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Everything posted by Tarteso

  1. Could these Chinese rockets go through the airspace? ????
  2. Now he can also play lottery number 8490 .. Try baby try????
  3. Garfield has been missing from home in Pasak, Soi Cherng Talay 4/1 in Thalang For those interested in rewards; If you are Indian go to this address and shout meow-meow. if English.. shh-shh-shh ! Israel; ps-ps-ps ! Chinese: ????來吧他媽的貓 Russian; Kot kot f#^~ cat! good luck!
  4. Calm down… is just only 182 ????
  5. According with Dtac, the smog.. Better together I just saw a few simple minded tourists and Thais properly equipped, cycling way to Sirilana National Park using helmets, dark glasses and….open mouths while biking..What a pity !.
  6. Hey sleepers !! Smog season is already here, fires, and high pollution levels in every places.. ????
  7. Thailand retains the death penalty, but applies it only sporadically. Now serious, You are in time.. 7 days after your period expire.
  8. Crucifixión
  9. Is not a good time for drive…At 3 AM. RIP
  10. Sorry. ????
  11. I hope his health improves. I would like to remind you that in the next few weeks the Smog Session begins (Two months). Chiang Mai has the honor of taking the gold medal in the City with the highest levels of pollution in the world. It may not be the best place to deal with that kind of disease.
  12. …Driver, a non-commissioned army officer, attached to the 11th Infantry Division...✌️.. should had gone directly to his mother’s arms to sleep and recover before kills innocents. RIP
  13. Can not wait to visit that place, can not.
  14. Spaghetti (western)
  15. IQ level test please to these pilots Of …Thai Army ? ????????
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