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  1. "protect its citizens from aliens who intend to commit terrorist attack" But not from Americans (like J6) who intend to commit terrorist attacks.
  2. "There are only two genders" Male and Alpha Male. Anything else is irrelevant according to Trump world.
  3. Albeit a normal authority of the Head of Government to accept or refuse a foreign designated ambassador. Does Trump understand that his appointed ambassadors can also be refused by foreign governments?
  4. Yes before Trump's election. Now after Trump's election: Victory demonstrated a campaign that lied to the central concerns and interests of a vast swath of the American people.
  5. There is a more relevant model that involved a Muslim insurrection in the Pacific: the Moro Conflict in the Philippines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moro_conflict and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Agreement_on_the_Bangsamoro The Federation of Malaysia was a key participant in successful peace negotiations in The Philippines Moro conflict and currently in peace negotiations with Thailand over the Patani Muslim insurrection. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/peace-deal-between-thailand-separatists-still-distant/2156612 Buddhist Kingdom of Siam multiple times, starting in 1785 and ending in 1902 fought to invade Kingdom of Patani. The invasions ultimately resulted in the end of Patani's independence and its (forced) incorporation (aka annexation) into Thailand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patani_Kingdom
  6. And a clear rejection of the American People - an odd approach to his inauguration.
  7. Another flip-flop - money before the American People. "As a candidate, Donald Trump enjoyed pillorying the globalists. “We will no longer surrender this country, or its people, to the false song of globalism,” he said in his first major speech on foreign policy in April 2016." by John Feffer, Jan. 31, 2018 "Big Surprise: Rich Globalists Love Trump," https://fpif.org
  8. Try fact checking before you claim the ridiculous. MAGA supporters belatedly realize their vote for Trump was a mistake and reflected in current polls.
  9. In Re popular vote - No. Americans opinion of Trump Jan. 17, 2025: Unfavorable 47.5% vs Favorable 46.7% https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com Trump's POTUS political honeymoon ended even before his Inauguration.
  10. Please research. For example for 2024 "Inflation Rate 2024: A Global Comparison," May 8, 2024 by Luca Ventura gfmag.com Not "everything"
  11. I think Untrue. Only untaxed In-Kind, that is Thai tax rate is equal or less than foreign tax rate. But when the Thai tax rate exceeds foreign tax rate (ie., 25% vs. 20%), a Thai tax might apply to the differential. That should not violate the DTA.
  12. Been there, not done it. "Locked in Unrest: Southern Thailand’s Insurgency 20 Years On," https://thediplomat.com/2024/11/locked-in-unrest-southern-thailands-insurgency-20-years-on/ "... acceptance of the Tak Bai massacre lawsuit in August offered Paetongtarn’s administration a chance to mitigate anti-establishment hostilities in the region." by Nurrisha Ismail November 13, 2024 (paraphrasing) While the Narathiwat Court found sufficient grounds for murder and illegal detention charges against seven former high-ranking officials related to the Tak Bai massacre, the government failed to uphold the rightful judicial process, and bring a measure of accountability for the killing at Tak Bai, could significantly hinder future peace efforts. "Barriers to cooperation at both the insurgency and national levels can be ameliorated when conflict resolution policies are strategically designed to build consensus and uphold justice." (my bold) "when" isn't apparently now. The Muslim "South" has been under constant Kingdom of Thailand's State of Emergency (removal of constitutional rights) for decades. Relaxing enforcement while NOT raising or relaxing the State of Emergency entrenches mutual contempt and distrust by the Malay Muslim insurgents, especially in light of new and younger Malay Muslim insurgent groups not represented in the last decade of "peace talks" by the Thai government, largest insurgency group BRN and Malaysia.
  13. Thailand looks to China’s small nuclear reactor for low-carbon energy," Nov. 5, 2024 https://www.nationthailand.com/sustaination/40042986 "Small modular reactors (SMRs) will help cut carbon emissions as well as electricity costs," says Egat governor Thepparat Theppitak. "Egat is studying over 80 types of SMRs in 18 countries, including China’s Linglong One, located in Hainan, which is the world’s first above-surface commercial SMR." Frankly, there are more issues within Thailand in its ability to transmit power efficiently throughout its electric grid than producing it.
  14. Not paying royalties for songs the Trump campaign uses is pure greed. Hope YMCA got paid in advanced.

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