has been a lot of traffic regarding satellite/ Cable TV since True lost the EPL, and I have mentioned before the Vietnam option. I do not have any affiliations at all with Vietnam apart from being a satisfied customer. Please check out the following K+ link and make your own decision. I am getting this legally in China so it must be available to Thailand, which is closer to Vietnam than where I am located.


  12. If push came to shove, the Chinese Government could black ban travel to Phuket and/or Thailand just to prove a point.

    It wasn't to long ago that the USA wasn't an approved destination.

    The Chinese put a black travel alert on the Philippines after those Chinese tourists will killed by the bozo

    policemen on their " rescue" plan. But my understanding is that Chinese tourists still go there, so clearly

    these alerts do not have a whole lot teeth in them. But yeah , it would be a bit of a wake up call to Phuket

    to have a travel ban put on them. I personally think that Phuket has lost the plot, and at this point it does

    not really matter what they do. Would be curious to know if Phuket or Pattaya gets the lion share of

    Chinese ire over mistreated tourists.

    If my memory serves me right, it was Hong Kong who imposed the black travel warning so it was aimed at HKSAR passport holders not PRC, however Honkies still visit the Phils, albeit in lesser numbers, so it really is an advisory not a blanket ban. As for PRC holders not being allowed to depart China without a valid visa in their passport, is not strictly true, up to about 18 months ago, this was being reported, but it appears that lately, this has been relaxed. Of course as China is such a huge country, it is not unusual for the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing

  13. Does anyone have information on getting from Macau to Guangzhou?

    I'm planning on flying from CNX early next year, and it seems an easier connection than hanging around BKK for hours to get to Guaungzhou.

    Because of the short distance from Macao to Guangzhou, I would not think there any flights. Another option is to take the train, but to do that you will have to cross the land border into Zhuhai, which is a very long walk, and with luggage difficult. Perhaps your best option is to fly into HK, take a bus or MTR to Hunghom and take the fast train from there to GZ

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