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Posts posted by thai006

  1. Hello Guys today i went to the shop of 3bb in my little city of chiang dao and i subscribe 10M internet they should come tomorrow but i thinking i no have telephone line inside the house ,

    how they can make it ?


  2. hey guys

    i just been to the old immigration airport and it was great

    i have my online meeting a 1h30 pm and the officer take the paper at 1h15 pm and at 1h45 got passport back , no have anyone outside and inside really cool just few people

    i ask the girl for online meeting she say it gonna back soon when they gonna make the new system

    i just get poor of the little girl at the copy photo shop , no one when i arrived lol normal before a long queue lol really good experience thanks you immigration

  3. Are you the legal father or only mentioned on the birth certificate?


    What kind of extension did you get in march, as parent of Thai child you can get 60 days or one year depending on your financial status.

    Five-six months sound very odd.

    only on birth certificate , i got 60 days in march after a non O single entry same for september

    my son got 5 year old just neeed to wait 2 year more for be legal father

  4. Hello guy , i need to make 60 extension next week at chiang mai immigration

    i just would like to know if i need to take the same paper , contract , house book of owner , id , house book of my child , id and house book of my gf ,

    did i really need to take the same paper all the time ? they no have computer or old paper i give to them ?

    and i forget for my paper , copy of the departure card and visa ? or just the stamp ?

    thanks you guys

  5. From what I am reading, if it is your first time doing the Mae Sai border run, you'll be fine and will not need to prove anything.

    However, if this is your 2nd time, then you will have to show onward proof and funds, perhaps... if they even let you cross.

    Here is a good blog:


    Last stamp from mae sai was in november 2014*- and next stamp will be on november 2015 will see,

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