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Everything posted by neeray

  1. "He further noted that it would be a criminal offense if the proposal was crafted to favor a specific bidder." Criminal offence! That means the Trump team is 'all in', spearheaded by Trump himself.
  2. As Trump only cares about himself, BAR NONE, he has no concern in spreading lies and misinformation relative to Hurricane Helene, even though it hampers recovery efforts. Trump's only concern is him being re-elected so that he can minimize the chances of him joining Bubba in prison, where he belongs.
  3. I see it more as Trump has pulled "every dirty trick in the legal book". Whatever has been "thrown at him", he deserved and brought this sh*t on himself. Inciting a riot to support his government takeover effort is one pretty good example! Lives were lost and now it has come out that Mike Pence's life was in danger, and what did Trump say when told? Trump just said, "SO WHAT".
  4. All politicians bend the truth a bit, or a lot, some more than others, a heck of a lot more in the case of Trump and Vance. What's Trump up to now, 40,000, 50,000 documented lies? And Vance is working hard to catch up to his hero (Trump, that is).
  5. I've heard the Trump campaign say "Pennsylvania is a must win?. Oh well. so much for that idea!
  6. He never had a brain to begin with. That space is all filled with ego.
  7. Yeap, that's typical MAGA entertainment, with MAGAts themselves putting on the show. Vote BLUE next month and help end this nonsense.
  8. I salute THE BOSS for supporting the only common sense choice, just as other celebrities have. More celebrities will speak out over the next critical 30 days and help build the BLUE WAVE that is coming.
  9. Ching, ching, $ $ $. She just made another 6-figure sum or maybe even 7-figure for lying about her "husband", while at the same time, supporting her new book. Once a "working woman" (politeness in terminology used here), always a "working woman".
  10. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. But MB are fully aware of things that go on in Thailand and other countries where their products are sold.
  11. Well, you see, simply because the MB insignia is clearly tacked to the rear of the burning bus, and other buses. Okay?
  12. If I understand correctly, this is a Mercedes Benz chassis and drive train, but not the coach. If that is so, I'm surprised that MB would allow their decal on the locally-made coach.
  13. Let's talk again a few days after November 5.
  14. It is amusing to finally see the truth come out and to watch the implosion of a "person" who never should have been elected in the first place. The Trump era will forever be a dirty stain on American politics.
  15. I wasn't aware that any of these players had an interest in fighting in Ukraine.
  16. TRUMP IS A GREAT LEADER.......... A great CULT leader! He has unquestionably proven his ability to suck in tens of millions of Americans to follow him like sheep. That's not much of a presidential legacy.
  17. "For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes—not that you won or lost—but how you played the Game." Trump failed this old adage ---- dismally. Always has, always will. His ego just can't accept a loss.
  18. Trump would promise a ticket to Mars for $99 if he thought it would buy him a few votes. He'd promise to never lie again and to on his first day in office,, blow all storms back out to sea if the electorate would please just give him one more chance. He promises to once again become the greatest president in the history of America, the greatest !
  19. “I identify as a woman.” The answer is simple. If you are born with a dick, you're not a chick.
  20. Not just outside the US now but may be for a long time into the future, like long after Trump is defeated and all the dust that he stirred up settles (putting it politely). What a mess of hate, division and racism he has sowed. And BTW, I am Canadian, always have been but previously have been involved with USA for both business and pleasure. Harris 2024 !
  21. Yes, when philosophies are 180 degrees apart, that certainly could raise tensions. One is trying to protect and preserve his country, the other is willing to give it away, thinking that ending the war under any circumstances will buy him an election. Next gimmick please !
  22. Whenever there is a payment to a Trump family member, it's sure to hold an undesirable smell.
  23. Just don't read it. There are many Thai related topics available on AN.
  24. Lock him up or he'll pull a Steven Seagal and flee to Russia. Wait, maybe that would be better.
  25. Melania warned that the rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution must be "respected." Wait!! Isn't this the same constitution that the "husband" of Queen Melania wants to trash ?
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