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Everything posted by neeray

  1. She absolutely did NOT ever show up at trial "to support him". Why would she? She hates the adulterer.
  2. There is one more instance of Trump speaking truthfully, and that happened only in the last few days. Trump uttered in an interview, "after I lost the election" and then realizing what he just admitted to, he backtracks on his own words, as he so often does. That's quite the record, "truthful speak" twice in 8 years.
  3. Despite the many concerns about Biden's competency, or lack thereof, the following gives compelling reasons for, "anybody but Trump". Here is what Trump has done for America!: Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected. Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote. Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned. Only 1 President has ever been criminally indicted. And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR. -DJT didn't lower taxes (He deferred them) -He didn't get Americans that healthcare coverage -He did not unite the USA, he divided it -He didn't lower prescription drug prices -He didn't get roads or bridges built -He didn't decrease the deficit -He didn't end the opioid crisis -He made over 250 visits to his golf clubs costing us taxpayers $150 million -He didn't revive the coal industry -He didn't make covid-19 'disappear' -He didn't make Mexico pay for the wall -He is ranked the worst President in history -He added $2 Billion a month in tariff costs to the American consumer -He has a net-negative jobs creations for his administration -He decreased corporate taxes, passing the tax burden to the workers -He added $ 7.8 Trillion to the deficit - a full 25% of the total deficit -He incited an insurrection against our government -He is the only president to never achieve 50% approval. -He didn't put "America first" and he sure didn't "Drain the Swamp... -He left office with the worst job numbers of any President since the Great Depression with a net job loss over his term -Is the first former president to be a CONVICTED FELON (34 times). The presidency is very much about character. Trump is a lowlife convicted felon.
  4. Here's some more facts. Trump is the only president to be impeached twice, he's been convicted of abuse, convicted of defamation, convicted of fraud, convicted of 34....count them 34....felonies, indicted on election interference, indicted on inciting an insurrection and indicted on stealing documents. Wow! Add to that the fact that an incredible number of his "associates" have been indicted, convicted and some in jail for participating in his attempt to steal the election. Many of his MAGA who participated in J6 have been sent to jail. Then there's old Allen Wiselberg who is doing his second stint at Rikers for perjury because he won't flip on Trump (being paid off helps I suppose). What a guy! Trump's place in history will be that of criminal history......nary a good accomplishment his entire life.
  5. Just about every time Trump opens his mouth to spew more hatred and lies, he costs himself votes. Hopefully he keeps talking. From here, I expect that it will be all down hill. The END is in sight.
  6. Re your third sentence. Is " secretary" like secretary treasurer? I think so. He looks after the treasure (one for me, one for the temple, one for the boss, another one for me).
  7. I would guess that there is no doubt that his extended family live quite well too. Maybe no high-end bracelets or phones but decent digs with lots of food on the table. What a great gig ! No, I'm not jealous, just appalled.
  8. All these Thai hubs must be great for employment: ** People to dream up the many hub ideas ** People to create the actual hub ** People to work in the hub ** People to explain why the hub idea didn't get off the ground, Being the hub of hubs presents endless opportunities, NEXT
  9. Hopefully if it hits the United States, Trump won't be president at the time and mung it up like he did Covid-19.
  10. Thank you. I am very aware of that fact but only the equivalent of a drop in the bucket has moved out so far.
  11. I would very much like to support this concept as proposed but at this time, I and hundreds of millions of others would have to go without in many cases, as there are no alternatives. The west embraced Chinese goods way back in the last century, the alternatives for the most part, disappeared. The west made China the powerhouse that they are today.
  12. Tug indicated a mild case of Covid-19 is what his wife has. That is one of the features of the vaccine, it limits the severity of the disease.
  13. I don't watch much television but I was watching the day Trump suggested that high-scientific remedy. Besides his presentation of the idea, something that sounded like an idea a 4-year old would suggest, I clearly recall the embarrassed look on the faces of other people involved in that news conference when the camera panned to them. Hokey ideas like this from a one-time-president need to be recalled at a time when the individual is vying for the presidency once again. Where's the "hoax" in that?
  14. I wonder if there will be a few pages noting Trumps' suggestion to drink bleach to kill the virus. Maybe Trump experimented with bleach himself but all it did was turn his face and hair orange. Possibly it caused more brain damage too.
  15. I wasn't aware that the book was out yet but by reading your comment, perhaps it is. Have you read it?
  16. Maybe the hand in your back pocket was just to grab a feel of your buns.
  17. Mic muting may help a bit but Trump will still be hollering nonsensical gibberish when Biden is speaking with his open mic. Trump thrives on bullying and disrespectful over-talk when debating. But it will be fun to listen to his answers when he is asked a question on policy and he starts talking about sharks and electric boats, or may talk about how rich he is.
  18. I think you've got the wrong elder. It's Trump who depends on Depends.
  19. He's just calling a spade a spade.
  20. I think maybe his intended purchases require cash.
  21. I can't imagine travelling to Thailand and hiring anything but cute little Thai girl(s) if I felt the need for a "relaxing" massage in my room. But ....... to each their own.
  22. Ah yes, Khalid, a good strong Canadian name. Right up there with Cooper, Smith, Adamson, Wilson and the like.
  23. Biden needs to lay out is plans and policies for the next four years. This is what the voter wants to hear, like "how will you make my life better". He could be strong in this area, whereas Trump has no great policies to present beyond his plans of revenge, scrapping tax on tips, giving more tax breaks to the already ultra rich, executing many people including his disloyal sycophants, political foes, stripping government institutions, attempting to deport millions, starting a trade war via tariffs etc. Biden will keep his cool and act statesman-like. Trump will ramble on in an attempt to intimidate, even yell on when Biden is speaking, despite mics being muted. Biden will win this debate.
  24. Trump will be filling his Depends at the thought of President Joe Biden adhering to the rule of law in the case of his son. Let's see how Trump handles his own case on July 11. Get ready for the whine-fest (I didn't do anything wrong, they're picking on me, this was a rigged trial against "your favourite president").
  25. There's a good chance both "old men" will be replaced during the summer, party conventions.
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