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About retayl

  • Birthday 01/01/1947

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    UK/Hua Hin

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  1. Says the archetypal MAGA cap wearing barstool barrister!
  2. I would prefer to die peacefully in my sleep, just like my grandpa. Not screaming and shouting like his bus passengers.
  3. Spoken like a true cult follower, grab em by the pussy!
  4. Hmmmm, what are you, 12?
  5. Says frank83628 who has posted 7 times in this discussion.
  6. Cheese & ham actually - bloody lovely!
  7. Obviously I can’t prove that your pension & investments are at risk but when J.P Morgan Chase/ Moodys/Goldman Sachs/ Morgan Stanley/ Larry Summers/ Polymarket all talk up the likelihood of a recession, I get concerned but hey! What do they know? Just keep winning.
  8. You seriously referencing Fox News as a reference point. Trump actually engaged with the Taliban and “negotiated” US withdrawal. Another cult mug. Talk to me in 12 months.
  9. I thought Biden was a disgrace, typical career politician but with failing cognitive function bailed out by his administration which handed over a pretty good economy to Trump. Trump however presents an existential threat to not only the USA but to the entire western economy. If he is allowed to continue with his direction of travel, alienating long standing allies and pandering to the Christian fundamentalists in the GOP his tightening of borders will not be intended to keep migrants out but to keep Americans in! He’s renamed a body of water already, what’s next. USA becomes Gilead, isolationism and attacks on women’s rights aren’t a million miles from Margate’s Attwoods work of fiction/prophecy?
  10. 😂😂😂😂 you really don’t know WTF you’re talking about do you? Trump cult followers! God help us.
  11. Did Trump put boots on to fight for his own country?
  12. I’m sure the new US/Russian alliance could organise a joint military initiative to take back Afghanistan.
  13. No worries boys, you’ll receive a warm welcome at Mar a Lago.
  14. As the article says the ICJ ruling is “advisory” and should be ignored. In this case Trump(or more likely his advisors) are right. The plan to pay Mauritius to take Chagos off our hands is absurd, ill advised and must be junked.
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