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Everything posted by newnative

  1. Well, let's see. Which of his 'initiatives' should we keep? I guess my favorite would be using water hoses to spray water into the air to wash the pollution out of the sky. Absolutely brilliant. Really beyond brilliant, when you think of it. Let's definitely keep that one. Meanwhile, buh bye bye.
  2. Good. Glad to see their popularity drop like a stone.
  3. Another member of the Wannabe Legion, Never Been rank.
  4. Pictures were 'drilled into the walls'. I suppose they mean some artwork was hung on the walls. 'Shocking', indeed.
  5. No, I'm afraid you don't 'see' at all--he made a perfectly wonderful' point'. And, apparently you are not inclined to learn your one new thing each day. At this point I shall bow out of our discourse as I have nothing more to add.
  6. Speak for yourself with your 'we'. I'm American and when someone asks me where I'm from I say America, not one of your terms. Just like if someone asks me if I'm from 'X' country, I'll say no, I'm American. Not I'm a USA citizen, US citizen, etc.
  7. Umm, he wasn't 'trying' to say something. He did say something, in an entertaining and intelligent way, using a form of expression called sarcasm. Google it and it will be the thing you learn for today.
  8. I, myself, adore sarcasm but one does use it at one's risk on this forum. As you are seeing. But, kudos for a great post! Now I shall let you get back to your explaining to Nick.
  9. Boy, you said it. We've had 19 pages of this thread, plus the lengthy earlier thread with the federal indictments, with the facts of the cases clearly and precisely laid out in well-written fashion over and over and over again by different posters, very intelligent and patient; I know I've become better informed reading their posts. The Trump cultists just do not want to hear any of it. Period. As you said, they have no interest in the facts, and facts are irrelevant to them. With that rigid mindset, there seems to be no way to reach them, no matter how hard this poster or that poster tries to break through. Likely after I post this a Trump cultist will respond with the question, 'What facts?' Or, perhaps something along the lines of, 'We don't need your facts because we have our alternate truth that Trump has given us.' One of the things I've learned from these two threads is it will be a complete waste of time, for not patient me, to bother to respond. It doesn't seem all that long ago that poor Gary Hart, a popular candidate for President at the time, had to withdraw from the race after a rather tame dalliance with a lady not his wife. Jimmy Carter also got into deep kimchi in a Playboy interview for merely admitting to thinking impure thoughts. Trump, on the other hand, gets a pass from his cultists for raping a woman and paying hush money to a hooker, among other sex offenses. Not to mention all the extremely serious current indictments, state and federal. Or, all the other disgusting things he has done, including serial lying. Lying also used to be a big no-no with American presidents; Trump didn't just chop down the 'ol cherry tree, he hacked it to shreds. I do find it distressing and disturbing that there are way too many of these Trump cultists than you'd think there would be, who have, let's face it, completely disengaged their brains when it comes to processing any negative facts regarding Trump. A recent poll had just 28% of Republicans believing Trump had committed a crime. I'm incredulous that figure is so low, given all the overwhelming evidence. That's scary for America, even with 62% of all Americans believing he did commit a crime--also very low, in my opinion. Reading the cult comments on this thread, and the previous thread, have both been eye-openers for me, as an American.
  10. Besides world-class grifting and lying, the only thing he could be said to be experienced at.
  11. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . . . And the laughing at the sheer nonsense went on for several more minutes. Nothing noted medically in all the labored gibberish except normal blood pressure. Back to my laughing hahahahahaha . . .
  12. Why? Because he's a member of the far-flung legion who, when thinking about Pattaya, must quote Brokeback Mountain to sum it up best, "I wish I knew how to quit you." But, they can't quit Pattaya, no matter how long they've been gone, no matter how much they might want to. Likely spending time in Pattaya was one of the biggest highlights of their lives, and they just can't 'quit' it. So, wherever they have ended up in the World, they spend their valuable, dwindling, remaining time on the planet perusing the Pattaya Forum and commenting on anything and everything pertaining to Pattaya, even though they often have no idea what they are talking about because they haven't been here in years. In this case, 'nearly 20 years'. Often their posts on Pattaya are in the disparaging, sour grapes vein. Basically, I'm not there, I dearly wish I was there, let me post a nasty comment that will make me feel a little better about not being there. Excellent example here, with the post you commented on. Poster hasn't been here in nearly 20 years and is still forever fascinated about Pattaya, is still diligently reading everything about it after all this time, and is still trying to be a part of it. But, says he's 'happy' about not being in Pattaya in nearly 20 years. Umm, no you're not. But, do keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel a little better.
  13. I love Japan, lived there for 3 years as child. Been back once and hope to go again later this year or next.
  14. Sometimes eggs or french toast, usually corn flakes mixed with fruit granola with sliced banana on top. Coffee with Equal.
  15. Normally I give the advice, ask yourself if you are better off with her or without her. I think it's pretty plain in this case. Run, don't walk.
  16. Just another 'make work' useless proposal in the vein of 'Look Ma, I'm working! Hard!' They need these to try to justify the obscenely huge budget increase they want for next year, going from 3.25 billion baht to 5 billion baht. Breathtaking in its audacity.
  17. Translation: They wanted to find a 'way in' to the trough.
  18. Thank you, well-written article, for letting us know that Anutin attended the ceremony and he appointed Srettha as the new PM. I thought a higher authority did that, so good to get the correct scoop on that. Also vital information, readers, he left the ceremony by elevator.
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