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Posts posted by saminoz

  1. attachicon.gifhoehoe1.jpg

    the original hoe below (notice the broken corner ) and hoe in the news clip above.

    Leave the detective work to capable people; that is a leave in front of the blade, it's not a hole on the blade.

    It's not often you're right, but you're wrong again. Aleg. Pay attention.

    Take a look at the hoe from this angle, pretty sure it is damaged on that corner and, my, isn't it kind of dirty and bloody? Not too mention the one displayed for the cameras looks a lot longer!!

    It really doesn't look much at all like the actual hoe found at the crime scene , does it?

    Maybe through your RTP rose coloured glasses AleG. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


  2. The second scam was when the police stopped them on their motorcy and asked for their licence, which they did not have, he told them that they had to pay bht 700 for that offense ?

    It should have been 2000 baht.

    Penalty for driving without a license has gone up, it is now minimum 2000 baht and max 3 months jail.

    You mean that it's 2000 baht for some hapless farang. No way a Thai would ever have to pay that. They could run over (drunk) and kill 4 people for that much, especially if they run away and sober up first.

    Shouldn't the onus be on the bike rental companies to ensure that the people they rent bikes to have a valid license? They are happy enough to take the money, after all.

  3. Washington Post

    Finally, police appeared to have found their footing when they arrested two Burmese migrants who, cops claimed, had confessed to the crime.

    Yet, that case has also been disintegrating from the get-go, like a courthouse made of sand.

    With no DNA evidence and a contested confession, the case appears to be collapsing.


    Washington Post - Rape, murder and a deepening mystery on a tiny tropical island http://wpo.st/BMp_0

    Much of that report is garbled, and it contains some inaccuracies. However, it reminds me of one point that is interesting. Early on, it appeared the police were trying to deny the presence of semen samples. Both the claims for a while that there was no rape, and then the claim that condoms were used, point to that. Then, when semen samples were acknowledged, rather than send them to the Central Institute for Forensic Science (the body set up to ensure objective and professional analysis of forensic evidence) they carried out an improperly documented and easily falsified analysis in-house.

    Agreed that the report has some inaccuracies and clearly written by someone without the benefit of a year's worth of exposure to the farce of an investigation. However, the very fact that the Washington Post is reporting it is significant as they are famous for "smelling" stories and scandals, remember Watergate?

    That this travesty is now being reported in the 'states by a major media outlet is a good thing.

  4. Probably about time we went into recess hey mods... next date is the 22nd September.

    Some people need to jump of the merry go round.

    I totally agree. I don't think there is much more to be gained from continuing this thread until the next session.

    The defence is in pretty good shape and the RTP shills are just re-hashing what very little (mis) information they have because there is little else they can do and lack the intellect to do any better.

    The reason they make so much noise? People with narrow minds usually have broad tongues.

    Let's take a break and reflect on those events last year when these two bright young people were brought to a savage, despicable end and the corruption machine kicked into gear to carry out this travesty of a prosecution and protect the real perpetrators.

    Closing the thread at this point would be seen as a mark of respect.

    RIP Hannah and David and peace to your families.

  5. The problem you seem to have is to grasp that the crime was committed in Thailand and thus under Thailand Law, and not the law of your home land.

    The Prosecution does not have to provide any information to the Defense in advance here. So perhaps you should educate yourself on Thai Law and not the law of your land. This would also help you to understand the justice system better here as well.

    Diversion, nothing to see here, move on.


  6. The absence of Hannah clothes is absolute proof that the rtp fabricated this case. Deliberate removal of key evidence is a criminal offence. I'm amazed the defence hasn't thrown the book at the Rtp.

    It has already been established by defense testimony 02 SEP 2015 that there was a clothes thief on the loose that night.

    With all due respect JLC, your comment is either inane or in very poor taste.

    Photos show that Hannah's body still had the skirt and top in the morning when surrounded by the BiB. She was clearly wearing them whilst she was attacked. They were still on here when she was put in the plastic tarp or body bag.

    So, how could the RTP or pathologist possibly not include them in the forensic examination unless directed by someone(s) NOT to do so and to get rid of them.

    This is a shocking omission from such a crime scene!

    Disgusting, like the rest of the RTP's handling of this case.

  7. Beach cleaners discovered the Britons’ naked bodies 20 m apart by rocks on idyllic Sairee Beach on Sept. 15. A bloodstained garden hoe, commonly used by beachside bars to dig fire pits, was found nearby and has now been confirmed as the principal murder weapon, along with a wooden club.

    The existence of two weapons has “made us believe that there are at least two attackers,” the deputy national police chief, Police General Somyot Pumpanmuang, told reporters Monday.


    Wooden club in existence?

    I'm afraid it's just another piece of "inconvenient" evidence to go missing, along with Hannah's clothing etc. etc.

  8. Stealth could you pm me some other sites to read about this case? My searchs come up in vain...one off blog posts without near the in depth analysis or forum conversations like we have here. Thank you.

    The quote comes from an Andrew Drummond article, not particularly reliable source in my opinion.

    Having said that if there is clear evidence that the DNA analysis was tampered with then that's significant, but simply saying that some data is incorrect, or other was edited without giving a context or explaining relevance is not much to hang a hat on.

    For example, from what I know, the date of death in David Miller's autopsy report was incorrect, obviously that would be a clerical error since there is no reasonable explanation of why the person writing the report would fake that. Of course that could easily be spun as "We have found significant errors in the autopsy report" in order to discredit the results of the autopsy; while the statement would be true it does not follow that the results of the autopsy are in error.

    As the saying goes, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

    Setting aside the fact that you have zero credibility here due to your well known false written reporting on the internet, your final sentence rings true and thus you must be a very, very dangerous guy.

    In such a high profile double murder case, I would think that ANY errors in such things as the autopsy and investigation raises serious questions about the capabilities and professionalism of the investigators and medical teams.

    It has been amply demonstrated that the handling of the case and, in particular, the forensics were deeply, shockingly flawed from the outset. From the handling of the bodies, the non-forensic handling of the clothing and other pieces of evidence at the scene (where ARE Hannah's skirt and top, by the way?) through to the criminal lack of follow up on the events preceding the murders and the extremely suspicious diversion of attention from the two suspects that the Police initially identified as being involved.

    Now during the trial, the prosecution are only offering statements of a supposed match in the DNA and the insulting "testimony" from supposed "top" policemen in charge of the case. The lead policeman simply stating "I don't know" when it should be safe to assume that he ought to know everything about this case.

    It totally points to a cover up and it's patently obvious that the RTP were not prepared for such blow back and having their statements and fiction questioned so openly and globally.

    This raises the question, still, of why you and the shills still try to deflect opinion on this case in this (and God knows how many other forums) and what your vested interests are in having the B2 found guilty when it seems clear to, maybe 99% of the readers here that the B2, if not completely innocent, are at best peripherally involved.

  9. I dont remember the DNA on the hoe ever even being discussed. I thought the DNA was from the condom? IF Porntip could dispute that evidence then that would be something. This just seems like media hype.

    DNA matches from the hoe were never part of the prosecution case against the Burmese, the principal evidence is DNA evidence recovered from inside the body of the rape victim.

    Contrary to the claims of the defense lawyer, finding DNA on the hoe from two men who are not the defendants does not prove their innocence.

    "{DNA matches from the hoe were never part of the prosecution case against the Burmese" - Simply because they couldn't make a case with that.

    "the principal evidence is DNA evidence recovered from inside the body of the rape victim". - Should really read "allegedly recovered from the body of the rape victim". RTP have shown themselves to be generally incompetent when handling DNA (remember the RTP Forensic Colonel who claimed under oath that there was no DNA evidence on the hoe?), this is even more so true of those on the island that supposedly collected the samples. Moreover, proper procedures were never followed and no chain of custody provided to the defence, largely rendering the RTP's DNA evidence unreliable or possibly false.

    Contrary to the claims of the defense lawyer, finding DNA on the hoe from two men who are not the defendants does not prove their innocence. - Agreed!! Do you, or do you not, think that all stops should now be pulled out to find out who, exactly, that DNA belongs to? Would you be willing to be typed? I would.

  10. <<<It shows the world how bad the RTP are. But more importantly it shows the corruption that controls Thai society.>>>

    Release the B2 and ensure they are properly compensated and, restart the investigation and apprehend the 2 or 3

    pretty well-known ​perpetrators who may still be on Death Island!!!!

    What we need right now is a watch put on the "2 or 3 well known" to give notice if they suddenly start planning trips abroad!! Chickens coming home to roost!


  11. I hope this puts the argument that no evidence, DNA or otherwise, has been presented to rest.

    Please explain why we should believe anything you write about this subject Ale...... G.....? Don't get out of your depth Sir!

    Have not you already disqualified yourself from any level of truthfulness in your previous posts and/or reviews?

  12. I'd guess it was Day 13 sir, as there's been a lot more than 13 prosecution witnesses but a lot less that they 65 claimed they had.!!

    To be honest, this judge is not up to this case either, he should have put his foot down and said "no more evidence or documents or else I will call a mistrial" but he wont as the whole court case is a red herring and a show case, the verdict is already known.

    I really do hope that's it not predetermined already.

    That's the core of the issue here Madaussie,

    We witnessed an obvious scapegoating developing withing days of the murders and, somehow, came together on this forum, and others, to try and derail what was rapidly becoming a steamrollering of two innocent Burmese towards the "gallows".

    It was obvious, to those of us,with a reasonable amount of Thai experience, what was happening so we started to rise our voices in dissent and defense of the B2.

    Had this not occurred, it seems obvious that these two hapless scapegoats would have been found guilty (as the RTP and other interested parties intended) and could well be history by now.

    I believe this is the first time in history that the arrogant, unprofessional and visibly corrupt practices of the RTP supporting the equally corrupt patriarchal system has been exposed to this much scrutiny. It is for this reason, and this reason alone, IMO, that we have the level of visibility of this trial now.

    What needs to come under the microscope next, after - presumably, hopefully and rightfully - the B2 are found innocent, are the actions of the RTP, other players and here, on TVF, why certain members lunged to protect certain persons, establishments and, probably,their own little parochial interests.

    I have certain info on some of the so-called "apologists and shills" and will undoubtedly reveal these if I see them trying to derail the defense's revelations. They are clearly working to an agenda and if I have to reveal some information (all available in the public domain, by the way, if you care to really look), then I will.


  13. Now turns out this guy was actually arrested in Cambodia on Monday

    and only handed over at border today

    Wait, what?!

    Makes sense for the Cambodians to be doing the Thais' work for them.

    Seriously, if the Army/RTP have actually got the right guys as part of the cell that carried out the attacks, then all credit to them.

    What a shame that the ever corrupt and shameful RTP had to tarnish the event with the "award".

  14. Quite frightening.

    I wonder what the BiB in places like Chiang Mai are making of it? No doubt looking on with eyes of green.

    How long before we have some BiB bombing a tourist spot in the North, taking out some LoSo Chinese tourists and farang backpackers just to stir up the fear and indignation necessary to entice another reward? Simply then racially profile the alleged bomber and "rush" to an apartment containing someone who fits the profile and drop the necessary "evidence" before taking the obligatory photos and pointing at the hapless scapegoat!

    Job well done, here have the reward, move along now, nothing to see here!

    Too far fetched? I hope so but TiT!!


  15. I find that to be somewhat rather hasty. At the moment, this guy is still ONLY a suspect. Nothing has been proven. He has not been convicted - although the police seem to be dead sure he's the one. Wouldn't it be a bit awkward if in the end, the reward money was paid and the court found out this suspect was not guilty?

    This is completely in line with the RTP's thought processes.

    Once they have decided on a perpetrator, it never enters their minds that anyone could actually challenge their position and hence it is already a fait accompli.

    They have shown this many times in the past and most notably with the B2 in the Koh Tao case.crazy.gif

    I am still waiting to see how the usual RTP apologists, JTJ, Alejandro (oops, Aleg), Balo, GoldBuggy etc. try to spin this. Wait a minute, most are conspicuously quiet which adds weight to our suspicions that they were more protecting a certain family or their vested interests on Murder Island, not necessarily "rushing" to defend the RTP!cool.png

    Question: Why are the Police always "rushing" and are they all really paratroopers?


  16. TIME Article

    On Thursday, Samui Central Court heard that two Rohingya Muslims — an ethnicity currently engaged in a bitter sectarian feud with the Rakhine — were employed as interpreters during their interrogation. However, they only had rudimentary understanding of Thai and the Rakhine language

    Speaking to TIME in Koh Samui prison prior to the trial, Wai Phyo said the translator accused him of being party to mob violence against Rohingya in their homeland. “He asked me: ‘When the riots started in Burma, where were you? Did you burn down my village?’” said Wai Phyo.


    u beat me to it Stealth smile.png

    However, they only had rudimentary understanding of Thai and the Rakhine language

    He asked me: ‘When the riots started in Burma, where were you? Did you burn down my village?’” said Wai Phyo.

    Doesn't seem Wai has a problem understanding the Translator.

    The translator makes pancakes. Wai Phyo made beds. I say that makes him way more intelligent! cheesy.gif

    It is totally feasible that WP understood Mr. Pancake's dialect whereas the roti seller could not reciprocate?

  17. Thanks so far. Follow up questions. Do the hard wired ones use a battery backup for when the bike is just loaded into a flatbed not driven away. Also the ones on EBay all require a 2g SIM card specifically stating it will not work with 3 and 4g. Is that an issue?

    Most decent trackers should have a built in backup battery that will maintain the device's configuration and report position for several hours if driven away on a flatbed. The key is to set up a small geofence around your parking spot so that it triggers an alarm if the bike leaves that area.

  18. Hello ThaiWai,

    I did send you a PM but no reply.

    Beware the cheap Chinese trackers on Alibaba and Lazada as they generally use low grade components and poor GPS chip-sets.

    You can get a very cost effective wired in device with the option of remote disabling and if you go to the right company (wink.png ) you can get a waterproof device with the Global SIM programmed into a chip on the device and that will work in pretty much any country that has GSM networks. These chips are non network specific and will choose the best GPRS signal based on strength. This is ideal if you live in an area where the coverage is poor and where, say, AIS has coverage issues but another network still has decent service.

    You have the benefit of a fixed monthly cost and not having to remember to top up your locally bought Sim card or to have to buy a different SIM if you travel cross border. If someone nicks your bike or car and takes it to Laos or Myanmar, for example, you would be able to track it (it is pretty inconspicuous) to their doorstep.

    We're a farang-run company that has been in this business for 10 years in Thailand.

  19. I recently changed my non-O based on retirement to a marriage extension of stay, allowing me to stay up to the 2nd August 2016 (attached).

    This was signed off on the 3rd August 2015.

    I was using a multiple re-entry permit that was issued at Suvarnabhumi on the 4th October and which expired on the 4th August this year. My last entry to the Kingdom under this permit was on the 1st June this year.

    My question now is: When do I now have to report my 90 day stay? Is it 90 days from my last entry or 90 days from the issuance of the new extension of stay?

    Many thanks for your advice.



  20. Moderators

    Could we perhaps have a poll on this thread along the lines of:

    Do you believe that

    1. The B2 are most likely the rapists/murderers alone?
    2. The B2 were complicit but not alone?
    3. The B2 are purely scapegoats?
    4. The most likely suspects are being protected, hence (3.)

    It would be interesting to most of us to see exactly how polarised this group is.

    I don't think the suggestion is in poor taste but it might give us a better idea of the spread of opinions.

    The list above is not exhaustive and anyone could change for a better format.



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