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Posts posted by lucky11

  1. 1 minute ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Yes great idea let's do what a farang wants. Screw the thousands of rice farmers who will have no income not being able to afford your nice niche strains of rice but you will be happy.


    OK, what do you think they should do - oh, sorry, they shouldn't be taking advice from a farang so you had better not reply. Just let them carry on with what they are doing but without subsidies and outside help as I don't like my taxes going towards farmers who are a liability for the country!! They should do what their children are doing and turn their back on rice farming and get a proper job that provides an income!!

  2. 1 minute ago, sjaak327 said:


    Right, because executing a policy backed up by 300 elected members of parliament is so much worse than staging a coup and executing policies without any mandate whatsoever. I can think of quite a few persons deserving an impeachment and lenghty jail term, but we all know an amnesty enshrined into their own provisional constitution, carried over to the next one, will prevent that.


    Oh the irony !


     ......and you would have preferred to see Thailand bankrupted by a selfish tycoon criminal that bought his way to power and then repeated it with his (zero) political experienced young sister that was so far out of her depth that she drowned on the same day she took over the reigns!!

  3. 2 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    Yeah, that impeachment (for an office holder that had already vacated her position !) was a text book example of how not handle such cases. Thailand's illegitimate rubber stamp parliament called the NLA did impeach her. Not a single member of that parliament actually received a vote from the Thai electorate.


    Don't worry, since that was in january 2015, if the junta drag their feet just long enough, she won't be banned anymore :D


    You can be impeached after leaving office and there was no one more deserving of this than Yingluck!!


  4. 5 minutes ago, fstarbkk said:


    And apparently she got her money back at Fashion Island = Massive amount of completely free PR!


    .......and where exactly is that going to get her?? the whole episode is a complete joke.

     Why doesn't she shave her head and don white robes - perhaps her extreme vanity prevents this!!

  5. 39 minutes ago, Goingmad said:

    Point is that she did help farmers. And people got rice for a good price; or it would not have sold out in 50 minutes.

    PR stunt maybe. But she is a smart lady.  Government now will have the same problem as her government. Rice brought in from other countries, and sold as Thai Rice; paying more then the world rice price ; and rice being stockpiled for years.



     I'm really happy that she has resolved all of the ongoing problems with the rice. Not bad for an afternoons work!!

  6. 22 minutes ago, fruitman said:


    Exactly! Don't compete on the worldmarket for price, go for high quality and let them pay for it.  Brown rice can be nice if accompied by a nice fatty sauce/sidedish  like coconutmilk curry. Just sell that curry as well and use fresh herbs only and sell it as a paste.


    Rubber can also be sold abroad if made into good quality products...


    Too sensible for Thais' I'm afraid.

  7. 13 minutes ago, baboon said:

    Your pathological hatred of the woman blinds you to the fact that it is a PR stunt which is working, in no small part by using your hatred against you. Can't you see that?


     Oh yes, it is really affecting my life, it will never be the same again!! She has really outwitted everyone with her stunningly effective genius PR stunt that is bound to get the government drop their demands for 35+ billion Baht on account of the protests from people who were chuffed to get cheap rice at basement price levels!! You know how Thai's love discounts.

  8. 4 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    Thai's helping Thai's. I do not know what she bought it for or what she sold it for. But I do know some farmers were able to sell 10 tonnes of rice. To me that is what the whole thing is about,the farmers selling their rice for enough so they can survive.


     No it's not, its a pathetic publicity stunt designed to make her appear sincere and caring when she is anything but the sort. She used the rice farmers as her poodles and they are stupid enough to get suckered into it, again!! Crass woman that would sell her granny to help her cause!! I hate her and everything she stands for!!

  9. Hallelujah!! The sooner Thailand loses it's no. 1 exporter of rice tag the better. They should ban the use of chemical fertilisers and use of all 'cides' of any description and grow organic niche strains and keep them as brown rice instead of removing the goodness and turning it into nutrient free pure simple carbohydrate!!

  10. 3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


    What's your point?  Why single out the USA? Nothing is stopping  Thailand from undertaking  research, except the fact that Thailand would rather fund the purchase of submarines, or the salaries of more generals than it needs etc. You do understand that there are other countries in the world besides the USA, many of whom are in better financial shape, don't you? Direct your question to Qatar, or the UAE. How about China? They can do something,but they instead prefer to steal the  innovations from others.


     You miss my point - pharmaceutical companies are interested only in making money. They cannot heal people so they use doctors to peddle synthetic drugs that succeed in keeping people ill and increasing their illnesses through side affects. Essentially, they do not want to cure people but make life time customers. The CEO of one of the major pharma companies even stated this as fact!! When will people wake up and realise that cures lie in natural substances, primarily plant based (in) the food we eat (real whole foods). I say when, but with FB and other social media, people are finally waking up. Why use Metformin when chromium picolinate, which is a natural trace mineral that has been depleted from our soil and is lacking in our diet does a far better job on type 2 diabetes without side affects. I'm not going to mention chemo as against so many natural ways that work by attacking the 2% stem cells that proliferate cancer by various means to eradicate the cancer for good (cure it) and not obliterate every cell it comes into contact with as chemo does (without curing it).

     This is my point, the whole medical industry tells lies and provides false hope and doctors are simply the disseminators of such information and sales reps for big pharma, trained up in their heavily sponsored teaching universities where they spend 99% of the time being taught what pills are for what and not taught about nutrition and the immune system!! Why would they? Do the first one sensibly and look after your immune system and you won't be ill - their customers would dry up in no time and no industry wants that to happen!! Think about it, educate yourself, empower yourself and start regaining your health. It's what I did and I am rejuvenated!!

  11. 9 minutes ago, wprime said:


    Interesting, here's the source for anyone interested:



     Bearing in mind the horrendous side affects of chemo (a carcinogen in itself) that always gives you more aggressive cancers later in life has been shown to be ineffective against the 2% of stem tumor cells that proliferate cancers and you can see why so many natural cures work whereas conventional methods don't and never will. The average 5 year survival rate for chemo treated cancers is 2-3% whereas Dr Burzynski's antineoplaston treatments that deal with hopeless conventional treatment cases where they are sent home to die, often live for several decades and many are still alive today (from pancreatic and brain glioma)!! Plants are cleverer than any of us humans but unfortunately for pharma they can't be patented. Cancer (which is not a disease but a symptom of toxic overload that creates an impaired immune system) is an amazingly weak illness with an incredible array of means available to destroy it. Essential oils such as frankincense and myrrh are my personal favourites at the moment with curcumin and bicarbonate of soda/maple syrup combo not far behind. Again, this is just my personal view and should not be adopted by anyone else unless they see the merit of doing so. You won't hear an oncologist recommending any of this as he gets approximately 2/3 of his income from buying chemo and selling it on to his patients.

  12. 1 minute ago, wprime said:


    Marijuana only helps control the pain. In any case, there are already heaps of methods of inhibiting cancer growth and even destroying cancer cells. The problem is they all are equally damaging to healthy tissue and thus need to be used in targeted approaches to avoid severe side effects which for obvious reasons can't be effective after metastasis.


     No!! cancer prevents, kills and cures cancer - admitted by the US national cancer institute. A large amount of plants, herbs, essential oils and spices also have miraculous healing powers with virtually every disease known to man (and those viruses invented by man)!!

  13. 3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


    I certainly understand that it is inappropriate to label an entire nation  in such a manner, but there is no denying that a majority of Thais are either uneducated, ignorant, and/or characterized by low intelligence. And no you cannot argue the intelligence level aspect because it is a reflection of every population. The intelligence level of a population distributes in a Bell curve. The defining characteristics between diifferent population pools will be the average intelligence measurement and the segment which tests out in the  above average intelligence levels. There is no denying that  early childhood nutrition and exposure to pollution has a strong  influence.  Language and culture  play their role as well.  


    The cold reality is that Thailand has contributed very little to the advancement of medicine and  the applied sciences. We are treated to embellished stories of great discoveries, when the  reality is that a  child in a secondary school science fair can do better.  Go to your local hospital intensive care unit, or lab. The quipment and technology  is of foreign origin. The techniques employed in the ER are copied from foreign sources.  You know that  airport in Bangkok? do you think anyof the technology it uses  originated in Thailand? How about the aircraft that use the airport? Even the  building materials and engineering principles are all foreign sourced.  Sorry to say, but Thailand would quickly revert back to its primitive agrarian origins if it did not ahve access to the intellectual capital of others.


     Its a shame that the US is more embroiled in making money than making medical (drugs) advancements!!

  14. 9 minutes ago, kimchibogan said:

    True, I guess I was talking in a more normal sense. I have come across many people who look down on Thais and think they are stupid and have no logic.


     Yes, I know exactly your sentiments and wholeheartedly agree with you. I find them amazingly resourceful when it comes to problem solving. But discovering a plant that is effective against cancer is no big deal, as there are so many that go a lot further than this, to the ultimate conclusion (desired outcome) in fact!!

  15. 7 hours ago, ScotBkk said:

    H202 Therapy
    For instance (Amongst many) that pharmaceutical Big Boys hate to admit has wonderful benefits. Can't patent water and costs peanuts. !!!'

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

     Indeed, I know of about 50 different approaches to curing cancer naturally, this is just one of them. No point in passing the info onto others as they have an insane belief that they can trust pharma indoctrinated doctors and oncologists treatments that maintain disease for profit!! Are you aware of how long cancer cures have been available? Getting on for a century, with one of the first being Rene Caisse's ESSIAC tea consisting of 4 herbs NB: it is crucial to include the whole of the sorrel plant including the roots when making the tea otherwise, according to Caisse it won't be as effective. Incredible story, incredible woman. NB: this is my belief and I am not trying to change people's opinions of how to best treat cancer and other disease. I would like to suggest that they do some good honest research on treating disease, but that is purely their decision as to whether they want to do this. I'm glad that I did!!  

  16. 12 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


    No, they could have survived for a reason other than the diet, obviously, and that is what science is all about, removing the variables so as to remove the possibility of doubt.  Stage 4 means it has spread away from the original tumor, it says nothing about the chance of survival anyway, plenty of people survive stage 4 cancers.


    And why don't you mention how Sebi so publicly claimed to have cured Michael Jackson of addiction before he actually remained an addict and ended up dying of his drug abuse?


    It is amazing how people are willing to dismiss the entire scientific community but will believe in a few testimonials they get via the internet for an uneducated person peddling the cure for everything.


     I'm not going to argue with you. You believe what you want and I'll believe what I know. OK, conversation over.

  17. 1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


    "Not a single drug ever produced has cured anyone - FACT,"


    That is not a fact and it stands directly against your claim that you are making no claims for anyone else, you are clearly out to spread dangerous lies.  You say "hence the horrendous side effects", neglecting the very simple fact that there are hundreds of synthetic drugs that do not only cure people of ailments but also without horrendous side effects.  As for ulcerative colitis, there may be no known cure, but treatment can make symptoms unnoticeable, which raises the question, how do you know that you have cured it and not simply sent it into remission as could have been expected from the treatment by main stream doctors?


     Look, I had ulcerative colitis for 30 years - I cured it and have been problem free for 9 years now. I went for a colonoscopy 2 months ago, my colon is perfect!! Please tell me what synthetic drugs cure. All synthetic drugs create side affects as they are not recognised by the immune system and are attacked by it causing side affects. You will have to do your own research and have an open mind on the subject - you are so entrenched in your belief that I know you won't bother. You carry on relying on synthetic drugs and I will use my herbs and spices. I am not trying to convince you of anything and don't care what you think to be honest. I am not claiming anything, just disseminating what I have learnt and experienced in my empowering myself through education.

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