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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Farang doctor,Dr Oliver is good
  2. The Philippines is like thousands of countries together meaning just because you don't like Manila doesn't mean another part of the Philippines is the same <deleted>ehole Boracay is nice ,Davao City is safe , Duamagette of course is the upcoming farang area
  3. All the old tough Scotsman I knew as a young Prison guard in Australia back in the 1980's,they were the most resilient , something like 70% of the jail in Australia was Scottish prison officers. The bosses old Jock and Pat Armstrong would be rolling in his grave at this current Scots generation of limp wrists They were toughest prison officers I ever worked with ,the only ones who could stick out a job in a Sydney Jail for so long ,,a few went back to Scotland after they retired , mind you a few Irish prison officers too but they had short tempers unlike the Scotsman who remained calm under pressure This current Scots are weak I don't know what I'm talking about ,look at your country,Hamzi Hamzi is running it FFS ....but no one told you ....you didnt know ...not the smartest fish in the tank Johnny son , no one told you I know Hamzi blah blah is running it ...and he is even wearing a kilt ...what a joke
  4. No , he is a fine Scotsman 😂 What a laugh that country is Scots used to be tough union guys once , they used to be prison officers in Australia in the 1980's What a weak generation of Scots people this one is
  5. Unfortunately the British people don't stick together and thus their country is in <deleted>e They criticism of immigration then they use criticism against that bloke trying to stop it ...Tommy or whatever his name was Blame it on yourselves , you let your country go There's no Scotland anymore "Oh he 's no good mate ya know what I mean " they said in their pommy accents "Ya know what I mean mate "
  6. Get back to work !! Back to work !! ...now !
  7. What about the Mastercard (priceless) , most of us have that , I do believe they have some kind of travel insurance free although I'm unsure of their policies. One must study the fine print, All policies seem to DIFFER on riding or being a pillion passenger on motorbikes particularly us in our fine wisdom who catch motorbike taxis One must according to policy make sure it's a certain engine size ,that the driver is licensed and alcohol free ,you were wearing a helmet ,and I believe in some policies YOU the passenger was alcohol free ,only then will you be successful in your claim should there be a accident. Can you imagine the "drama" in trying to claim medical expenses after falling off a motorcycle taxi
  8. Yes very true . They actually can TELL you I believe to GO back to your home country to seek treatment, but we may need a travel insurance expert to comment on this. And I may I dare ask....do we have travel insurance academics on this forum,those who are considered "experts" in travel insurance
  9. That sounds too easy and rushed my dear Watson One must do their due diligence and study several policies to see the fine print then do risk assessments and management then to assess the ones remaining,it could take weeks or even months , I may have to delay my trip if that's the case I'm still waiting for my email back from Tick to see how far "Runner up award " in 2023 they actually were
  10. Now I must say my dear chaps....check your benefits of Credit cards too ,some do provide free travel insurance...although one must do their "due diligence" in researching and I say researching instead of looking over ..... researching that policy beforehand. I am just trying to work out how one can possibly convertt the policy details from text to voice so I can listen to the policy intricacies whilst I'm doing my job as a hospital cleaner mopping the hospital stairs wells. Many have asked me "George ,what music are you listening to in your ear buds , they are astounded when I tell them it's a text to talk in insurance policies
  11. Yes I noticed their claim of runner up 2023 Canstar award of the year ! I must say after reading the Psychometrics of Risk management recently I am now studying or should I say "researching" the miniscule details. I have asked them to send me proof of how far back they were in "runner up" of the 2023 Canstar award ,
  12. Vinnie You'd fit right in Son , at least they have a interesting life
  13. I'm not keen on "old" people either ,but I may I ask your age young man?
  14. Just looking at travel insurance for my upcoming trip later Obviously in all my academic hindsight I wouldn't be without it , But do I really need half this stuff nowadays....."legal expenses" "personal liability etc I have only tried to claim ONCE in the last 25 years and they made it that difficult I gave up. Broke my front tooth slipping over in Bangkok, they wanted a detailed report from the dentist , itemised receipt and wait for it....sent me out a 15 page claim form which I must print 3 times and send 3 different copies to different email addresses. I gave up. But in all my academic qualifications particularly in philosophy I have decided to spend over 3 hours today on Risk management and ratio and in calculating a ....Basic cover without .....yes without lost luggage or cancellations policy included Another thing I must weigh up in my risk assessment is the ability to contact the emergency travel centre at all hours ,after awhile of calling I started to get the staffs voice and name down to pat I did remember back in 2008 buying a cheap policy only to call the emergency number for no particular reason only to find it was staffed in day time Phillipines hours I like to call the number at different times to see if they indeed are a "emergency" number as they claim In other words "Dear chaps "" if I may qoute the great movie great escape, and other War quotes please do ! I only require emergency Medical coverage !!!!!!! Thankyou!!! And ...I will get rid of the "bells & whistles" which we all know in reality we will not get So yes travel insurance is necessary but not the bells ,whistles and anything else !
  15. Just looking on the Royal Thai consulate site Do Australians now NOT require a tourist visa if staying over 30 days but less than 60 days ?
  16. Hey Mr SHU I noticed every single post of yours is putting down people in a "low class way "with abuse. I'm not sure of your age but I imagine you with a turned around baseball cap ,wearing red Nike shoes with no socks, blue Nike T shirt ,white Nike shorts and tattoos The way you come across in your posts calling posters "mutts" "dogs" F,-wits, etc...... would hazard me a guess your from the lower end of society and that's not being offensive,it just tells me your not a lawyer or doctor .....you just grew up in a .....how do we say it.... around more interesting people perhaps with descriptive vocabulary!
  17. I'm sure they love your heart GrandDad ....not your baht !
  18. georgegeorgia


    And I thought Dad you were the "father of Pattaya" as you self described yourself And you didn't know Dolly Parton was playing ! Give yaself an upper cut Dad 👊
  19. Another intelligent Pom I actually saw a bumper sticker in Australia last week, with Grow a Dope ,plant a Pom and had a British flag.,says it all mate ....says it all.
  20. And can you stop playing with yaself too? 😲no wonder your asking about cataracts !
  21. Oh don't make a fool of yourself old man please ! You could always hit them with ya walking stick , lock yourself in the condo GrandDad with a good book about the Psychometrics of Ageing
  22. Even better , I pull my zipper down , you should see the shocked look on their faces !
  23. Have you ever called the emergency line in Pattaya Is it a different number the ambulance? Did they respond ok? I'm remembering a few years ago in Pattaya I helped a farang in a restaurant who was choking , unfortunately after he vomited it out he started abusing me Apparently the staff had called a ambulance in which he was still required to pay
  24. If your married , your wife's property is yours too. AND you can't claim the OAP if your partner is working Your OAP is based also on your partners income and assets they are also half yours She doesn't need to make a Will and even if she did the partner takes it first ....it's a marriage So if he gets the OAP , he can't be married ,she lives at a different address or declared a different address, he doesn't declare he has a partner
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