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Posts posted by wannascuba

  1. I had posted some items in the original thread, just dont remember them all now. One item was Tobacco products that I cannot buy in Thailand, although I must admit it was purely out of my own self interest:)) Not based on what i thought would sell best!

  2. "So a couple of Thai's 'get on your nerves'. Will you start patting them on the head? Or point out things to them with your feet maybe?" NL

    Not quite the same as trying to dictate what one eats or drinks in the privacy of their own home (rented or not).

  3. FOX new or no FOX news, much of the rhetoric and hate in these replies, are the very same reason the US Congress cannot/will not get any done.

    Congratulations, most of you all have just played into the politician's hands. They [the politicians] know they have the voting public eating out of their hands, free to continue with their corrupt ways and policies. Too bad more voters are unable to remain objective.

  4. Is it really that hard to figure out why FOX, US based news is aired in Thailand? Perhaps because there are American Expats that want to watch that particular news channel with a focus on US based news. Much like some Japanese channels, Russian channels, etc, etc.

    Or is this just a convenient excuse to make the topic Thai related so you can have your little rant on FOX news. Does the OP feel all better now?

  5. I would come to Thailand for sure. 1,400 is plenty to live on in Nongkhai and when you are 62 you will have more.

    Of course, I already know that I have loved living here for 20 years and could easily live on 1,400 dollars and fill my needs.

    If he begins drawing SS now (prior to reaching 62), how will he have more when reaching 62 Years old. As I understand it if you begin drawing your SS before your "full" retirement age, in his case 62, then that is the reduced amount you are stuck with for your monthly benefit. I could be wrong?

    I am pretty sure that one can not draw social security until one is 62, so the 1,400 is from something else. He will get social security no matter what when he is 62, but maybe his pension would be higher if he waits.

    AH!! I understand now, my mistake. I did not read the OP correctly. In that case it would indeed be a difficult decision....Best of luck.


  6. I would come to Thailand for sure. 1,400 is plenty to live on in Nongkhai and when you are 62 you will have more.

    Of course, I already know that I have loved living here for 20 years and could easily live on 1,400 dollars and fill my needs.

    If he begins drawing SS now (prior to reaching 62), how will he have more when reaching 62 Years old. As I understand it if you begin drawing your SS before your "full" retirement age, in his case 62, then that is the reduced amount you are stuck with for your monthly benefit. I could be wrong?

  7. The answer is obvious to me. Wait 6 months, get $4500 a month.

    He said 6 years, not months...

    If it were me I would keep working and wait till 62 for your full benefit. Assuming you having only 50K in savings, and only relying on the smaller 1k SSI payout to live off. Thats too risky for me. Just my 2 cents worth.

    On the bright side, at least your full payout is at 62. I will have to wait till I am 67, if there is anything left. Whatever you choose, I wish you the best of luck and hope you retirement turns out well....


  8. This issue or (non) issue has very little to do with why America is broke.

    America is not broke. They own the Middle East that is the oil that runs the world. They also have the most gold. If China thinks it is going to be running the show because it collected a bunch of pieces of paper I have some bad news for them, the US gov controls the value of these pieces of paper. But in reality of course China knows this. In reality, China does not care. They have the same system as Thailand, 10% are rich, 90% are slaves.

    Maybe "broke" was note the correct term for me to use, but our (The USA) debt to GDP ration is near 100%. When I balance my check book, that is essentially broke (negative revenue/ balance in deep red) in my thinking. I could be wrong, but that is not how I handle my personal finances.

  9. OK, I am learning a lot from all replies, I apologize for my lack of computer literacy, but am still learning. For what it is worth, I never use internet cafes, have strong passwords, use different passwords for each account, and change them NLT every 6 months

    So from what I have gathered so far, as long as my banking and stock account websites are SSL (which I just checked and all are SSL), then I should be fairly secure using my hotels WiFi (as long as it is not a fake WiFi network setup by a hacker) and a VPN would not really be necessary, except for a second layer of protection? Is this correct?

  10. Absolutely.

    The main risk here is not OP's computer protection but the wireless network itself.

    In simplified, when you're connected to such an unprotected network, someone in the area could easily setup another wireless network that would look identical to the one of the hotel and, because it would be stronger or closer from you, trick your computer in going through it to connect to the internet. It could then follow everything you're doing on the net, including intercepting non-encrypted passwords or sending you to a fake bank page where you will enter yourself the password, thinking it is the real bank's website.

    Of course, there are not so many hackers roaming around and looking for potential preys, but there are now tools that make it pretty easy to set this up, and a lot of kids are having "fun" with this kind of things.

    This was the type of thing I was worried about, so would using a VPN help protect me against this, and which VPN would you recommend?



  11. 2. Is it safe to use internet banking using a Hotel's WiFi connection?

    Absolutely not.

    I wouldn't use a public (wired) connection, let alone wireless to conduct any financial activity.

    Thanks Super Nova,

    So is there any way for me to do this securely (IE additional software, etc, or?) or is it out of the question?

    Also, this being the case, I can assume even logging into my email via hotel WiFi that this is a risk, at least for my email password.

    Sorry for all the questions, but I am still learning about the security risks regarding the internet and don't want to be hacked or worse yet have my bank account wiped out, not that it adds up to much, but I worked hard to save what have. Many Thanks,

    All ideas welcome...



  12. I have a 2 questions regarding internet in Thailand.

    1. When trying to go to Yahoo's homepage on the WiFi at my hotel in Bangkok, it will not load completely (times out). But if I Google Yahoo Finance or yahoo email and click on those links, it will upload the pages and I can use them. Just curious why?

    2. Is it safe to use internet banking using a Hotel's WiFi connection?



  13. The Topic should be "Loners and Family Values​​." :)

    I am a Loner and also take care of my Family when able....But, the Topic should be Mr. Eirk Joannesen is superior to everyone else because he is not a loner and has better family values. Although I ponder if his financial situation were to change for the worse, his wife and in-laws may not be so accommodating if they had to support him.

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