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Posts posted by thai006

  1. I did the border crossing earlier today. It was a slow day at the border and everything was normal except they are checking passports more carefully. I went through three police checkpoints on the bus from Chiang Mai (typical), they took only a brief look at my passport at the first two (also typical) but at the final checkpoint the officer actually looked at my passport and checked to see if I had overstayed. That was a first for me.

    When re-entering Thailand I asked for the standard white paper form to fill out--entry/exit slip; before giving it to me they first checked my passport to make sure I had the Cambodia stamp. The Immigration officer then watched me fill out the forms and asked, in English, a couple of questions about my Thailand address, also a first for me. It was a very slow day, maybe he was bored or maybe this is a new procedure.

    None of this was a big deal, people who are doing everything legally should have no problems.

    did you make border run 15 / 30 day ?

  2. i once saw someone being made to show 20,000 baht at Poipet. they had to hold it in front of the web cam, next to their face, fanned out to get a photo of all 20k

    they were Asian, i think possibly philipino. I was on the next counter, the IO said nothing to me about money.

    so can you confirm Mai Sai is open for people without visa, to go and come back in with 15/30 day stamp? because i thought that was not possible anymore

    last time i been there in november 2014 after a non O extension they say nothing and got 30 day

  3. I was asked to show 20,000 at Mae Sai a couple of years ago but I only had about 8,000 on me and the lady wasn't impressed.

    She didn't accept the ATM receipt from 2 hours earlier or the sms from my bank showing my balance and was just standing there saying no 20,000 no entry. There was a long queue behind me so I said "Do you want me to walk over to that ATM and take out another 12k?" and to my surprise she said yes, so I did.

    Two minutes later I returned with the additional 12k and she made me count the full 20k out in front of her before reluctantly letting me in with a scowl.

    Point of the story. Mae Sai is not a predictable border at the best of times so always be prepared.

    2 year living in north go to mae sai before for visa run 15 day or 30 after G7 rules , never ask for money

    i m so worry now because i need 30 day in november because my non O extension is finish , people say if you are on visa exempt entry they will not accept ; so i will see

  4. Death penality only

    Rest IN Peace Litle Angel <3

    This is a horrible tragedy and my heart goes out to the families.

    Please bear in mind though that it's called mental illness for a reason. This is not the dark ages.

    oh yeah he sick so why they let him out last month ? kill him much better

  5. If you want a visa exemption they only give you 15 days on a land crossing.

    Maybe think about Vientiane for a tourist visa?

    Other than that you could come back for a second 15 days when the first expires.

    If you're from a G7 country, you're eligible for a 30 day exempt entry.


    i have passport from G7 country and i need 30 day before 60 extension again father of thai child , before make new passport in december because i just have 1 free page

  6. i need to go there in november after a non o extension and i will have 20 000 b in cash so will see

    Since you will have a valid visa to use on entry you will not have a problem.

    Not having a visa is a problem.

    i no have visa i just finish the non o extension in 8 november , i need to have 30 day for make again 60 day extension and make new visa after

    Why not just go and apply for a new visa ?

    There is no 60 day extension unless you are married to a Thai person.

    If you are married a single or multiple entry non "O" visa would be easy to obtain.

    Father of thai child got 60 day :) and for new visa i just have 1 page free on my passport and make new in december in bkk that why

  7. good idea , Thailand is not a home country for criminal

    NCPO Very good smile.png

    Do you really want International standard law enforcement in Thailand? Be careful what you wish for. How about a 10,000 baht fine for being 5 km over the speed limit? Would you like that? Or an 80000 baht fine and loss of licence and banned for driving for being 45km/h over the limit? Starting to hurt now? Or you only dislike foreign criminals, but Thai criminals are just fine? Because the are Thai, afterall...

    why not ; the people just understand the big fine , you think you got 500b fine you will thinking ? no

    10 000b you will say ; maybe i should not drive so fast next time and save life , who know

  8. How old is the child?

    As Thai law is that you are not the father of the child as you are not married, and if the child is under a certain age then

    you must apply to be recognised by the courts as the father of the child, maybe they are tightening up these rules and

    giving the Embassies the rules to follow word for word.

    My boy will be 2yrs old in March

    I agree that there are only two methods in which to 'aquire' fatherhood for a Thai child, the easiest is just to marry the childs mother, & the 2nd is to apply to the Family Court for a Judge to decide. To cut to the 'chase', I do intend to marry the mother in the nearest future, but I need to do a few things before that will happen, as we 'all' know once married everything either of us aquire is owned 50/50.

    So my 1st objective will be to create a company, & as I can only own 49% of said company, the other 51% will be divided up between 6-7 different Thai's that DON'T know each other (key point), this gives me control of the company, once created the 'company' will buy land & some vehical's in the company name.

    With these objectives obtained I am more than willing to marry my sweetheart, & thus gain fatherhood for my son

    Wouldn't it just be easier to buy the land in the name of your child and the cars on your own name?

    Land if in kids name would require court order to sell

    i know in Monaco i just need the Birth certçificate in french and nothing more and 5 000 e on the account

  9. i find this very hard to believe i got a o visa three days ago because i have two kids

    in thailand i am not married to my partner i think his paper work was incorrect or incomplete

    My paperwork is NOT incorrect, it is the very same paperwork I have used on THREE previous occassions to get a Non-Imm O Visa in Vientiene, i.e. childs birth certificate, copy of mothers ID card, copies of house book enteries for both mother & child, as well as a copy of my current passport. They were not even interested in looking at my paperwork, just asked if I had a marriage certificate.

    Where did you get yours, & were the mother & children with you?

    me i do in monaco and all time smooth as silk :P

  10. what about visa non O in savanakhet still ok for non o thai child ?

    As far as I know it still is not a problem to get a single entry non-o.

    A multiple entry is only possible if the entire family is present when the application is done to prove you are living together as a family (de facto marriage).

    U think i can aply for a multiple entry if the mom and my child come together in savan ? not marry but together 6 year

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