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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. no, he said it, but you're a fool if you think that was some admission to him actually having done it. it's bravado locker room talk, that glaringly obvious if you listen to it. do you also think he shot someone on 5ave?, its the same.
  2. i'm not sure they do, the wording of in couple of post would suggest they actually believe it happened, same as saying Trumpo is a 'convicted rapist'
  3. you know it didn't actually happen right, it was a recording of him saying he "COULD" if he wanted
  4. what were the stats for illegal crossing under Trump compared to Biden? what ever Trump tried to do the dems and media attacked him for.... Biden just opened it up and let them come in, now he wants to send US military in to remove barbed wire that texas wants to install to stop them entering....so just what has biden done to secure the border... isnt using the military on its own people something the US says dictators do?
  5. Also, member with the highest levels of TDS known to man..well, this forum at least :-)
  6. you seem to be ignoring joes clearly creepy behaviour..... tells me all I need to know about your own moral compass. Goodbye.
  7. so you ignored the question about grabbing pussy, it appears to me from your wording that you think it actually happened, when in fact it was just talk....
  8. 19 woman came forward to accuse trump, AFTER he announced he was running, 2 prior although snopes doesn't give dates, i wonder why the others waited.... politically motivated perhaps!! so, did you think he actually grabbed a woman by the pussy?? your comment would suggest you do?.
  9. you can listen to the whole thing id you want..its here https://www.vox.com/2016/10/7/13205842/trump-secret-recording-women so, you do know it never actually happened right, it was just talk, from the conversation above
  10. so, did Trump actually grab any pussy or was it just locker room talk? .. how about Bidens daughters diary??... joes clearly displays creepy behaviour, which you seem to be defending. but it wasn't was it, so it's irrelevant .
  11. pretty sure the pussy grabbing was to be preformed on woman over the legal age...unlike sniffing and acting inappropriately around underage kids like Joe, or are you ignoring that side of things.
  12. oh no, not the 'ignore' list..... i will not sleep tonight knowing that.
  13. yep, i've drunk the Donny cool aid and been fooled apparently, coming form someone that watches the BBC, the bastion of truth and no bias in any way!!
  14. no nerve touched here, like i said, you're a nobody, along with everyone else here, just some dude with an opinion posting on a forum.
  15. ok then, is there a transcript of what the judge said in court?
  16. Washington post headline...how about the court docs, what do they say?
  17. W.O.W, thats clear proof right there:-/
  18. and it what way was RT different to all us media? Rt slagged off the US, US slagged off Russia. however i would listen to RT over any MSM, bbc, cnn, msnbc etc, RT showed the hunter biden laptop stuff, while all the msm tried to bury it..and oh look..turns out to be true, The big guy..aka joe B taking his cut..corrupt sniffy joe, but gets a pass...cause Trump bad M'kay do you still have your Ukraine flag profile pic or did you change it to israel now?
  19. sorry m'lord...i thought i'd already replied !! but yeah, i think the were irregularities for sure and i think Trump had every right to question it. clear case of double standards , Killery didn't accept Trumps win, said he was illegitimate , still doesn't and is quite vocal about it, but don't see any of that side being censored or banned, youtube accounts shut down etc etc., and i certainly dont see jan 6th in the way you lot do. a few people walking around having photos taken, cops letting people in certain areas..there is far more to it than the dems used covidcon to push mail in ballots which had no way of being checked and verified properly. Trump was speaking to packed stadiums, Biden either hid away totally or spoke to a handful of people, so by those differences alone i would say it looked suss, but i also understand the libtards voting 'anyone but Trump', oh, and i have zero cares what you or any of the TDS posse think, you are a nobody, just like everyone else here.
  20. stumbles over a few words?, jesus, how can you give him a pass, there is a gaff nearly every time he speaks, walk or attempts stairs, i guess cnn or whatever you watch omit it form their coverage... question for you, remember the 'if you don't vote for me you aint black' .... how do you think that would have been received had Trump said it?
  21. i dont accept cnn as credible 'news'
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