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About chilli42

  • Birthday 07/30/1954

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  1. How about showing just a tiny bit of journalistic professionalism and a touch of curiosity. It’s an obvious question … why after a seven year ban would smoking rooms be reintroduced? What circumstances led to this being considered again? I don’t expect a real answer to this question, that is just too much to imagine. Just a bit of effort to shake off the reporters laziness better understand the situation
  2. I do indeed feel sorry for him. This should not happen to anyone. You are right though … “A fool and his money are soon parted”. There are many good lawyers in Thailand. A good lawyer would have smoked out this scam and avoided all the pain this man will go through. A good lawyer is not cheap in this case though it would have been money well spent.
  3. The police document (loss or theft) used to obtain the ‘replacement’ deed was forged. There may also have been something shady going on at the Land Office when the deed was transferred to the new owner.The Land Office can be surprisingly diligent or asleep depending on the incentive.
  4. What brain might that be? The problem starts when men shut off the brain in their head and let the pocket brain do the thinking for them.
  5. Pattaya as a brand is ruined, its reputation in the trash. It would take massive investment to bring it back from the dead. Phuket, from mid island down is dump … an embarrassment. As a brand though, Phuket still has some positives even if it is just riding in the fumes of the past. If I were making the decision for a premium destination it would very much be Phuket over Pattaya. Just leave Pattaya to the Russians and Chinese as a cheap and cheerful discount destination.
  6. My wife (Thai) got in a disagreement with an Indian gentleman who was taking a connection through Bangkok. The flight attendants attempted to diffuse the situation but this guy was having none of that … no woman was going to tell him what to do! The Thai police marched him off the plane on arrival in Bangkok … his connecting flight be damned. I the police asked if my wife wanted to press charges which she did. I believe he got the message. Confronting people with the consequences of their delinquent behavior really does have a lasting therapeutic effect.
  7. A bouquet of flowers and an appropriate Wai should be all that’s required to serve justice. This is Thailand after all and not Europe.
  8. Politicians are not elected for their towering intellect. Most are thick as a fence post … their highest intellectual achievement is to be cunning. They are not elected for their morals (sexual, graft etc) as everyone knows they have none. They are not elected for their honesty (you have to laugh at that notion). These guys were elected to give the country a badly needed colonic. To do this ruthless people are needed. People who are not afraid to be hated. People not afraid to break things. It’s not going to be enjoyable but should feel better after. Yes of course their buddies will all be richer after but that was going to happen no matter who was elected.
  9. Yes, true these companies are breaking the law but mostly are not involved in activities that are illegal. I believe they mean that the authorities are after those businesses that are engaged in illegal activities.
  10. As I see this, the changes being contemplated are designed to benefit the top 0.5-1.0% of wealth holders … like K. Taksin and his buddy’s. These people make the rules to benefit themselves. There is nothing in this for the other 99% of Thai’s, other than higher costs and putting at risk housing affordability for future generations.
  11. They need to fix the fundamental issues that are leading to the poor performance before injecting more money into this underperforming basket case. Get rid of the corruption, nepotism and antiquated management systems. Clean house to remove the dead wood and bring in talented people at all levels. Putting more money into Thai airways in its present state is just throwing good money after bad.
  12. So they think that they can somehow legislate sensible alcohol consumption? This is a fools errand. Alcohol consumption is an individuals choice. As long as it’s available there will be abusers. It’s about how many there are. The best a government can do is ensure rigorous enforcement of existing laws (eg road safety, DUI etc) and create awareness for the physical and mental cost of alcohol abuse. A tall order I know for a ‘live for today’ society.
  13. There is no enforcement of the road safety laws at all as far as I can see. Many think it’s about driver education. Sure that will help a bit but it’s not a solution. People respect what you inspect. A diligent focus on enforcement of the existing laws will get driver attention and compliance. I have no clue what the the police here do (beyond directing traffic) if it’s not about enforcing the law.
  14. - The plan aligns with a broader policy outlined by Chinese President Xi Jinping, aiming to establish China as a global leader in tourism. - …positioning Thailand as a central tourism hub. Is it just me or do these two statements seem contradictory?
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