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Posts posted by wannascuba

  1. Thank You very much for the informative replies, I will research the posted info further. My trip to Thailand will be around July 2006, and I can post my expierences and findings for those that are interested. And if any more want to add info to the subject, I will check for future posts.

    Again, Thank You


  2. Hello,

    I will be spending one month in Thailand, and would like to know how I can donate money, gifts and volunteer time to help AIDS victims in the Bangkok and Chaing Mai areas. Are there AIDS Homes / Hospice in these areas.

    Also, I have heard that some Thai family members will forget about their loved ones when infected with this disease? Is there any truth to this?



  3. I will be traveling to the LoS soon. Can anyone help with a good clinic / hospital where I can get a blood test. I want to get results for; blood cell count, cholosterol HDL, LDL, thyroid, testosterone, and DHEAS? Any idea how much Bhat?

    Bumrungrad hospital will do a comprehensive test, (23 tests) for 12K baht and isssue you a report. It takes 2 hours (and they give u a lunch voucher for the restaurant downstairs).

    Google them and you will see the price for blood test only.

    Thanks for the info "think too mut"

    A free lunch also!! Thats awesome...

  4. Hello all,

    I am new to this forum, but I have traveled to LOS last year. Bangkok and Koh Samed. I am interested in working in Asia as a Scuba Instructor when I retire (around 5 years from now). Are these Scuba Interns legite, and do people actually land jobs upon completion. I am a certified open water diver with only 20 dives. Even after completing the internship, it seems like there would be plenty of other more expierenxed divers and a highly sought after job.


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