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Posts posted by stuandjulie

  1. Quick warning.


    My partner is in Penang renewing her B Visa.

    All paperwork ok, however it seems the applications are being processed by an Army General at the moment who randomly rejects requests for no reason (just a few, presuming to show how good a job he is doing)

    Seems if it happens to you then you have to return to LOS, fly back with the same papers (presuming you have it all correct) then it will be granted.

    She is waiting to see what whether she is one of the lucky or unlucky ones tomorrow.


  2. Hi My I Phone has got a fault where you can hardly hear a caller when they are talking, is there anywhere that can take a look at it without it being away for days on end ? Thanx

  3. Having had both I can offer my opinion.

    Nouvo Pokey enough, little bit more of a bone shaking ride, great for nipping around.


    PCX (125) no problem with power, a bit more comfortable, as Transam said the ridge in the seat can be issue with someone on the back, bit more cumbersome. No kick start.


    both ok but when I have to choose I tend to hop on the Nouvo before the PCX. but I would say the PCX is a better bike.


    Just realised that doesn't help at all :-)



  4. Just back from Phuket Town Immigration for the 90 day report.


    Photocopy of the main page of passport, signed, the new, slightly ridiculous foreigner info form, mum and dad surname ? Der, same as mine and they died 30 years ago. It also asks for your UK address, that had to be fiction as I don't own a house anymore in the UK. (here on retirement, own a house here, please no you can't own one, you know what I mean)


    No photograph needed.


    They ask for emergency name and address so I put the wife (farang as well) then they want a Thai name and address as well so made that up.


    The Immigration volunteer was in fine form, she did say to make photocopies of the info form as it will be needed at each 90 day report, forgot to do that, doh.


    In and out in 15 minutes which would have been 5 except for a Thai bringing a bunch of passports in and just plonking herself down at the desk without waiting for a number.

  5. Lucky to be alive.

    One would hope they used a little more finesse to extract him from the wreck than "pry" him out.

    Pry him out is not too far from what really happens !

    Looking at the pic it seems they took him out through the door exits, this can be the way to do it sometimes.

    Where I come from the usual way here would be to cut the a and b posts, (maybe the c if you need more room ) peel the roof back, insert a spinal board (I know TIT) roll back the dash if needed and lift out.

    Hope he is ok.

  6. Go to Suzuki Plaza in Phuket town, at that traffic light junction head away from the town (go straight on if coming from Robinsons McDonalds etc) As the road bends right after 20 metres there is a large piece of open ground on the left, stick to the left and then on the right there is a big place that does all electronic repairs, efficient and cheap.

    This place?:


    Years ago were the Samsung repair agent. Had 2 fridges repaired there, lasted a few months, with only one month guarantee. Never been back.

  7. Go to Suzuki Plaza in Phuket town, at that traffic light junction head away from the town (go straight on if coming from Robinsons McDonalds etc) As the road bends right after 20 metres there is a large piece of open ground on the left, stick to the left and then on the right there is a big place that does all electronic repairs, efficient and cheap.

  8. Retirement extension day today. Popped along for the 1pm opening, went to the volunteers to be told just go to room 103 on the ground (1st) floor.

    Walked in sat straight down at 1.10pm. The grumpy git was there all smiles this time. All done by 1.30pm and asked to come back tomorrow to pick up the passport.

    He even said sorry it is not his fault but the boss has to rubber stamp everything.

    1st time ever in 10 years it was a pleasure to go to Immigration !

  9. Now it is time for the annual retirement extension (no idea how the 90 day report doesn't match up !)

    What paper work is required now ? I have the TM7, photo's, letter from embassy for confirmation of income, bank statement (well soon) medical certificate, copies of passport.

    is it straight upstairs or do I have to see the milling hordes downstairs first ?

    Anything else ?

    Thanks again.


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