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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Do you think that is ok to say ,I realise your trying to be I guess funny but in reality the "victim" your aiming it at may get PTSD Please think of others
  2. Yes THAIPAULY seems to be in a bad way with all the sickness and he's only 67 A lot of these guys and I'm not talking about him in particular heaven forbid ,but they led alcohol driven lives in their younger years and now their paying the penalty
  3. No not at all ..a lot of your threads as a distinguished gentleman you have been correct and very pleasant to say the least and a scholar
  4. All those diseases you have. You poor old man I feel empathy for you ,not easy at your age
  5. And do you produce charts on this ,a man of your talents surely has the analytical know how to produce such fine documents
  6. Any evidence of this or you just guessing ?
  7. And yet you as a distinguished gentleman and a avid fine traveller failed to back this up with charts & graphs ,pure analysis information!!!
  8. They're the ones for flights & accommodation. Let me in all my wisdom talk about booking them for flights . Expedia,Aunty Betty, booking com kayak etc Trouble is most DONT read the fine print AND are shocked they usually cannot be contacted to change flights names etc albeit I must say in my wisdom for a large fee ! Of course comes with that a myriad of terms & conditions I once took over 8 hours to study the T&C's using analytics to define that it wasn't reasonable to book through that 3rd party website I always now book through the airlines directly in which means I like to record the name and use graphs of time of call, name I'm speaking to etc including times of calls , Of course 3rd party bookings, but hotels are usually booked through a 3rd party in which I have been abused by hotel owners for booking through them such as AGODA Why do I use a 3rd party HOTEL booking site , usually because it's much cheaper ,yes I then record this through graphs on how many 3rd party hotel bookings sites I have used ,colour co ordinated for Agoda , Expedia etc
  9. Yes definitely 100% and I will do a graph on it
  10. And yet you continue to read my posts and reply? You see my blocked post and open it don't you 😂....just a little look you say ....I won't do it again you say to yourself as you open up my blocked post and read it ! 🤣
  11. But you Kinyara had to spend 15 minutes of your time reading & writing this ! GET BACK TO WORK !!! Back to work you !!!
  12. That's a lot of money for a breakfast! That's probably more than I would pay in Australia.
  13. I think it's Fabolous We need to get out there and enjoy life. Having said that I remember back in 2018 joyfully standing outside a bar in Jomtien beach throwing water at passersby . I had a drunken happy young Irish guy next to me who accidentally threw water on 2 motorcycle taxi drivers who came back to fight him. But other that ,I love it , enjoy life ,embrace it , welcome it, and most of all have safe happy smiling fun 😊
  14. I think Scotland has finished The past Generation of Scots must be rolling over in their graves at this current lot. Don't say anything bad about any new immigration now ....it's racist ....you must accept everyone , otherwise it's against "social cohesion" , whatever that means Next they will ban the kilt
  15. Please do not get off topic We are discussing terrible things like that whilst people are languishing in a hot Un air conditioned prison room ,and I say room because these poor buggers are sharing with up to 50 Thai prisoners !!!!!!! I will bring books on my next trip to donate . Hope that helps someone who may be depressed in there
  16. I agree 85% It's up to the seating comfort I don't really care if I never see the cabin crew as long as my seat is comfy
  17. I think he wanted to dominate me and make me his slave. I had visions later of him spanking me .
  18. Yes it seems this Microsoft want to charge me $11 a month for this excel,but I appreciate your suggestion. I will try to download the other one , thankyou Foxx
  19. Is there many farangs in the jail? Are they needing food parcels and a listening ear ? I also have many books on the Psychometrics of graphs and analytics I would love perhaps share my wisdom with any lonely prisoners What are the visiting times ?. I guess there maybe even farang ladies in prison? We need to help these poor buggers who have fallen
  20. Cheap Charlie's is great but not a Buffett
  21. He is nearly 80 the poor old man ,will take him 1 hour just to walk up the gangway to board the plane so give the poor old chap a break
  22. Ahhh yes ! I'm sure we all experienced this !
  23. Oh he didn't say please or thankyou he was extremely rude . Sat in the middle seat ,put the arm rest up and practically pushed me out onto the aisle I had no choice but to obey because I didn't want problems going into Manila even gave him my meals which he took but didn't even talk back. I guess he was angry at himself for being so large ? But took it out on me , i held my temper Worse airline Philippines airlines, never again
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