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Everything posted by Tarteso

  1. Don’t Forget Life expectancy in Th????
  2. Isn’t too old for this guy? Time is gold for this sleeping “Beauty”.. good luck with that.
  3. Friendship Bridge ? Better take these dogs to the Burmese side to bite the d*~k those assassins who stole power.
  4. Niet, Niet, Niet… This isn’t the way to treat a Lady. Put-in back to Russia this guy
  5. Times are changing…Where the Thai Smile is gone ? ????
  6. Second step; Buy now N95 face mask to prevent Pollution effects in yours lungs. Smog season is just comming.????
  7. This kind of news will be on Thai TV and Online media continuously today. The result; Create a hostile and reactionary environment towards expats and tourists.
  8. Danger!!! Check here ???? https://www.mamavation.com/beauty/hair-dyes.html#:~:text=Naturally%2C the best way to,extremely harmful with regular use.
  9. The root of all weather is the Sun, which heats the Earth. The heating is uneven, because of night and day, because different surfaces (such as rocks and trees) absorb and reflect sunlight in different amounts, and because sunlight hits the equator more directly than the poles. ????
  10. I can see the future. When you sun bathe on the beach… Fried eggs
  11. Things much cheaper in Thailand than in the West ! Loretta, Marisa y Melinda in Loi kro road ????
  12. Wow! Like in the movie!!!
  13. From now free room ????
  14. What a pity of students.. with a big Trauma for a long time. I guess. RIP
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