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Posts posted by stuandjulie

  1. 4 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

    And is it not worse when someone says ' I need to take a dump ' , where too for gawds sake , blimey , I ask you.

    Oh oh while here,  Americans say ' I dove into the pool '  I think as an English chap this is ok . Why , well , EG. ' Yesterday I drove the car '  Not yesterday I droved the car. or yesterday I drived the car.

    Teacher about 60 years ago said ' You cannot start a sentence with the word and as and is a conective word '. I put my hand up and said " And why is that sir ? "   

    The correct terminology is a conjunction not connective (conective) just sayin (another Americanism) ???? 

    • Like 1
  2. 22 hours ago, baansgr said:

    Your 800,000 is covered by the banking guarantee. Normally I would say its safe. However Ive already withdrawn all my funds as we have never been in a situation like this. Stories abound from other countries in lock downs where ATMs are empty, banks are closed....Thinga are going to get a lot worse befoe they get better with talk of month a brat her than weeks....your decision but I prefer my money not to be in a Thai bank at present

    And that is exactly how runs on banks start.

    • Like 1
  3. 19 hours ago, Logosone said:

    We have definitely witnessed a world wide adoption of Dr Ferguson's social distancing fetish.


    Not completely of course, there are exceptions:


    The Netherlands has so far chosen a softer set of measures than most Western European countries; it was late to close its schools and restaurants and hasn’t ordered a full lockdown. In a 16 March speech, Prime Minister Mark Rutte rejected “working endlessly to contain the virus” and “shutting down the country completely.” Instead, he opted for “controlled spread” of the virus among the groups least at risk of severe illness while making sure the health system isn’t swamped with COVID-19 patients. 




    However, even the Americans were influenced by this infernal piece of <deleted> report from Neil Ferguson:


    "American officials said the report, which projected up to 2.2 million deaths in the United States from such a spread, also influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public."




    Some said governments should treat the report’s projections about suppression policies with the same caution. It says social distancing measures might have to be imposed for 18 months or more, at least intermittently, until a vaccine is developed and tested. But the report acknowledges this is uncertain, given the possibility of drug treatments and the mystery of how the virus is transmitted.


    British officials recognize that their health service faces a moment of truth. All non-urgent operations in England will be postponed for at least three months, starting April 15, to free up 30,000 beds to help tackle the coronavirus.




    Part of the reason why the Americans looked at the Imperial College, apart from the fact that it was IC and it was in English was of course that Neil Ferguson deliberately flirted with the US in a coquettish manner and also refers to the US in his paper.


    There is no question that many governments copied what the US and UK were doing. Singapore, South Korea, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands being some of the notable exceptions, and coincidentally being the most successful in mitigating deaths. 


    So basically everyone is following the wrong model. The UK model. Yes, your highly benign influence again screwing up the world for generations to come. Hello Palestine, Syria, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Northern Ireland, Malaysia, Cyprus, Nigeria, there is nothing the British will not mess up. Of course this is a new scale. 

    Your whole rambling really comes down to the last paragraph where your prejudice surfaces. I am sure Countries have their own minds 

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, rumak said:

    sorry OD....... like i said,  not very popular and i will accept all the tomatoes thrown at me.



    You wont be saying that if you get it and are struggling to take your next breath on a ventilator

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 3/26/2020 at 1:42 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    The quote I responded to of your's was "Not a matter of how well you can cycle, your immune system is not as strong"  Why do you not get it yourself?  I know that anyone can catch this, I was referring to genetics and the immune system being different for many people based upon age and the way they have cared for themselves. You unnecessarily slammed a gentleman who says he is in great shape and is an avid bicycle rider who is in better shape then some 40 year olds.  His only issue was asking why the age of 70 was a listed requisite to staying home, and not being able to go and work out but someone younger could.  An Olympic gold medal swimmer who just retired from the sport in 2018, and is also in great shape has this virus and is suffering greatly.  It could hit anyone of us at any age so telling someone that they are at a greater risk than someone younger may not be the truth.....Now do you get it.....I never said this was about me, so get real and isolate yourself away from everyone who may be a subject to catching your poor thinking and twisted way of thinking.  Stop lumping older people into a category that is not necessarily more prone to catching a virus......that was the point I was making.  I do not believe the gentleman is a selfish git, as you put it.  Please try to look at things in a larger perspective and stop believing that your life is in danger because someone exercises on a bicycle.  I run every morning in Lumpini Park with hundreds of others, so in your view we are being selfish.....

    Yes you are, when you understand social isolation is not for your safety it is for others perhaps it will sink in. And just because others are running around a park does not mean it is ok. Why do you think they are now talking about Curfews and closing beaches ?

  6. 22 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Everyone is different, genetics play a big part in your immune system as well as your body type. Just look at those that are still active and working into there 80's, versus some 60 year old who are in-active, overweight smoke, drink, and have underlying medical issues such as heart disease, now get of your high horse.  

    Just don't get it do you? Anyone can catch this, it is not about YOU, if you have it you will give it to others who may not be as well equipped to survive it. If you are fit with good immune systems then that improves your chances of surviving, doesn't stop people being selfish gits though, I will now take my high horse and superior immune system into Self Isolation.

    • Haha 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

    Depends how fat you are but 40 baht curries dont exist in UK restaurants. Fat UK women vs Thai women. That's a no brainer.


    Ready to go supermarket meals are great if you like eating plastic and chemicals.

    Bit on the embittered side there ! 40baht curries are not a full meal for most Westerners and loaded down with MSG most of the time, and I have seen plenty of very fat Thai women and truly ugly as well so best not to stereotype.

    • Thanks 1
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