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Posts posted by lucky11

  1. 2 minutes ago, chrisyork said:

    Head's reporting of the Army takeover has been wrong headed and lacking in understanding of Thailand from the start. He continues to apply western values to a situation in which they simply don't work. Instead of explaining Thailand he has spent his efforts throwing bricks and misrepresenting what the authorities have been trying to achieve.

    Sure, there are occasions where that IS a good idea.... But overall, a reporter's first responsibilty is to facts. Their second is then to context and understanding. On those scores he's a disgrace to the profession.

    I'm shocked it has taken Thialand this long to do something about him.

    The particular crime he's accused of is a neat fix for this situation. The issues are neatly distant from anything of consequence. Yet have the potential to do him serious damage.

    I don't expect to read too many more of his reports from Thailand.

    Spot on!!

  2. 2 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    My experience (though this does not prove much, as I have not done a nationwide survey) is that the Thais who hate Jonathan Head are those who adore the junta, think the bulk of the Thai population has no right to a vote (because they are uneducated buffaloes who do not know what is good or bad for their country), and those Jonathan Head-haters also happen to be earning a very nice salary themselves, thank you very much. It's the 'I'm all right, Jack' syndrome, Thai-style!

    Biased journalists who support fugitives and irresponsible politicians that have done untold damage to Thailand and it's economy should be barred from reporting - fake news doesn't have a place in society (ask Mr. Trump). 

     Anyone has the right to file a defamation case against another - agree with this?

  3. Just now, LannaGuy said:

    "Thai's hate him"  say's who?  your next door neighbor?  most Thais are unaware of him or the BBC or do you mean the Junta because of his fair and consistent reporting?  great journalist, ex president of foreign correspondents club and respected WIDELY. 

    Not by me - he is biased and adores Yingluck and Thaksin. Should have been booted from Thailand ages ago.

  4. 13 hours ago, misterphil said:

    He is withdrawing his cash in the UK from an ATM in Thailand. This is a very expensive way of getting his cash. Using this is only 1% so what your quoted is what you get. 


    What has the crap you mentioned got to do with what he is doing? 




     I was planning to send 20,000 GBP to Thailand with this lot and couldn't because the solicitor didn't have an account with them so couldn't do the transaction through them. I tried, unsuccessfully to persuade her to open an account for this purpose but to no avail. I looked at what I would have received if they had been able to do the transaction using them on the day the transfer was to be made and noted it down. I waited with trepidation at how much I was going to lose through going through a bank and when I got a message from my Thai bank detailing how much I received it was nearly 10,000 Baht MORE than Transfer wise would have given me. Scamsters!!!

  5. On 12/17/2016 at 6:42 PM, Baerboxer said:


    It does but the driver here is HMRC and EU. The former are putting off-shore providers under pressure to make sure they check more and more about their clients - proof of ID; proof of address; proof of source of assets held with them and income; and now this. They want to transfer the onus of checking to the account provider as they don't have the staff themselves. 


    Therefore, even though they know your current address, and you may have been out of the UK for years of which they've been aware; they are asking that you fill this in. If not, they will assume you are still resident for tax purposes in the UK (which you may be under the new points scheme depending on your personal circumstances) and automatically provide HMRC with your account details and interest each year.


    This is about them covering their <deleted> should HMRC ask. The old "look we've got a signed form and a TIN for country x" defense. 


     I haven't received one - I guess they are not concerned about my status.


  6. On 12/17/2016 at 11:39 AM, Linzz said:

    Obama said it best that he talk directly to Putin over his concerns about Russian interference. Obama said he told Putin to "cut it out".  Glad to see the President of the United States stand up and make things crystal clear. I imagine Putin went back to his wife quite upset.


     I don't, I bet he found it difficult to hide his smirk!!


  7. 1 minute ago, Savilesghost said:

    And this is the thing, you havent severed all ties with UK, as your maintaining a bank account there, if you couple that with spending "excessive" amounts of time in UK in a tax year, and you have direct family living there, HMRC can get it in their heads you are resident for tax in the UK and come looking for you


    The whole resident/non resident for tax thing was changed in 2013 and its gone beyond just the number of days spent in the UK in any given tax year 


    I read of a case some time back of a British pilot, who was resident in South Africa, who had a flat near heathrow which he stayed in on his layovers, he claimed non residency in UK for tax puposes, and the HMRC nailed his a@se to the wall because of the flat near Heathrow





     The tax authorities are fully aware of my situation and I never spend more than 30 days in the UK in a single year - I haven't been back for 2 years.

     The address that my bank account is registered to is completely severed from me. My two brothers are the owners now so I have no investments, property and zero financial ties with the UK.

     The only thing I have, other than family there now is my bank account with the Nationwide, so no worries for me.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Trump has JUST filled his cabinet with lobbyists!!! They are ALL the old breed.


    Are you losing your senses?


     If he is not the president elect - then who is? I could have sworn that he won the election.


     If he has filled his cabinet with lobbyists it just shows that the Democracy in the US is still absent. What a cheek they have when they harp on about Thailand saying they need democracy when they need to address their own situation first!!

  9. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    My bold. "Let him learn the ropes" - Are you serious? Is the desire to support Trump come what may so strong that you actually endorse letting Trumps bankruptcy lawyer 'Learn the ropes' in an Ambassadorial role in the Middle Easts hottest location. Did being Bankruptcy Lawyer for Trump and K Mart somehow imbue this man with the knowledge of defence and diplomatic issues required, or is his skill set more in line with letting unethical business people know how to screw the little guy over and over again.


    "He MIGHT be quite good" - and what are the consequences if he is not? Do you think Mr Friedman will be working for the USA or rather to line the pockets of him and his number 1 client?  The world is going absolutely mad.


     Until you get rid of the lobbyists in your government the US will never be Democratic. Let Trump do it his way - after all, he is the President elect, help from the Russkies or not!! I like to see the old guard turfed out and the new breed put in.

  10. 1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

    " A bankruptcy attorney with no diplomatic experience..."

      Trump ever use him in his multiple bankruptcies? Trump goes out of his way to choose people without experience or training in naming to positions. Would hate to have anyone with more than himself, perhaps


     I think it's refreshing not to have a government robot in this position. I am all for plain speak and not the crap that they spout as a mouthpiece for he government.

     ALL diplomats had no experience at one time so what's different here. Let him learn the ropes, you never know, he might be quite good given his background.

  11. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    Didn't David win that battle?  LOL


     Maybe, but he won't be victorious in this one.


     What is all the fuss about - Obama said that he wanted his government to be more transparent than any before. Surely, releasing information that should be out there in the public domain is a good thing regards this. If Clinton had nothing to hide she needn't worry. If what was revealed caused her to lose the election when she was absolutely nailed on to win it, then what was revealed in those emails must have been more than a tad dodgy!! Everything about her was dodgy anyway (especially her scam foundation) and I am glad that Trump won and seems to hold little regard for all of the 'president speak' nonsense. 

     Let us have a conviction President that is not subservient to big pharma, big food and corporate interests.


  12. 1 minute ago, al007 said:


    Using ATM is expensive maybe you have internet banking and transfer to Bangkok bank in London they will send it to your Bangkok bank sterling foreign currency account here in Thailand, cost around 20 pounds plus a little, so do it once a month


     The thing is, sometimes I like to keep it in the UK for holidaying In the UK, plus,  because I retired so early (51) my pension isn't that much and it would end up costing me more doing it this way rather than through ATM withdrawals.

  13. 2 minutes ago, DiDiChok said:

    I noted a clever change in the terms and conditions when I renewed my UK photocard Driving Licence recently, in that you sign to confirm that you are a UK resident.  It would be a shame if you thought you were non-resident and tripped up over that one.


     I cant drive - never bothered to learn to and my Thai wife drives. I will be 60 in January and my younger brother who also cannot drive is 56.

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