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Blue Muton

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Everything posted by Blue Muton

  1. I was a product manager for Wolseley for many years. I remember when these pp systems first arrived in the UK, the first time I saw it there was a guy from a German outfit called Polymelt. The guy spent several minutes trying but failing to give us a presentation on how to make joints, it was completely embarrassing. We eventually conducted a trial with it but they lacked the resources to make it happen and we returned it. MLCP is the way to go, bu I’ve not seen it here.
  2. You can’t glue polypropylene pipes - the green ones.
  3. Not sure where you got your PhD in comparing apples and oranges, but congratulations.
  4. If the British (and other) embassy here cared at all about the well-being of their citizens they would be calling the Thai government to account for this, with the message that tourists expect traffic to stop at marked crossings and that they must either be enforced or removed.
  5. ....says the keyboard warrior troll. What a sad existence you must have.
  6. Anyone seen the new incarnation of Criminal Minds yet? First episode was a couple of days ago.
  7. You are not alone in that camp.
  8. Ha! There’s a cop car near me that hasn’t had any plate at all for longer than that.
  9. “....... their sedan collided with a train in Chonburi while trying to outrun it” I guess the train won.
  10. So do I, it’s where Mrs BM used to live before she became Mrs BM.
  11. No problem. As my French friend always says, “one egg is un oeuf”.
  12. Yes, many farmers do struggle, but even among those there are many (I’d say the majority in my area) who have chosen to stop burning and those who choose to continue burning. Rice farmers were making a fortune during Yingluk’s dodgy dealings and many could have built something similar to our humble abode if like us they don’t smoke, drink, gamble or have Mia nois. We certainly couldn’t have built it if we had <deleted>, smoked, gambled or shagged our hard earned money away.
  13. Nonsense. You're clearly part of the problem. I'd say a large number of farmers locally have stopped burning - are they "entitled"? I would say not, I'd say they were acting responsibly and those who carry on regardless just don't care, but hey, you just keep making excuses for them.
  14. They may have children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters living in Bangkok, they certainly know the damage they cause but they just do not care one iota. This is half a kilometer from the PYB’s house and a few hundred metres from the local school and temple. No prizes for anyone coming out with the “they don’t have a choice” line as anyone who believes that for a second is part of the problem. The video was taken a few minutes ago in Suphanburi province.
  15. Didn’t apply to Red Bull man though, they allegedly helped him escape! His car was just as deadly as any gun.
  16. I don’t know about EMDB, will have a look. I have a lot of programs saved and I have them all listed on an Excel spreadsheet, which works for me. I add the date of next episodes, new seasons and shows, with colour coding for the relevant genre/box.
  17. My return (to immigration) date is tomorrow. I phoned them this morning and they said I could come and get my extension stamp in my passport today, which I did. In and out in two minutes.
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