I realize the death and injured numbers are always high in Thailand but seeing the numbers in print at this time each year portrays Thailand as a vehicular slaughterhouse.
Extend the festivities, extend the death toll.
They're going to be wishing that they had chosen the "How to be an Internet Scammer" course instead of the "How to become an International Mule" course, when still in school back in Nigeria.
Mum was right. I was given the same advice. But proof reading on any site is almost unheard of in today's fast moving digital world (BTW, take a look at the spelling of your second word and the failure to capitalize your second "I"). Just sayin'.
And may I add: 1) encouragement and facilities to handle refuse (aka garbage) responsibly. 2) deal with unsightly and dangerous cables of all utilities. 3) proactive police work to reduce traffic fatalities.
Why? Because little Thailand would be such a "bit player" in this partnership compared to big and technically strong China. This is merely Thailand running on China's coat tails. What does Thailand bring to the table as compared to China? Answer: Not much.