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Posts posted by thai006

  1. the fact that they targeted the shrine rather than a major tourist area suggests a religious bias, and as we are all aware the majority of muslims may not be terrorists but the majority of terrorists are muslim

    Ratchapraisong area stays for what ?

    Red protest area

    Red bombing site for several times;

    who alwas made there troubles ?

    yes, correct, the " REDS "

    so why you think now trhat this were other groups ??

    When Yingluck was the 1 minister , who make problem ? red really ? or the stupid Suthep ?

  2. I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

    As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

    got my on 1 september at the old place

    thanks for the answer

    I am now confused. I have an appointment on October 1. Where do I go, to the airport office or to Promenada?

    If annual extension based on retirement Promenada. If annual extension based on marriage/work/teaching/business than airport office.

    and extension 60 day thai child ? at airport right

  3. I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

    As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

    got my on 1 september at the old place

    thanks for the answer

  4. last time to go mae sai was last november and this november i need to go again for 30 days extension , now i am on non o 90 days and september 60 days extension for have thai child , you think will be ok ?

    most year i have non O and extension Thai child just use mai sai 1 time a year

  5. I hope it will open again. Next online meeting on 1 september for 60 days extension thai child . At the old airport right ?

    Don't hold your breath. I've placed my bets in spades on post #83. What I see is eventually Expats being unable to get an appointment at all even if they show up every morning for 30 day prior to their appointment - because - there are more Expat to process than spaces available, and unless your that type to get aggressive and start pushing a shoving to get a ticket, you'll be out of luck. Under those circumstances I might just hire myself an extremely large Thai male to stand in line and obtain my ticket for me however he chooses to do so.

    With queuing - I see "Ugly" in the future. Every morning 'queue-up' looking like Black Friday on the Day after Thanksgiving in the US. That sort of "Ugly"

    Then what happens if you're not the push and shove type - like myself? Are you going to be forced to leave the country to reapply for an NonO-retirement/NonO-marriage. Probably not. I'll hire the massive Thai guy to get my ticket for me.

    maybe i get lucky but 2 time i do online i make my reservation the date i want , without any problem

  6. Why is this called a 'One stop service' ?? Obviously, things are done much slower than at the old place. What was the point in moving out there ?

    Without the online booking option, there will be more people queing up early every day.

    It appears they are really trying hard to get rid of all of us and use those agents, who probably must pay a special fee.

    Could this be the beginning of the end for online booking??? The following is information I received from a very reliable source. I am sure some other TV members received it as well. I am getting the feeling I am being herded in a certain direction. The above posters comments seem to fall in line with my thinking. He also raises many questions that go unanswered. Maybe they are monitoring TV and getting a little(how do I say it delicately) offended at some of the negative comments and this is their way of saying "Naughty naughty"

    This morning I checked the various Immigration offices throughout Thailand
    There's only 2 Immigration offices where the Online Queue is still working
    Nakon Sawan
    Chiang Saen
    I hope this doesn't mean that they are phasing out this program


    all the date is empty , do you think i can make a date there but living in chiang dao ?

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