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Posts posted by saminoz

  1. A number of "flame" posts removed.

    Seriously, the post from that user needed criticizing. The posts you removed were not abusive, merely derisive and indicative of most reader's low opinion of the poster.

    At least you edited (removed) the inflammatory content from mobilecontent's post but the level of censorship on this forum is getting ridiculous.

    One step further and you'll be invoking your own lesse-TVF laws.

    It's a public forum. We already have to suffer from repressive censorship in Thailand's press, why so draconian in a predominantly ex-pat forum?

    If my comments were so outrageous (no swearing, nothing you wouldn't hear in a preschool playground) how come I git three likes for them in such a short space of time?

    I think some of you moderators are getting carried away with the sense of power you feel when your fingers hover over the big red censor button! smile.png

    Maybe a slightly lighter touch?

    Remove this post and you may as well remove my account.

    • Like 2
  2. I must be missing something here.

    Why would you want or need to put a balance on your (Thai) PayPal Account?

    You have your Thai bank card and bank account registered with (Thai) PayPal, yes?

    Whenever you would buy something online and use Paypal as the payment option, it would simply be withdrawn from your registered card and bank account.

    I have both Thai PayPal and Bangkok Bank. Yes, impossible to add funds on it, but again NO NEED to.

    The only reason I can think of would be to try and transfer funds OUT of Thailand and into your Aussie account, which is by Thai law not allowed.

    Maybe also by international law due to money laundering and such.

    Transferring money out of Thailand (without any purchase) is only allowed under special circumstances, which I am sure can be found online or an other TVF poster may post them here.

    I transfer funds from my Paypal account (linked to my Bangkok Bank account) regularly. I have never had an issue. Easier, cheaper and faster than a bank transfer or crazy charging from Western Union. I can't see the problem.

  3. So, you're not really looking for a partner nor investor, just an interest free, zero risk loan for three months?

    What if your costs rise unexpectedly? What is the anticipated return? Is there an absolute guarantee of return?

    Having imported 20ft containers of whiskey into Africa on one or more occasions, it is not that costly. Why not go to your local bank for some trade finance?

    From the way you have approached this, if it is a measure of your business acumen, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

    • Like 1
  4. i'm working on developing some specific products for a live project I have in my Australian company.

    I am not looking to reinvent the wheel but am trying to develop a few specific products based on telematics. Whilst an enthusiastic amateur in the coding field, I need to hook up with someone capable of carrying out integration and programming of items based on a Single Board Computer (SBC) platform.

    Once I have a better defined project, I can undoubtedly get more funding from my Australian partners.

    This would be a collaboration based on mutual interest and an equitable share of any IP that arises. An ongoing development post is entirely possible.

    We'd need to chat first to see if there is any synergy.

  5. Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

    What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

    I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

    Oh dear, has the nasty man said something you don't like? You poor thing.

    I despise racist terms no matter who uses them or who they are directed at.

    On the other hand I only pity the ignorant.

    Ironic, given that you must be pretty ignorant of the Thai language to think that 'Farang' is an offensive term.

    Ignore BP's enormous chip on his shoulder.

    I lived and worked in Africa for more than 25 years and still have business interests there. I lived in Nigeria on three desperate occasions and have many intelligent, decent Nigerian and other black African friends.

    However, the type of scum selling drugs and the disgusting black whores on Sukhumvit are another case. They are a disease that needs to be eradicated.

    Racist my arse! Elitist is closer to the truth. I wonder if Bluespunk, the self elected Al Sharpton of TV, would mind these guys dating his daughter? No? Just because he's (presumably) black, he is allowed to discriminate? I am pretty sure that he looks down his nose at these guys himself but just jumps on the racist bandwagon despite that fact that he clearly hates white people himself!

    As a little aside, and to drag this reply back to the reply by SoiBiker above, in Nigeria whites are referred to as "Oyibo" which means white monkey! I don't think we'd be able to get away with calling Nigerians black monkeys in Europe, would we? IN Nigeria they also have a habit of showing their palms, fingers upwards, to white people, Some think they are being friendly but it actually means "go <deleted> your mother"! You get this all the time. Who are the real racists now?

    This all stems from a deep resentment linked to the injustices of slavery.

    Most people forget that it was the black tribes themselves who enslaved their neighbors and took them to the coast to sell to the white man.

    A trip around Oueida in Gabon shows the real truth of slavery from West Africa and is pretty damning of the blacks themselves.

  6. His comment was correct in the context of the OP. Had the police arrested white, brown, yellow or mixed race people then he may have commented accordingly.

    Fact - black people commit a lot of street crimes in many countries. Fact many drug dealers and pimps in that area are of African origin - as anyone walking through can see.

    Fact - black people commit a lot of street crimes because they grow up being routinely discriminated against and accused of being criminals starting so early in life, that after a while they hate people who say things like you do. And I don't blame them for it after seeing enough of it.

    Wow, you are really showing the chip on your shoulder now (more like a shoulder boulder!).

    I think you have clearly shown what side of the racial divide you are on and then you compound issues by trying to employ the old "I was mistreated as a child" defense! Do the {alleged) facts in your first sentence actually excuse the actions of the drug dealers, pimps etc? Is that what you are saying?

  7. More good news. You guys can play the racism card all you want, fortunately Thais and Thailand could not care less about such matters. Fact is the vast majority of drug dealers etc. in the mentioned area are black, hence it makes lots of sense to go after black people.

    As a sidenote, most of the mentioned black people in that area are here illegally as well, which I am sure the police will find out once they check their passports and missing workpermits.

    I think you'll find the majority of drug dealers here in Thailand are Thai.

    You should join that other apologist, Suffinator. You could be Hallucinator. It is in keeping with the subject matter after all.

  8. I'm beginning to suspect that all is not well inside the German airline industry. First, you have a group of Germanwings pilots refuse to fly their planes after this crash. Adolf Galland, they're not. And, now, the keys to a plane with 149 people on it being given over to a 28 year old just two years out of the company flight school. Soft, soft, soft. Not exactly the same sort of stuff that went into Ernst Udet, who had the decency to do himself in while alone. These Germans seem emotionally fragile, sloppy, and downright weak.

    Hold it. Young co-pilots fresh out of training man (or wo-man) controls everywhere in the world. How do you think they earn their experience? Simulator? But no, they are not always up to their sort of image. I always mistrust sort of images and people and organisations who appear too perfect. I d gladly fly anytime with one of those half-drunk Ukrainians who fly the UN planes in Congo. They d never do such a thing.

    I'm assuming you're referring to the same half drunk Ukrainians who, drunk, failed to climb from the domestic airport in Kinshasa and ploughed through the market at the end of the runway killing scores of women and children?

    The crew then exited the plane, went back to base and continued drinking, I heard.

  9. Well, his name looks classically German, so ethnicity is likely not an 'issue'. But what are you saying? That airlines should discriminate against people of certain ethnicities or faiths in their hiring??

    In a word, yes.

    Why hire for such important positions from a group of people feared for fanatical behavior and murderous, inhuman intent.

    Would a colonial British family in India have hired a Thugee houseboy, in order to be politically correct?

    Maybe some positive discrimination against Muslims will prompt the moderates to get their house in order.

  10. He's not an academic, business person or long term politician. But a very senior military officer. His world view will be shaped by his own experiences, information acquired, training, life style norms and his capability to transform information into knowledge through action.

    BB, I'm no politician, nor a particularly astute observer of the Thai "body politic", but shouldn't that read "transform information into ACTION through knowledge" (or is your little Freudian slip an unconscious acknowledgement of the chap's overwhelming dependency on his military experience?

    • Like 1
  11. The dude is bored in his retirement. Laughing at him will only encourage him

    Let's go easy on him! He is just a sad, pathetic little man trying to find justification for his existence in that den of iniquity.

    You have to be a particularly insecure and desperate individual to, let's face it, subordinate yourself to our much admired Royal Thai Police, right?!! In the UK he'd be tested and possibly sectioned.

    There is a term for what he is doing, or what he has become.......what was it?.......hasn't been used for 70-odd years......... Oh Yes!!!!



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