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Posts posted by saminoz

  1. Uncle Goldbuggy's "facts" (strong evidence, including their confession, admitting to be near the scene during this crime, and DNA Matching Hannah's, and also an eye witnesses and holding Davids stolen Mobile Phone.) are as credible and uncontestable as the RTP's story, lol

    edit: non-relevant nested posts deleted

    Uncle Goldbuggy?? !!!!!

    More like an RTP version of an "Uncle Tom"!

  2. it ain't new york city there, buddy.

    'mafia' is the same word but has a different meaning. even different to bangkok or other cities.

    think of small population with large land ownership. generations of land ownership.

    they own the islands. police are under them.

    This of course is the reason police early on had no problem publicly accusing them and humiliating them on only unsubstantiated rumor. blink.png

    huh? You mean when the initial police team was following evidence - which led to announcing Mon and Nomsod as prime suspects? You can call that 'accusing them' if you want. Following evidence/leads and announcing suspects is what inspectors are supposed to do - it's part of their job description. However, JTJ, you mention 'humiliating them' in the same phrase. Well yes, perhaps the accused were humiliated by being named suspects. But look at what happened at the crime: a lot more than humiliation. Should we shed crocodile tears for men being 'humiliated' by being named as suspects? You can if you want. But not to worry, JTJ, your humiliated-for-3 days buddies were quickly declared innocent by the replacement head cop. So they're free forever - to do in the next uppity farang victims who don't submit to their sexual advances. Feel better now?

    Interesting bit of incoherent deflection but the fact remains -- police has absolutely no issue what-so-ever naming them as suspects as they did many people early on before clearing them. So, it is lunacy to think they tiny island headsman's power trumps that of the Thai Police, investigators, forensic teams, witnesses, video, DNA, laboratories, UK observers ....


    Methinks that JTJ and cohorts are so heavily invested in Death Island that they're getting ever more desperate.

    I seem to recall JTJ admitting to having some dive school connections? Maybe a bubble went astray, accounting for his/her brainless defense of all things RTP and the apparent blood lust for the necks of the B2?

    In any event, given the history and stories of the Koh Tao mafia, I would suggest that any opinion offered by anyone having vested business interests there must be treated with a good deal of caution.

  3. If the final word by the prosecution on the DNA evidence is that the samples are gone, and all that is left is the paper trail, I think a guilty verdict is going to be highly embarrassing for Thailand. Speaking personally, it would confirm my strong feeling that the Burmese kids are innocent. Incompetent though the RTP may be, it beggars belief that they would not ensure that their key evidence could stand up to, at least, cursory examination. The only reasonable explanation would be that the prosecution cannot afford reexamination of the DNA evidence/

    Another explanation: RTP top brass have a father-knows-best attitude, similar to the PM's. They're used to (almost demand that) the Thai populace accept what they declare as fact. Even if Thais don't accept it, well then they know enough to stay quiet. Social media is a new concept for the RTP, and they've been broadsided by the chorus of people demanding a fair trial. The same people who have been making noise about how tattered the investigation has been. RTP are not used to that, and they don't like it - but that's the new paradigm. Even if they wanted to do a professional, objective investigation, it's too late now for this case. The water is under the bridge.

    If nothing else comes from this painful investigation/trial, hopefully the RTP will learn how to investigate in a professional manner. ...and to not expect the general public to accept what they declare at face value. They've lost a truckload of credence, and it might take a long time to regain part of that trust.

    Quite right Boomer. The whole attitude of the Police (and government) in this is a direct result of decades of the corruption-ridden patronage system that allows unpunished RTP thugs to swagger around using their "powers" (to intimidate and extort) from Thais and foreigners alike.

    Prior to this high profile case, they really, seriously believed they could spin any old yarn and that no one would have the gonads to question them. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the many side meetings no doubt going on where RTP goons of differing ranks are looking at each other and wondering, fearing who is going to be put on the chopping block for this shameful debacle.

    There was precious little trust in the RTP before this case and pretty much zero now.

    I tend to sense the fire dimming in the RTP shills' camp, although one or two hard line, invested die-hards are still trying to keep their agenda on line.

    Be careful about posting guys. The already draconian TVF censorship is in overdrive right now. I just returned from a 72 hour "holiday" for turning round one shill's comment of "plain and simple" to starting my response with something like "Yes, you are plain AND simple"! I thought it was light-hearted and a bit humorous but the TVF censor disagreed!

    I did ask if the mute button was being applied equally between both sides of the argument here but they declined to comment on the reasons for a moderator's actions.blink.png

    Ah well. As I have not (I hope) insulted anyone's intelligence in this reply (yet), I hope that this post stands! wink.png

  4. But from your post I see it is you who is fixated on accusing the Head Man and his Family no matter what truth they find or come out.

    Are you dislexic? All I've written many posts on this topic - relates to wanting truth and justice. Not Thai style justice, but verifiable no-stone-unturned justice. If the Headman's family members are cleared in a viable way, fine. I and everyone else who doubted them should leave them completely alone. I'll even publish a public apology. However, in the view of many observers, there are dozens of gaping issues regarding their culpability - which haven't been addressed. Either that, or such implicating things have been hidden, trashed, not looked for, altered, or explained falsely.

    There you go again. Clipping part of my post without including yours then pleading the opposite as to what you said.

    For the Umpteenth Time, these people you constantly suggest were investigated from the first, but where cleared because they had an Iron Clad Alibi and had their DNA Tested, which did not match. How much more would your Police need to clear a suspect? .

    On the other hand, the 2 accused where placed on the beach and very near the murder scene, supported by eye witnesses, during the time of the Rape and Murder. Even a good Burmese Friend of the accused, who was with them, has made a sworn statement he was with them on the beach, at this close location, until 1 am. He said he left then and went to visit his girlfriend while his friends decided to stay on the beach to drink some more.

    David and Hannah were last seen together leaving the Bar (AC Bar if I recall) near 1 am by witnesses and CCTV. They must have gone to there rented accommodations as David's Friend, Travel Companion, and Room Mate, by sworn statement says that David left shortly afterwards, and near 1 am. The Rape and Murders happened between 1 am, when last scene, and 6 am, when the bodies were discovered.

    To my knowledge, nobody had seen them together in public after this 1 am time. So from the lack of a better word, logic would suggest they both must have went straight to this secluded spot on the beach, which is only 100 meters away from where they were staying. To do this they must have traveled right next to, or very near, the 2 Accused as they were still on the beach drinking. This time frame could be no later than 1:30 am. The autopsy seemed to confirm that they were both killed between 1:30 am and 2:30 am. Taking into account the time required to kill David, and to sexually assault Hannah and them murder her as well, they were both attached around 2 am, at the latest. ,

    Even the 2 accused admitted to their whereabouts at their first Court Hearing. They stated they are innocent and when asked who they thought that did this they said they did not know. They stated they were on the beach in this location and time, but did not see anything. Like David and Hannah walking by them, which was the only path to get where they were going. They said they were "DRUNK" and just staggered home, although they did not know the time and nobody saw them do this.

    So on one hand you have earlier suspects, who through an Iron Clad Alibi, where one proved he could not have even been on the Island during the times of these murders, and DNA Samples taken from both them, that did not match Hannah's DNA Sample and thus cleared of any suspicion.

    On the other hand, you have 2 accused who they themselves claim they were near the crime scene and near or during the times of the murders, but saw nothing. They claim they did not see David and Hannah yet claim they found Davids Cell Phone on the beach. Who there only Alibi is themselves, staggering home drunk at an unknown time, with no other witnesses to collaborate their story. Who DNA matched the DNA on Cigarette Butts found at the Crime Scene. Who's DNA Matched the Sperm Samples taken for Hannah.

    With Evidence like this, any Police Force in the World would arrest the 2 accused and charge them for this crime. .

    . . .


    Yet another shill :-(

    How many times are you going to repeat your "IRON CLAD ALIBI" mantra?? Is that what you have been asked to spread around?

    You are spouting a very one sided view of the whole thing. The two accused are guilty of being on that beach around the time.

    isn't there an issue of some missing CCTV footage regarding some other potential suspects? Didn't the senior RTP officer at the time on Koh Tao feel sufficiently confident of these people's involvement to actually name them in the press?

    It's very convenient and disgustingly dis-ingenuous of you to omit (ok, let's be fair, maybe "forget") these facts.

    The reason there is such a debate over this story is the wide-held belief that the RTP is a corrupt institution that has been know in the past to "bend" justice to serve the cause of well connected "Hi-So" Thais. If the Police have cigarette butts with the DNA of the two Burmese who have already admitted being in the vicinity, I don't see that as particularly damaging. Easy enough to plant them at the actual scene. As for the DNA found, supposedly, in Hanna, also easy enough to plant, if you accept that the RTP are not whiter than white a lot of the time.

    I think that an acid test will prove to be whether the court allows for re=testing of all DNA by an independent lab and whether those tests support the RTP's case.

    At the very least, the investigation was amateur, shambolic and showed the RTP in a very, very poor light.

    It will be interesting to see how the whole trial unfolds.

    No surprise to most here to learn that the press' support teams are being intimidated.

  5. Recall the two accused Burmese were not the first suspects arrested for the murders.


    Surat Thani police yesterday arrested a British tourist after he was suspected to have connection with the deaths of two fellow Britons in Koh Tao off Surat Thani coast.

    Police identified the British back packer as Christopher Alanvare.

    Police said they arrested him after employees of a resort on the beach told police that Mr Christopher was seen strolling near the scene where the two British tourists were killed on the night of September 14.

    Besides they also found a significant evidence which is a blood stain on his clothes.

    Police said Christopher urgently left the popular diving paradise on the first ferry to the mainland the next day after the murder was discovered.

    So convinced that Chris was guilty, the police chief announced that the murders were about to be brought to justice. Prayut followed with a statement that no Thai would commit such a crime. Then the "evidence" failed to implicate Chris and the police had to actually begin an investigation in earnst.

    Wasn't this the point where the RTP had "allegedly" planted the shirt in this guy's bags?

    All adds to the credibility of the RTP huh? How will JD and Aleg and the rest of the shill "thicket" spin this?

  6. Oh and I forgot - what was it that led the police to these two suspects in the first place, ...?

    Answer: From the first minutes, Thai officials were frantically trying to nail this on Burmese migrants. The first head cop followed the evidence (what a surprising concept in Thailand!) and it led to the brother and son of the Headman being prime suspects. However, there was too much pressure from Bkk to nail Burmese, so the head cop was yanked off the case, and we know what ensued.
    Again you are misrepresenting things.

    There were several sets of suspects. All were cleared.

    They rest is just garbage to promote your agenda..

    It's no surprise to see JD, Aleg and the rest of the RTP shills rushing to defend their masters.

    Ignore these blinkered (or mis-directed) fools.

  7. You have not supplied any information that would allow advice to be given.


    1) Company type.

    2) Capitalisation.

    3) Number of Thai Employees.

    3) Turn over and company age.

    4) VAT Registration.

    5) You, your nationality, age, marital and visa status.

    6) What work you intend to do within this company.

    7) Nature of company's business.

    You are right, excuse me.

    The company is in IT retail with some IT services. The company was founded 10 years ago and was turning over between 9 and 12 million over the last three years. Last year saw a serious decline in line with the farang owner's failing marriage.

    The company has 4 Thai employees, is capitalized at 2 million and is registered for VAT. I have the historical financials and it has been a sound tax payer both of corporate and social taxes.

    I am 57, married to a Thai am on a Non-Immigrant O based on retirement. I intend to change this to a visa based on marriage, gain a work permit and run the business as the manager. We are initially acquiring the 51% in my wife's name and buying the remaining 49% in 12 months.

    I hope that's enough info. If you need more detail than that, I'd ask that you PM me please.

    I appreciate your advice.

    Best regards

    • Like 1
  8. That is a lot of Generals.

    Seems that Prayuts younger brother has risen through the ranks and gained valuable experience and credentials on the way to the top. He is a veteran soldier that has studied at military school and can certainly bring a wealth of military experience and background to which ever role he is chosen for. Of course being a brother helps, but he is not green as grass and filling a role he has no idea on.

    Good to see that Prayut does not follow in thaksins nepotistic footsteps by bringing in completely unqualified and inexperienced relatives for positions that are so obviously out of their depth, but were filled by these relatives simply to fulfil the needs of a criminal at the behest of the majority. Don't need to go past yingluck to see a person fill a position that has no experience or background in politics. Zero experience and it showed. Surapong who filled the defence ministers role, but was clueless in what it entailed. Zero experience and it showed.

    If Prayuts younger brother was not a veteran military staff member and then brought in as a General it would get the same response from me that the above people did. If yingluck and surapong were veteran politicans and filled the role while bringing something to it that embedded confidence then they would get the same response from me that Prayut's brother is getting.

    It is not the person, it is what they bring to the role.

    Well if 400+ generals are due to leave military service, it makes you wonder exactly how many there are and what percentage they make up of the Thai Army?

    Now, assuming that there were only, say, 1,000 general level ranks in total, what are the chances of this PM's brother being in the very top 0.2% of them?

    Sorry but it stinks of nepotism and a sincere desire to maintain a death grip on the country to me.

  9. Hello,

    I am asking for help from some of our better Thai readers/writers please.

    I am looking to buy a small company here and have received the last three years' audited financials, all in Thai, of course.

    I downloaded the English version of the tax return P.N.D. 50 and have managed to understand pretty much most of it. My issue is with the section detailing the Selling and Administration Expenses. The English version has only 24 entries whereas the completed Thai version of the form has 31 entries. I have tried but failed to translate the entries so I need help please. I have attached one of the years' sheets.

    Before anyone goes off on me, Yes I am learning Thai but as a native English and French speaker (and a bit old to boot) I find it slow and difficult. I am using the Learn Thai From a White Guy course (learn Thai in 10 days my arse!!) but intend to hire a private language tutor is I buy the company.

    Many thinks in advance if someone could just translate the 31 labels for me.

    I would be more than happy to buy beers for the favour.




  10. The Secretary was assisted by Sorajja Nual-yu, a well-known astrologer who styles himself as "Thailand's Nostradamus."

    The Secretary went on to say Sorajja won 234 consecutive lotteries before he was banned from playing the lottery.

    Now that makes him an expert!

    But before any Thai bashing takes place- let's all be happy they don't sacrifice virgins anymore to summon rain.

    Only because they can't find any!!

  11. Here's a couple of queries;

    Do your property purchases count towards (or actually replace) the need for the 800k in the Thai bank account? Why keep US$20k+ sat in a bank account doing virtually nothing when you can have it invested in Thai property and saving on rent?

    For the income requirement, as a business owner (form a business outside of Thailand) whose income varies month on month but is always way in excess of the level required, having been non-resident in my home country in excess of 10 years and my money not originating there, what should I do about the declaration of income requirement?

    Cheers in advance

  12. no its called insecurity on the 50 year old man with his 20 year old chick. No excuse for this in the Uk where the Thai woman can get a job easily

    because he says she is working so she can pay for her own thing

    Don't understand your point. She has a job so why not pay for her own things????

    I think its called Marriage,

    Which is what this thread is really all about, younger Thai girl dumping old guy but trying not to return to Thailand

    true, so why the OP on his soap box about getting involved. Also he says lots of Thai couples....Where the h*** does he live Pattaya.

    You two should just get a room already!

    The OP, supposedly, is asking advice for a bad situation. You two are showing your anti Thai lady colors with little respect for the OP.

    Sounds to me like you're both in the old, fat&bald brigade who have had bad experiences with the bar girls you married! biggrin.png

    Bitter and twisted doesn't even begin to cover it.cheesy.gif

  13. A number of "flame" posts removed.

    Seriously, the post from that user needed criticizing. The posts you removed were not abusive, merely derisive and indicative of most reader's low opinion of the poster.

    At least you edited (removed) the inflammatory content from mobilecontent's post but the level of censorship on this forum is getting ridiculous.

    One step further and you'll be invoking your own lesse-TVF laws.

    It's a public forum. We already have to suffer from repressive censorship in Thailand's press, why so draconian in a predominantly ex-pat forum?

    If my comments were so outrageous (no swearing, nothing you wouldn't hear in a preschool playground) how come I git three likes for them in such a short space of time?

    I think some of you moderators are getting carried away with the sense of power you feel when your fingers hover over the big red censor button! smile.png

    Maybe a slightly lighter touch?

    Remove this post and you may as well remove my account.

    ....and it's goodnight from him.

    cheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif I'm guessing so, but not just yet!!!!!

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