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Posts posted by lucky11

  1. 4 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    Yes I also mostly ignore those friend requests.


    My 14 year old daughter have over 1000 "friends" , crazy.


    Other than that it's a great way of keeping in touch and see what your friends are up to and you can join specific groups for the things you are interested in.


    I am a member of a certain group of expats in Thailand, where you have to be a citizen of our old country in order to join and some info I got there is gold to me. 


     What is this group called?

  2. 1 minute ago, sgtsabai said:

    Well the ignorant, racist, homophobic, misogynist, bigots carried the day. The Republican voter suppression worked. The futures trading had to be stopped because it was crashing, watch the stock market in the morning and all you  fascist lovers will be still celebrating when the USD goes to 28, right? How long before the fascist bankrupts America like he did all his businesses? He pulled off the con of the century. The most unstable, unqualified candidate in US history. Hopefully he will be impeached or have an accident before he destroys what is left of America. Screw him and all the ignoramus's that voted for him. I'm ashamed of America and the fascist will never be my president.


    The Democrats again snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Thank the DNC and the corporate blue dawg elites for blocking Bernie who would have walked all over the fascist.


     Couldn't agree more with your last sentence - the rest is BS!! 

  3. Just now, jpinx said:

    There are real problems now in Scotland for the SNP.   They (Sturgeon and Salmond) fired him as a global ambassador for Scotland, were openly rude about him and publicly supported Clinton - and now he is the President of the USA and his mum is from the Isle of Lewis.


     Politicians!! don't you just love them.

  4. 1 minute ago, duanebigsby said:

    Congrats Americans. You just voted in the most vile human with ignorant, backwards ideas to govern you.

    Good bye civil rights, women's rights, and minority rights, freedom of speech.


    Weren't civilians, women, minorities of all types allowed to vote? Perhaps you will have someone that doesn't suck up to big pharma, Wall Street and corporations now, someone that looks after the interests of it's civilians instead of kowtowing to these scumbags!!

  5. 1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


    I think Trump will limit his involvement to the fun stuff and farm out the rest of his job. You're going to see a lot of pictures of him on the golf course. Probably his own.


     I think he might give a few things a go for the fun factor. It is certainly going to be an entertaining watch.

  6. Just now, Laughing Gravy said:

    I have to say it is a lesson for many countries. Brexit, This election. The polls seem to lie and people from right wing politics seem to have had enough of immigration, amongst other things. The establishment recently are getting a kicking.

    I thought HC would have scrapped it but it goes to show that the power of the people, is a difficult force to stop. Europe next.


     I like your thinking!!

  7. 1 minute ago, CaptHaddock said:


    Sanders didn't spoil Clinton's election.  He campaigned vigorously for her. 


    The Dem party cares more about the working class than the Repubs ever have, by a long shot, but less than they used to.  The point at which the median income in America stopped growing in sync with GDP was about 1980, i.e. the Reagan Revolution.  All of the Repub candidates, very much including Trump, support a tax policy of yet further reductions in taxes for the rich, individuals and corporations alike. 


    So, goodbye Obamacare, the benefits of which went to the working class, hello restrictions on pre-existing conditions and rescission.  Goodbye Roe v. Wade, but people like Trump will still send their mistresses abroad for first-class abortions while the poor will die in increasing numbers from botched attempts.  Trump has said that he opposes free trade and immigration, but the billionaire donor class very much favors both.  So, we'll see whose interests win.  I am quite sure that Trumps voters will be worse off in 4 years, but at least they will be able to look down on blacks and women with impunity.


     Look, I would be a natural Democrat voter (if I could vote) - why didn't the Democrats put up a candidate to contest the election!!

  8. 2 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

    You will find out who is the real hi so blimp who cares nothing about the country when listening to Hillary's concession speech.  She should tell her supporters to now support the President elect but she is too venomous/vindictive to do it. 


     I can just see her uttering the words "congrats Donald" and vomiting!!

  9. 6 minutes ago, CWMcMurray said:

    All those Hillary supporter still thinking she was the better candidate in the primaries ?

    Tried to tell everyone by appointing Hillary and sandbagging against Bernie by DNC and entire Democratic Party they were shooting themselves in the foot..

    So hope they are all happy...

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


     Bernie would have 'cake walked' it - how ironic that they rigged their own primaries and it cost them. Trump should give Sanders a position in his government as a big thank you!!

  10. 2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    Actually Trump isn't in the Republican machine. Virtually none of its leaders supported him though the RNC did. He is in a uniquely envious position where he is beholden to nobody in leadership and could work across the aisle if he so chose. i don't think he's clever enough to pull that off though. Time will tell.


     What an extraordinary day - who would imagine that I would agree with you and give you a like!! Remarkable!!

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