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Blue Muton

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Everything posted by Blue Muton

  1. Yes, especially those pesky electricity piles that keep darting in front of traffic!
  2. Thanks, an excellent show IMHO.
  3. Was it parked or did the snake take a ride in it? Make your mind up.
  4. There doesn’t seem to have been a ‘happy ending’ to this woeful episode.
  5. Slowly. Carefully. Diligently. Respectfully. Above all, safely.
  6. Let’s just hope that it stays there!
  7. Thanks for the replies, I just wanted to be sure. on the Thai Embassy website and evisa site it says insurance is mandatory when applying for O-A and O-X, but I’m not doing that.
  8. On a re-entry permit for marriage extension when original visa was a Non-Immigrant type O? I can only find info for OA and OX.
  9. Obey that’s the same dog that used to eat his homework back in his schooldays!
  10. HE did not die in a ‘tragic accident’ at all. He died as a consequence of poor choices made by himself and his family combined with a refusal of the police to enforce laws and lack of will from successive governments when it comes to road safety.
  11. Take a dump in a bowl of three week old putrid custard?
  12. Someone doesn’t understand the meaning of the word quarry or the word natural, perhaps neither of the two. Not that bad a thing I guess, unless you’re a journalist.
  13. Clearly this is simply another ‘misunderstanding’.
  14. No, due to their complete disregard for laws and regulations of the road - or any other kind for that matter.
  15. Lots of nonsense in this article as many have already observed. starting with the dangerously misleading statement that Thais are welcoming and friendly. Should have said ‘many’, or even ‘most’. Then goes on to scams ‘Bangkok's most famous scam is when a local lies to a tourist....’ doesn’t sound too friendly? Then the bit about ‘jai yen’ which was given the literal translation of ‘cool heart’, which is quite different from it’s real meaning in the context which was to keep a cool head. He then really ought to have warned of the potential consequences of getting loud and angry. Lots more missing and nonsensical as previous replies state.
  16. “Once is bad enough but that’s the turd time this week” said Win the mocy taxi driver.
  17. “The incident occurred in the middle of the night yesterday, April 7th, on Soi Marine Yen Sabai near Pattaya Walking Street.” I guess it wasn’t all that ‘yen’ or ‘sabai’ after all.
  18. I have some very hard working and prudent in-laws. On the other hand I have some that this sums up, a S-i-l who started a shop but spent the the money that she got from sales rather than just the profit. This inevitably led to her ending up with nothing to sell. Her daughter and the daughter’s ‘tom’ then took on the shop and did exactly the same thing. A B-i-L is a farmer, whenever he sells a crop they go on a spending spree followed by not having money for things like seed, fertilizer or diesel for the tractors.
  19. Not sure how you’ve leaped to that conclusion as the reasons for it have not been made public.
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