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  1. Your citation? From asia.nikkei.com dated Nov. 13, 2019? "Southeast Asia's strongest currency baht fights own success" From same: "Thailand is trying to coax the baht down from six-year high territory as the currency's strength threatens local manufacturing and tourism." Good news will be the baht slides furthe downward towards 2025.
  2. How was the aircraft identified as a Mynamar jet? Was IFF used? Did pilots talk over an international frequency? Did Thai pilot make a missile lockon BVR, ie., 30-105km max range? If jet was Mynamar, this would be the third Thai airspace intrusion in about a year. This height suggest a ground military support role. Not the first time a Mynamar jet flew into Thai airspace for a bombing run against Mynamar insurgents operating near the Thai border. The Thai military response was to protest the incursion.
  3. If there's one thing China understands, it is international transactional crime, aka its claim of sovereignty over the entire China South Seas irrespective of the ruling by the international tribunal in The Hague. The ruling declared large areas of the sea to be neutral international waters or the exclusive economic zones of other countries. In the subject territorial dispute China has no "ownership" other than to preserve a favorable authoritarian government to its south, ie., versus a potential elected democratic government. Thailand should reject China's involvement in this territorial dispute as it has "No Standing," but then Thailand seems willing to sacrifice its sovereignty in exchange for Chinese tourism. Certainly China would understand, as China objects to the USA having no standing in its supporting The Philippines sovereign rights to portions of the China South Seas; nor even the USA Navy's right to even traverse China South Seas waters.
  4. MAGA is asking POTUS Biden to pardon Trump. But that's not insane?
  5. "Why all the negativity?" As posted elsewhere in today's forum. It's half of human nature.
  6. Trump has already "Gone to China." "China spent over $5.5 million at Trump properties while he was in office, documents show", by Zachary Cohen and Kara Scannell, CNN - January 4, 2024 cnn.com "Trump Organization plans second Saudi Arabian tower in regional expansion," by Pesha Magid December 12, 2024. reuters.com "The Trump Organization plans to build a Trump Tower in the Saudi capital Riyadh as part of a real estate expansion in the region including in the Emirati capital Abu Dhabi" as per Eric Trump, the U.S. president-elect's son. Trump has shown to foreign countries that he can be bought as POTUS.
  7. The jury delivered the adjudicated verdict - guilty. What we're now waiting for is the sentencing by the judge. SCOTUS has since ruled that the court (judge and not jury) must examine whether presidential immunity applies and that it may or may not determined by actions of the President, ie., whether Trump was acting as a civilian or within his duties as President. The SCOTUS did not provide any guidance per se on such an analysis. For example, being a candidate for President is not the same as being the President.
  8. Now maybe but you made reference to genocide allegations against Israel.
  9. The ICC Warrant related to alleged forced deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia following Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. There are consequences to ignore the warrant.
  10. In many instances there seems little mentioned of the ill economic consequences during Brexit debates. In 2023, UK exports of goods and services to the EU were £356 billion (42% of all UK exports). The EU's share of world imports in 2023 was 14.2%. The European Union (EU) is the world's largest trading bloc of 27 members and the world's top trader of manufactured goods and services. EU is a key player in the World Trade Organization (WTO). UK is a member of WTO that has over 160 members that represent 98% of world trade. The WTO's agreements create an international trade legal framework for 164 economies. Most if not all Free Trade Agreements fall under WTO provisions. As of December 2024, the United Kingdom has 39 active free trade agreements with nations and trade blocs, covering 102 countries and territories. I've not heard that UK objects to be legally binding on WTO rulings in its FTA's. What about UK's sovereignty then - it's not absolute.
  11. "Judge rules Trump’s conviction withstands Supreme Court immunity decision," (my bold) by Zach Schonfeld and Ella Lee - 12/16/24 https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/5043247-trump-hush-money-conviction-uphold/ "A New York judge upheld a jury’s verdict that convicted President-elect Trump of a felony, ruling the outcome of the hush money case can withstand the Supreme Court's new test for presidential immunity." (my italics)
  12. Probably part of the toilet seat from Russia's Mir space station.
  13. Remember after a year of government badgering (but not in response): "The Bank of Thailand unexpectedly lowered its key interest rate by 25 basis points to 2.25% during its October meeting, marking the first rate cut since early 2020 and a move long advocated by the government. The decision was made amid a sluggish economy and inflation remaining below the lower end of its target range between 1% to 3%." https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/interest-rate Okay, so if the government has now failed to improve the economy that could lead to higher inflation, why would BOT further lower interest rates?
  14. If you don't disburse the vaccine and you don't track the impact of the disease on the population, the result is a perceived low mortality from the disease and/or misdiagnosis of the impact of the disease. 45th POTUS Trump faced a conundrum: On the one hand 45th POTUS Trump correctly took credit for producing the covid vaccine at "warp speed" to save lives, but on the other hand 45th POTUS Trump denied Am,erican deaths from covid and wouldn't put resources into tracking the extent of spread of the disease because the vaccine proved successful. But there was a considerable time lapse before the vaccine was available and the spread of covid. "How Trump's Denial and Misinformation led to the covid pandemic's dark winter," by Yesmeen, Abutableb, Ashley Parker, Josh Dawsey, and Philip Rucker, Dec. 19, 2020 https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/115611/documents/HHRG-118-FD00-20230330-SD005.pdf "Debunking the False Claim That COVID Death Counts Are Inflated," by Christie Aschwanden, Oct. 20, 2020 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/debunking-the-false-claim-that-covid-death-counts-are-inflated1/ "In August, President Donald Trump retweeted a post claiming that only 6 percent of these reported deaths were actually from COVID-19." vs "94 percent of COVID-19 deaths reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “were the result of 2-3 additional serious illnesses and were of advanced age.” "The Trump Administration and the COVID‐19 crisis: Exploring the warning‐response problems and missed opportunities of a public health emergency," by Charles F Parker and Eric K Stern https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9115435/
  15. After you read this story you'll want to drink one?

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