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Posts posted by stuandjulie

  1. 4 hours ago, MartiniMan said:

    Thanks guys! Sorry to cause any confusion

    Its Phuket we staying just looking for good resorts and there is plenty of good ideas here cheers


    To some of the pedantic fellows in here you need to get out more! Fall = Autumn that means that time in the US out here - come on this isn't hard to figure out...

    I got some people coming and as far I know 1 person or 10 is same price so just wanted resort and take it from there does it matter how many are coming? Seems like this is irrelevent to be fair there buddy

    Thanks again expats

    Another question but tell me if I should start separate thread would be about good places to get a yacht or charter? Thanks again!


    https://sailescapesyachtcharter.com/ everything from join in tours to luxury yachts.

  2. 8 hours ago, Bipolar said:

    Is this part of Thai Niyom???? Thais should be so proud of this. why is this not on the front of most thai newspapers ??? please help to share in your social media accounts. Prayut should call the guy for a press pic to honor him at the government house.


    The singaporeans and chinese now use the word thai to mean cheat...ie do not thai me lah!......lol!

    In Malaysia it is called doing a Thai as well !

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/3/2019 at 1:43 PM, SteveK said:

    UK politics are a complete shambles, the country is in disarray, anyone who expects the pound to rise short term is an idiot. The UK doesn't export anything worth any money, it has corrupt politicians stealing money with counterfeit expenses receipts left, right and centre, and is the butt of Europes' jokes. The British Empire is long gone, to be honest with such scumbag thieves at the helm it's amazing that the pound is even worth 39 baht. It should be worth zero.


    It's a crap country, completely moronic politicians who couldn't crack open an easter egg, the only people who want to go there are Syrian and Iraqi refugees which the government throws money at. It's a disgusting, cancerous place to live and I refuse point-blank to bring my children up in such a dog-turd of a place.


    And did I mention that it's a complete sh!t-hole?

    I am sure the UK is pining for you as well.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, balo said:

    Sky News just reported out of the 5 people on board the helicopter , it was the chairman Vichay , his daughter and 2 pilots , the last passenger has not been named yet which is odd as it will only lead to speculations who that passenger was. 



    Why is it odd? It was an air crash and fire, sometimes i.d. is difficult and the UK are not in the habit of releasing info until it is confirmed. Speculation is what TV netizens however live on.

  5. 4 hours ago, quadperfect said:

    There is a whole lot of missing information here.

    But looks like there needs to be a crack down on yacht charter industry. They are in on it.

    Like where are the thai crew?  Or were they talking about just the 2 brothers ?And if they were tracking the boat for weeks to darwin then why not intercept? Its ais unit would have been turned on in order for that to happen. 

    This story leaves you to wonder. The guys are free so mission accomplished. This sais a lot about what australia thinks about thailand. If you can steal a 500,000 dollar yacht and sail to australia and be set free.  That says it all right there.

    This could make a good movie.


    Strange comment from someone that has a very loose grasp on the charter industry, Why on earth would they 'be in on it' ? Also a private hire does not need Thai crew. 

    • Like 1
  6. Good to see the Chinese cattle tour boats out in force again, same shitty boats, same shitty buoyancy aids, same shitty Captains, meanwhile the authorities are having another crackdown on foreign owned yachts, nothing changes. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

    they hate good and love evil.

    Most of their hatred stems from daddy or mommy issues and are destined to die alone in a house full of cats.

    The more important question we should be asking is who's going to feed the cats when they're gone?

    And we can feel incredibly smug and superior when we read American adults throwing out childish insults

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