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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. why was this death suspicious?.... because IY implied it was on his pathetic page? i didn't read any official police statement or announcement. was there any verification of this friend that said no autopsy was carried out? there was btw, in surat thani, and natural causes was the result.... if the family accepts this... will you?... not that the opinion of a nobody matters to them whatsoever
  2. I know all about him, a guy that has never ever stepped foot on Island, yet claims to know so much, purposely omits facts from his stories, along with S buchanan...... you asked my agernda..NONE, ...how about book sales... which is hers and promoted by him!!
  3. oh look, it's ian Yarwood, the spreader of lies and fantasy stories
  4. so how was he killed then? what motive do you have...P.S, i knew Neil for 10 years, so do tell me all you know!
  5. who know 'full well' ?? nobody was there, it happened in the early house on a sunday/monday in a very secluded spot, that end of the beach is very dark n quiet. do you think those high ups in the country would allow all that bad media coverage of scapegoats, etc to go on or just say 'no', the kid did it! it doesn't sound very plausible if you think logically.
  6. is there proof of that or just hearsay from the woman from Samui Times? how many times were the goalposts moved to fit the narrative?..... cctv him entering uni...'fake', DNA test in front of everyone.. 'fake', seems like no matter what he was guilty....and subsequent claims of a serial killer would meant the kid was about 4 when he did his first..
  7. people do die you know.... or is everyone on Tao supposed to be immortal? would you believe the autopsy finding if it said natural causes? what if the family accepted it.. would you still claiming murder because you read a 3 line report in the Sun?
  8. still, none of those got the international media coverage the 2014 murders got. You really think those high up would let it go that far.? i dont!
  9. because his friends found him, your impression of Tao is based of sensationalised stories posted that are not based on facts
  10. doesn't answer my question though.... do you seriously think a farther n son from such a tiny island would be allowed to drag Thailands reputation through the mud like that?
  11. and do you think that they carried enough clout to be allowed drag Thailand through the dirt in such a way?|
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