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About retayl

  • Birthday 01/01/1947

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    Dunstable/Hua Hin

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  1. Just for info. Trump has spent 9 of his 30 days in office playing golf at a cost of $10.7m dollars to you taxpayers.
  2. The majority of this money never left the US. It went into their defense industry companies such as Raytheon, General Dynamics, Northrop, Boeing etc. Do you really thing the US sent over packets of dollars?
  3. Great idea. Relieve all those dumbass hi-sos of their unearned money.
  4. Humble? Yep, you’re a veritable Uriah Heep.
  5. You’re an American? Oh I didn’t realise that. Just to clarify. South American? Central American? Native American? Redneck retard American? Asking for a friend.
  6. FFS this is the second time broken clock Yagoda has been correct in the last couple of days. Now get back to Cult worship so I can have some fun!
  7. WTF? I was agreeing with you! But you’re too f&#king dumb to see it! <deleted>!
  8. Yagoda confirms the old saying, “even a broken clock is right twice a day”.
  9. Which part of Palestinians consistently rejecting a 2 state solution do you not understand?
  10. The Palestinians have been offered their own state on numerous occasions since 1948. They have always rejected one assumes because acceptance would require recognition of Israel’s right to exist.
  11. Neither does Hamas. Their one state solution requires the total destruction of Israel.
  12. Well your “philosophy” is about to <deleted> up your economy along with the rest of the western world. But daddy Putin & Xi will show your man appropriate gratitude. Incidentally the word is foreigner.
  13. Yep, you sure will pay more bucks and it won’t be a few. Just look at it as your Cult membership fee.

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