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Peterw42 last won the day on April 7 2019

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    Reclining on the lounge of perpetual indulgence

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  1. Wait until you transfer to Thailand, and are on a long stay visa, then you can open an account then you can buy a condo. Otherwise, there are plenty of agents in places like Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket etc. that can open an account for you on a tourist visa, if you really want to buy before you have secured long stay immigration status.
  2. OP, name in blue book (registered occupants) is nothing to do with ownership. Name on the chanote (title deeds) is ownership. Who is paying the mortgage ? You don't mention how much the mortgage repayments are. So long as the mortgage is being paid (i presume it is otherwise the bank would have repossessed), I don't see what the problem is.
  3. How can you make theses statements ? Have you seen a video that others have not ? I have never known Thailand to have any gangs or gang related activity
  4. From a quick google search. Key points about getting a hotel license in Thailand: Application process: You will need to first obtain a building permit from the local District Office before applying for the hotel license. Government agency: The responsible government agency is the Department of Provincial Administration. You could probably look at it the same as a car license, The department of land transport issues a car license, the police enforce any violations to do with a car license.
  5. There are raids every couple of years, usually in response to news stories like this one. In the past its the police who turn up, accompanied by people from the local Gov offices
  6. Its not a HOA rule, It comes under Hotel legislation, only places with a hotel license can do short term rental. If someone has the keys to a condo, and the owners permission, there isn't much the condo juristic can do. Its a police matter.
  7. The article says they already have informed authorities. "Frustrated residents have sought help from police and local offices, but have seen no action. "We've complained for a year, but nothing's changed," one resident said, annoyed by bureaucracy."
  8. The condos are being rented out illegally, on Airbnb and similar, the Condo admin doesn't really have much control or jurisdiction over illegal short term rentals.
  9. You get the TT (telegraphic transfer) rate , not the note buying rate, when transferring funds electronically, today (24th) that rate was 41.97. Large amounts are always better fees/rate via swift. bank exchange rate will be a little less than wise but the bank fixed transfer fee will be way less than the wise fee, usually more than any exchange rate savings. You cant put down a lower value than what the land office says a property is worth. The FET should be for the whole amount of the purchase price that is given to the land office
  10. If you use wise and select the "buying property" option, it means wise don't do the exchange and sent the money to a Thai bank for exchange, as per the buying property requirements. When sending large amounts of money, with a fixed fee (swift is $10-20 no matter the amount), it works out to be a better fees/exchange rate than wise, which is a sliding scale and ends up being a substantial fee on large amounts, more than any exchange rate savings.. Wise has all sorts of limits and you cant send enough to buy a property, in one transfer.
  11. I think you will find it comes down to your bank and the local land office.
  12. This is a beat up. The photos and videos are from after the fireworks festival, where 50k people go to watch, and yes some get drunk etc. and are still on the beach later in the night. There are people from all over, not just Indians. It just depends what ethnic group you choose to video.
  13. Is there a ceiling and roof above? can you put in a ceiling extractor fan (heat rises), and/or a wind powered whirlybird extractor
  14. Not all land offices will provide a new blue book at transfer, obviously sattahip is one of the offices. As mentioned above, the new owner simply has to go to the ampher tessaban, with their channot, and request a new book.
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