Phuket bears the brunt of overcrowding, with a staggering ratio of 118 tourists for every local resident.
No way is this statistic is anywhere near correct. Must have been taking math lessons from the TAT.
It was obviously an electrical discharge (leak) that came into contact with the water, probably from the jacuzzi controls. However this is another area of compliance on safety standards if the hotel is complying with the all the safety tests on their amenities.
Unfortunately the Thai resorts have been in free-fall for quite some-time. Like Blackpool UK - Benidorm Spain & Acapulco Mexico, the hay days are over. Like the mentioned, I'm sure they'll survive but the boom 90s are well and truly over no matter what they offer regarding visas.
It comes as his seemingly preferential treatment as a prison inmate
I think a few hours at the detention centre doesn't qualify him as an inmate.
He reminds me of the outlaw Frank James (James-Younger gang ) who never served a day behind bars for the conviction of a life of crime, although he did time awaiting trial.
On Sunday (September 3rd) the Sakoo Police received a tip-off from an anonymous concerned citizen that the Kenyan women were carrying a lot of cocaine into the country.
Poor ladies, looks like they where set-up from the word go. Ill guess & say they were the decoy.
Thailand’s potential to expand its ‘pink economy’ through the attraction of international LGBTQ+ retirees was the highlight of a recent conference held in Bangkok.
I don't know whether I find this disturbing, stupid or just another remarkable piece of junk thinking these people come up with?
Convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, like other inmates, will be eligible for further royal clemency on important occasions,
And That could start as early as tomorrow, should he have fully recovered from that fateful stress,
Convicted former prime minister Ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra, who recently began serving an 8-year prison term.
At least they got the convicted right, but as for the "recently began serving an 8-year prison term" unless having a cup of tea & a biscuit while a deal is cut constitutes a prison term, maybe they should have just left that part out?
No rust nor barnacles, must be some sort of specialized tank made from a type of aluminium alloy or something similar. Looks insulated & probably very light for its size.
Surely your average Thai cant fall for this sham. Then again, on it goes. This is a farce in international circles. Who would want to make any economic cooperation or any other pacts with a government that allows childish scams like this to flourish.
So, the Justice Ministry as now joined the land of bungs. I bet his blood pressure is nowhere near as high as mine. I suspect theirs plenty of inmates at that prison with way higher problems than chest pains who really do need medical help.
Full points to the boys who thought this one up, cant wait to see what happens next.
Theirs more to this story than were being told. Plus this guy is being allowed to leave the country. I had to pay a bung so myself the misses & baby could leave because we didn't have the babies birth certificate with us at immigration. So a warrant for this guy shouldn't be to much of a problem to stop him leaving.
Has I said theirs more to this story than their letting on.