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Posts posted by wannascuba

  1. are you moving to hk? i just came over from hk to here not too long ago and before that korea. pm if you need any help. miss those curry fishballs and all roast stalls laugh.png

    I lived there before making the mistake of moving here. Cheers though mate smile.png

    Slightly off topic, But what is the average Cost of Living in HK with X1 small / med size dog???

  2. Because smokers seem to treat their whole world as an ashtray, no wonder there are more and more places in the world banning smoking in public. Take some personal responsibly, as well as consideration for others who don't want to be subjected to your habit.

    Why are anti-smokers such sanctimonius <deleted>? Treating the whole world as your ashtray? Please, get a real cause, save the whales or something, and then get on your soapbox..,,

    How dare you call me sanctimonious - the <deleted> part I can deal withsmile.png ......For the record I dont some fags, i smoke a pipe - keeps everything all tidy and self contained.rolleyes.gif

    Anyway - what was the OP's question again????

    Smoking a pipe1 How old are you?lol!


    Was just trying to lighten up the mood a little...

    OK, back to the bickering!

  3. Because smokers seem to treat their whole world as an ashtray, no wonder there are more and more places in the world banning smoking in public. Take some personal responsibly, as well as consideration for others who don't want to be subjected to your habit.

    Why are anti-smokers such sanctimonius <deleted>? Treating the whole world as your ashtray? Please, get a real cause, save the whales or something, and then get on your soapbox..,,

    How dare you call me sanctimonious - the <deleted> part I can deal withsmile.png ......For the record I dont some fags, i smoke a pipe - keeps everything all tidy and self contained.rolleyes.gif

    Anyway - what was the OP's question again????

  4. In my opinion, butt droppers should first of all be fined the full 2,000 baht, next, submit to a jolly good public flogging with split bamboo canes, followed by public disembowelment with rusty barbed wire and finally being suspended by the ankles under a pedestrian bridge. Then they should be tossed out of the country and declared persona-non-grata!

    That'll teach 'em!

    I doubt if this would still be enough for the anti-smoking lobby. They would want your children's children to suffer the same fate, or perhaps public crucifixions, beheadings, burnings at the stake etc.

    Now you're just exaggerating. Water-boarding maybe, but never crucifixions or beheading that's just uncivilizedlaugh.png

  5. http://www.flickr.co...ama/3590306247/

    dark-winged fungus gnat larvae

    migration - the entire strip of moving larvae was about 2 ft long.

    Comments and faves

    (39 months ago)

    these were on my carport.. in fact i notice them most every spring here.

    www.buginfo.com/article.cfm?id=83 rel="nofollow says this:

    "One very strange phenomenon that happens only rarely, but perhaps you would be the one to stumble upon it, is a mass migration of the larvae of fungus gnats. This may happen when some area of the soil is just perfect for the development of large numbers of the fungus gnat larvae, and some stimulus then causes them to migrate out in a massive stream of hundreds or thousands of larvae, all moving along like a tiny river. It is thought this could coincide with the larvae reaching their mature stage and needing to find a drier area to pupate, but the exact reason is not known. When this is seen the larvae are sometimes referred to, incorrectly, as "army worms", because of this uniform march. However, true armyworms are moth larvae that feed on plants, and are unrelated to these fly larvae.

  6. So just a refresher on this.....I did it again!

    Same cop. Same circumstances. This time I embellished it a little and made a meal of faking to throw it on the floor, walked up the steps and this time he was waiting at the top of the stairs.

    I gave him a "Sawasdee Krapp" and he had this card thing in front of my face which said littering 2000 Baht. I lifted my hand and Sheeezzzammm there it was - fag butt. Off I walked to the same bin as before and I actually heard him sign quite loudly.

    I might keep doing this to try and get a state of perceived helplessness in this copper and he stops targeting smokers. Or, he will arrest me and kill me. One of the two.

    Thats good news. You are now holding on to your fag butt long enough to throw it in the bin instead of the sidewalk. A win win for both sides.

  7. For normal people, yes, as long as you don't do anything too stupid. Not enough for the 1 percenters who I'm sure will be showing up shortly to explain how how it's not enough to cover even the basic necessities.


    You just contradicted yourself. The OP is in the 1 percent group, think about it!

    I know, I know those evil 1 percenters.....Just jokingsmile.png

  8. Note sure about SCB policy. But, when I opened my Kasikorn acc I asked this topic's question to the bank when opening my account.

    K Banks Answer; No acticvity beyond a year would not be a problem and my account will still be valid and open . Although, If my balance fell below the min. (1 or 2 thousand bht IIRC), then they charge a small monthly fee.

    Best to check SCB's policy and their min balance requirements.

  9. Not sure if this is related. But I had a simliar problem w/ Gmail when workiing abroad. I would check my personal email at work with their provided Sat based internet, then again check my email at my living quarters with a different based Sat interent provider.

    It seems these two different Sat connections showed up as different countries. I simply had to request a password reset or a code? if i remember correctly. Then check my cell number that was on file with my Gmail account to get a code or new passord?, then I was able to access my account again. Didnt have problem after that.

  10. To vegabond and anyone else interested,

    I just successfully submitted online with plenty of time to spare. I even have another 19 days to amend if I need. I have a slow internet connection, so that may be part of the problem when trying to submit. Or just operator errorwhistling.gif Brief run down, assuming you already have registered on BSA and have a user name and changed your default password.

    1. Log into the BSA E file website homepage.

    2. On the left hand side of the homepage, look for Legacy Reports then click on FILE FBAR.

    3. Then choose, open an existing form or open new form.

    4. Fill in the form, validate, sign with your PIN.

    4A. To get PIN click on get new PIN from the left hand pane of the homepage. To view PIN look in the Secure Messaging inbox.

    5. Go back to the form and click submit. After it completes loading you will get a confirmation window. (I copied and pasted this for my records). This is where having a good internet connection is key, I think that was my initial problem, it took about 45 sec for me.

    Note: Be sure the Form is opened via the websites FILE FBAR window, if you open like a regular document it will not submit, another problem I had.whistling.gif

    Good luck, can PM me if need further help.


    Also, there are several PDF instruction sheets to download. I have too slow of connection on my AirCard to download so I winged it.

  11. el jefe,

    I am not panicking (if you referring to me), if I cannot figure out the e file within a few days, I will just drop in the mail. I was ready to mail it about 4 or 5 days ago, but since I read about the E file I decided that would be a safer means of submitting rather than dropping in the mail from overseas. I do not consider mailing it nearly 1 month out to be waiting to the last minute, but I will beat my face for good measure anywaysmile.png

    Do you have any experience submitting via the BSA E file system? Edit, just re read you post and see you havent used E-file yet. If so, any info to my specific question posted a few back would be appreciated.



  12. I am with you "meand", however, my Government already has more info. on me than my own Mother due to my service. But that's the price I pay, no qualms about it. So, I will do my best to comply with the laws and hope for the best.

    From what I understand the Efile will soon be mandatory for this FBAR form, no more paper file from what I understand.

    So, anyone have any tips on what I am doing wrong trying to "submit".


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