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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. brit doggie so how did you solve that problem with the girl that happened to you?

    also to those that say she is using me then why didnt she come with her on the first time that we met?

    she was probably there sitting at the table behind, listening in...

  2. Dont listen to anyone but let that be the last free meal for these two.Next time you invite them to your apartment and order in some food and hit on both of them.If they reject you, obviously they only like each and go ahead and cancel the food order! :lol:

    • Like 1
  3. Sometimes a scam can be funny. I went into a 7-11 and bought some food and a drink. It came to the pricely sum of 44 baht. I gave the girl a 50 baht note.

    She asked me if I had 4 baht in change which I didn't. So she just added 6 baht to my bill.

    I asked her what was going on. She just spoke in Thai and pointed to the bill that showed a 6 baht item that I didn't have and said see 50 baht.

    Maybe its just me but i fail to see anything funny in that.

    In Turkey something similar happened to me but the difference was I got a chewing gum instead of 6baht equivalent change back(he handed me a gum from a box of gums)..btw she wanted 4 so she can give u 10b coin back but u didnt have.So for you it was ok to lose 6 but not ok for 7/11 to lose the same? Now that's funny!

  4. A little bit more info on the situation. At the moment Bob has only put a deposit down on the bar. Im not sure what contracts have been signed but hes due to take over the bar end of March.

    Let him buy! let him do whatever he wants..he will be the one to profit or suffer..dont even get between a foreigner and a thai woman!..you dont want an enemy(or two)


  5. I'm sorry but if you are dumb enough to send money like this, you deserve to lose it.

    Preying on the naivety of Thai women! Two sacks of shit, whether Nigerian, Russian, Western or whatever. I do not think the Thai women deserve this. Not at all.

    I hope these guys do some hard time before being deported.

    Criminals should be put to work on a tread mill, to generate electricity, to pay for the cost of their incarceration.

    and beaten with a whip

    by their victims while on the treadmill

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