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  1. "Trump's Cabinet of horrors exposes his totalitarian drift" No. Trump's Cabinet of horrors confirms his totalitarian intent.
  2. This is a civil dispute, not a political dispute. PM should defer to civil resolution, namely the parties involved can litigate the issues in civil court.
  3. Only because how the electoral college works. In terms of popular vote, Trump did win the popular vote but won 44th versus 51% majority. Hardly a landslide among American voters. His popularity is similar to Thailand elections that nominated PM since 2014, politics parties relying on House party seats and Senate rather than direct elections to win PM.
  4. Absence does not affect Thai citizenship. Thailand's citizenship is based on blood, or jus sanguinis. A person who is born with parents who both hold Thai nationality automatically acquires Thai citizenship. persons acquire Thai nationality by birth: A person born of a father or a mother of Thai nationality, whether within or outside the Thai Kingdom. Thailand’s Nationality Act B.E. 2508; Chapter 1: Acquisition of Thai Nationality, Section 7. Birth https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/nationality-act-acquisition-of-thai-nationality-sections-7-12/
  5. Unless these committees are democratically elected, they'll be unaccountable political hacks.
  6. The "attacks" in the UN are from freedom of speech. Wouldn't you want to see that among all the nations? Albeit, POTUS Trump's full resistance previously to a two-state solution between the Palestinians and Israel, and Netanyahu's on a one-state solution and attempts to disenfranchise Palestinians in Israel who hold Israeli citizenship has contributed to UN debates concerning Israel's behavior towards peaceful solutions.
  7. Your substantiation, albeit personal observations. Thank you.
  8. You know nothing about the Malay Muslim insurrection in the area of the former sovereign Kingdom of Patani, (now called by Thailand as its "Southern Provinces"). They were a peaceful nation until the Kingdom of Siam broke its peace treaty with the Muslim nation and forcibly annexed its people into Siam under Buddhist rule, denied the people their traditions, language and culture. No, instead it was the "vile doctrine and ideology" of a Buddhist nation that created a Muslim insurrection. For your easiest understanding go to Wikepedia.
  9. There are wind maps of Thailand to see where there is sufficient diurnal stability and wind speeds to provide consistent maximum electrical production. Those I reviewed showed bare minimum (less the turbine is just a hair dryer) in the northern Thailand regions targeted for many wind turbine farms (aside from Phuket that ranks among the windiest places in Thailand). "Bare minimum" means less than rated capacity. "Less" means inefficient electric production.1 But efficient electric production doesn't seem to be the criteria, maybe it's the generation of government funds that's the goal. And perhaps in terms of dependable operation at rated capacity explains the current governments' plan to focus on solar energy production on the country's lakes backed by dams. 1"Attempts at producing wind resource maps of Thailand all faced the problem of shortage in wind speed data, especially offshore and at high elevations... Thailand has relatively low average wind speeds with most areas being of class 1-1.4 wind speed, or about 2.8–4 m/s measured at 10 m. This is because Thailand is near the equator which has generally low wind speed.[4] In general, Thailand's inland winds are sub-par, but there are areas with topography such as mountain ranges, canyons, and slopes that help increase wind speeds." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power_in_Thailand
  10. Where is the Minister of Education Pol Gen Permpoon Chidchob? He was appointed on November 13, 2023. I'd think he would lead concerns about safe busing of school children as well as for teachers riding with them. But I don't see his name in any of these accidents.
  11. Have you ever considered that there is demand for such options?
  12. While Donald Trump repeatedly calls climate change a “hoax” while pushing an extreme MAGA agenda that would gut basic environmental protections. He's not interested in any Approach or Diplomacy.
  13. The 193 nation members in the UN are free contest and to vote on Israel's behavior, be it antisemitic, ethical or moral.
  14. And ignored by police and government other than maybe, 'Yes we know and have been thinking about the danger.'

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