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Everything posted by jonbsails

  1. I am SHOCKED president Trump has only saved over a trillion dollars in graft, shut down a program that got billions ...and built , a nation wide charging system for EVs and have 7 done so far. But ...in his 2 weeks ... he didn't solve the gas shortage crisis .SHOCKED I tell you! It will take a while to re-open the pipeline, take a while to issue the permits Biden wouldn't permit. And....I wonder if these geniuses know that when you plug in to charge an E car, more than likely , you are using coal. Sometimes lpg, seldom nuclear. unless you live near a damn dam, seldom hydro. So funny watchin these morons ""I don't pollute cuz I drive an ev!" Lying to themselves to feel better. Time to start building little bitty nuclear power generators. Dams screw with fish and downstream issues, oil, gas, coal pollute, nuclear is dangerous, "Renewables use rare earth minerals thnat require extensive mining that destroys square miles of environment" plus ....we aint got none! BUT...if Greenland loves us ( which they just may) we can fck NATO and protect GREENLAND! windmills last a few years....then...you have disposal issues..(plus they destroy migratory birds.) meaning you can't dispose of the damn things, solar has the same problem. Once their life is over, you have disposal issues. Oil and gas have problems, but compared to what? (A great song Les McCann and Eddie Harris sing. I'm gonna listen to it now! Gene McDaniels wrote it, but these 2 guys play/sing it like it was made for them. Good luck with that entire nationwide ev charging station boondoggle, dipsticks. 3 years ago.... got 7 built. In 2 weeks you blowhards wanna know how come gas went up by 20 cents. You people REALLY have a strange way of thinking. 1st things 1st. Stop USAID. Secure border.
  2. All the p3dos are heading straight to Cambodia. They fly to Sunarnabhumi, then take a border town into Cambodia. They won't fly to Phnom Penh... attracts unwanted attention. That's fine....they don't know their days are numbered. After Ukraine turned into the battlefield, even the money laudering became more difficult...but doable....until that REALLY dumb guy Elon ( ask AOC) and his band of diaper-clad infants exposed the corruption. They are gonna stir up some bad smells when they get the Pentagon and treasury 's books open. And Cambodia is already getting the MAPs all lined up! "YOU CAN'T LOOK AT OUR CORRUPTION! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? THE PRESIDENT? ELECTED ON THE PROMISE YOU WOULD DO JUST WHAT YOU ARE DOING?" This get's better and better by the minute. Pam Bondi is looking at the threats Schumer made to the SCOTUS Justices ON THE STEPS OF THE SCOTUS.....AS they were deciding the case the protesters were whining about. Doesn't look good ....IF you think "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!" Bondi, DOJ, Noem DHS, Patel....soon to be FBI. Duffy told Hillary "sit this one out." Nice and sweet. Miley now gonna have to answer "why are you promising to inform our #1 enemy on EARTH, what the President plans to do? Seems kinda ...well that sounds like treason. Biden gonna have to find someone to help him get to the ice cream store.
  3. 13 total years in Thailand. Been wearing Trump paraphenalia for 10 years now. The worst response from a Thai was a thumbs up with a spoken " #1". Best response was " now he clean USA, he show Thailand can be clean." 100% of people I talk to ( and I also go to Cambodia quite a bit) are overjoyed. They see the connection among the "theft of Gov't revenue" crowd, and want the corruption in Thailand and Cambodia revealed as well. People clearly see the rip off ...and have wondered "how do they do it and get away with it?" Now, Elon and his diaper clad infants have revealed both the" How do they do it?", and the "how do they get away with it?" It's gonna get better when they hit the Treasury and the Pentagon. Remember there were questions regarding a missing few trillion dollars that were gonna be looked at.?... then 9/11 happened, and all concerns about the missing money dissapated. And Cheney giggled like a school girl. I HAVE run into a few Americams who walk like there is a stick jammed up their anal pore.... however, upon closer inspection, just turns out that they are sitting on their shoulders....heads jammed WAAAAAY up their anal pore. The Thais invariably ask me in Thai " are there a lot of these people in the USA? " When I answer in the affirmative, they laugh. I can't find the Thai letters on my key board, but the best I can do is "Khid wa ca mi khir khea khuk may?" and I reply " Chi...khap , mi xik mak mak may!"
  4. The more we normalize the sexualization of children, the more we allow the perverts to make the rules for how children can be groomed in school, and what once were subjects off limits for non-family members and children, we will have more of this crap. I am not saying if we make changes , none of these child abductions/murders/molestations will happen....but I AM saying... let us STOP sexualizing children earlier and earlier. They have beauty pageants for 5 and 6 year olds where the little girls dress like whores , and act the same...to the delight of so many. STOP IT! We even have boys 8 years old ( then..now must be 17 ) strip teasing, dancing provocatively for men who then throw dollar bills on the stage for the cross dressing boy to gather. Yes now he is a firm advocate of the LBGTVGuide...what a surprise. I can NOT believe a boys father would permit his 6 or 7 ( cuz he just didn't sprout his cross-dressing presona over night) to start doin crap like that . But there it is, none the less.
  5. For the "list goes on" person.... that doesn't mean we don't fight it. And kids having s*x with their peers is NOT what ANY of this is about. Unless there is an unwilling partner that is just growing up..whether in Switzerland, Sudan, India or the USA. We are talking about adults who transgress. And frankly I do not GAF what reasons one may have, or some sociological discussion that dances all over it , and then arrives at a pre-conceived abstract. Adults ...stay TF away from kids. PERIOD! No heart to heart talks about "alternative" lifestyles, no "buttons or flags" that invite curious kids to ask questions...NONE OF THAT <deleted>! THAT is GROOMING! I was in HS once, and I can NOT believe what we allow in our classrooms now. All those rainbow glasses, and the pride flag, and the Pride MONTH when people who DIE for this country of America get a SINGLE DAY! We give them a day.... that's it. No more marches/parades with that weird <deleted>. DSo it on your own time in your own private spaces. NOT our public roads to groom our children. IDGAF ....keep this <deleted> away from the kids. When they turn 18, they can do what they want, without any previous indoctrination into a culture. Just leave them alone. How difficult is that, to just leave children OUT of your perversions? Have all the bars you want, pee on one another in your own bath tubs, show your new tits in private, have an entire room full of porn in YOUR house but keep that <deleted> OUT OF SCOOL libraries. PERIOD! Just like alcohol... adults can't just have freedom to share anything they want with young ones. There are restrictions. You dumbasses don't even realize how angry some parents have become.
  6. ICYMI.... The USA, in order to fight the International aspect of child s*x trafficking, and p*dophilia by approaching EXTREMELY poor farmers, then pay the farmers money to "rent" their kid a night or 2. (especially in Camnodia) have some new laws. Which is terrific. These laws are not enforced in Cambodia or Thailand or Nam or Laos....but whenthese pervs return home to USA they have a little surprise waiting for them. The AHTJP ( Anti-Human Trafficking of Juvenile Protection), the LSHTSE (Law on the Suppression of Human Trafficking and Serial Exploitation) which are both under the CEOS (Child Exploitation & Obscenity Section) What these laws do is allow for a felony charge if you go to a foreign nation and do your dirty work there....IF you did ANYTHING to facilitate the commission of these illegal s*x acts abroad. cameras bought that were used to video , posting to "p*rn Hub, even buying ickets to fly to the country where you do these things. Once they catch you, it's your ASS! And they have agents who are ALL over the dark web, p*rn hub etc using AI to find videos of young ones.... then figuring out who is in the video, who posted etc. That's how ole Rugh James Cline got caught, spent 30 months in a Cambodian prison, and got extradited to the USA where he faces 120 years. I am sick of the armies of pervs who think they can just drop in on a poor country like Cambodia, toss around a few dollars and destroy lives, then go home, safe and sound....immune from any prosecution.... if the SEA police miss them they think they are free. What I found is...offer these same people a little cash, and they switch sides pretty quickly! A cpla telphone calls....and imagine getting off the plane in Los Angeles, going through customs, and ending up in handcuff!!! The USA and its citizens are the number one consumers of illegal s*x with minors and younger. I am sick of it. I wanna lock these scumbags up for as long as the law allows.
  7. Donald John Trump becomes President. Signs dozens and dozens of EOs. The best part is the haters will continue to hate, and those that rejoice in smaller gov't lower taxes, fewer regulations, vouchers so poor children can go to proper schools, and the complete disappearance of DEI will dance. I wonder why DEI never made it to the NFL or the NBA. Stupid merit based organizations where they judge people based on their skills, leadership and attitude. Whether THAT person will add to the sports organization's attempts to become champions. I don 't think the people who PAY into that HUGE pile of money divvied up among the owners and players would like an organization that hired people based on the proper percentage represented on the team. All black defense? WHO CARES? Are they the best you can get? All white offensive line? WHO CARES? Are they the best you can get? Love sports. Until they began to allow men to beat the holy hell out of women, it was a merit based system. The purpose of title lX was NOT to allow men who pretend to be women to enter that sport and dominate. It was meant for women to have equal access to opportunities that excellence in sports can offer. "I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad! I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad! "I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad! I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad! I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad! I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad! "I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad! I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad!" Thank you, Skip James, for such deep, reflective and observational lyrics. Some of us will never forget you!
  8. What gets me the most is the reliance people have on the media, who have proven time and again to lie to promote the current narrative of the democrat party. Everything is gonna be exposed now, as the American people said..."we want our 1st,2nd,4th,5th,6th,7th, 8th, 9th Amendments back Thank you." The SCOTUS already affirmed the validity of the 10th Amendment by sending the question of abortion to the individual states, which is EXACTLY what the Constitution says. I don't mind political people...but liars and believers of lies, spreaders of lies.... phk them. Stupid people who aren't willing to put the time in to do the research to find the truth irritate the hell outta me as well. They think history is a photo, or a moment in time. They are like the football referees who throw the flag on the guy who pushed back, after the first instgator spit in the guys face. No flag there! But the response? Out comes the flag! Good thing for us, we can read historical accounts, and don't need to rely on a referee in an instant making a decision.We can read...multiple accounts, different accounts, different views....and usually come up with a pretty good idea of what actually happened.
  9. I agree with the gentleman who noted there is some history here, and American meddling. Nuland engineered a color revolution to oust a duly properly elected Yanukovitch, and put our guy in. Then the AZOV Battallion ( Real NAZIS) began a terror campaign slaughtering Russians in the east. They (Eastern Ukrain who were actually Russian)had even had the temerity to vote to join Russia...as they were...well....Russian The AZOV began killing Russians, torturing young Russian girls, raping them, so Putin went in to protect his people. So far estimates of the deaths are fckn ASTRONOMICAL! 600,000 dead each side give or take. This should have never happened. We had no business there. To top it all off, in 1962, we were teetering on the brink of war because the USSR put missiles in Cuba. I lived in Fla then. We had tank tracks on our asphalt roads for a decade after that. An agreement was reached in private that allowed both sides to save face. We agreed NEITHER side would EVER put military might, whether as themselves OR by proxy on one anothers doorsteps again. EVER! We have been violating that for 25 or so years now, slowly creeping closer to Russias border. If Ukraine joins NATO...that is the same as Russia owning Cuba and sending missiles into Key West. If Russia WANTED to, she could have just waltzed through Ukraine. But all Russia wanted was to keep Crimea, and stop NAZIS from killing Russians in the east Ukraine. In case no one remembers, Russia lost about 10 MILLION Russians to the NAZI war machine, and without Russia as an ally, we would all be speaking German now. So Russia is not fond of NAZIS at all. Demonize Russia all you want.... fckn warmongers I HATE! ALWAYS send others to fight. Always send the money to be laundered back. Crooked politricians. I am SICK of the corruption. Biden on camera BRAGGING about ousting the Detective who was closing in on Hunters crimes, and got him fired. "and put someone SOLID in there" scumbag. BRAGGING about the corruption...and the audience APPLAUDED!!!
  10. Instead of claiming the report is a lie, I am going to accept he was traveling at a normal rate, as noted in the article. Whatever the speed limit may be, if you're going 68 kph that is plenty enough to do that kind of damage. And that is just a smidge over 40 mph...relatively slow. I Pray for the family. They lost their breadwinner. That can be awful consequences in a nation such as Thailand, no disrespect intended. I take a taxi almost exclusively. Once, in Bangkok, I took a motorcycle taxi from my lawyers office. THAT is something I will never do again. I weigh 100 kgs, so his front wheel when going slow was almost off the ground. I was in my mid 60s and that was about as frightened as I have ever been.
  11. If memory serves me, Thailand had a MAJOR issue with meth. So, to the guy who mentioned meth is a bad (after observing the small amt of 9 grams). I remember a guy was holding a young girl hostage, back against a wall. A cop got on the roof, and shot the guy in the head from above. The entire country it seemed was doing meth. Employers LOVED their people doin meth...made them more productive blah blah. So Thailand got EXTRA tough on drugs. Meth in particular became persona non grata. So many ppl went crazy takin the stuff. EVERY town in the nation had at least one psychotic adventurer.
  12. Green goals!!!! LMFAO! GREEN GOALS!...omg We had several ice ages, and several inter-glacial periods where it was warm. Not a human in sight. No cows farting, no cars, no coal plants...But SOMEHOW... 2 or 3 MILES of ice buried Manhattan....THEN melted...again and again. Now...we are in an inter-glacial warm period ( thank God) . I don't know if you green "geniuses" have figured it out yet, but CO2 is plant food. We CANNOT live without plants...and PRIOR to the Industrial Revolution, plant life across the globe was on a starvation diet. Also, in HUMAN history, we do much MUCH better when it is warmer than when it is cooler. PERIOD!!!! Heck, just think all that farmland in Canada and Siberia that may become arable if it warms up much more!! Praise God!! The USA plans to spend TRILLIONS to NOT add plant food to the air, when China will TRIPLE or QUADRUPLE IT'S CO2 contribution, and for what? What will be the outcome? Answer: Uh......I don't know, say the Green Nutjobs. But at least we get to convince you idiots to give us more of your money so we can fight the "warm weather" menace, which helps grow more food and is easier to live in.
  13. Yes ...I have been riding for 60 years...my last 2 bikes (a 1972 750 Norton Commando, and a 118 CI Indian Roadmaster BOTH were fast as stink. My thing was I ALWAYS figured EVERY driver was out to kill me as they were offered a million $$$ if they got me. . Period. I would try to make eye contact with anyone at an intersection prepared to cross my path, or at a T intersection, ready to enter my lane. No matter ...they were out to get me. I never get mad about it. So I used other traffic as blockers for me.... and I never ever allowed myself to get into a situation where I had no way out. Long post...but 200,000 miles ...got hit from behind when I was 17 in a school zone stopped behind a school bus, which had stopped at the direction of a traffic cop. From then on, I knew....NOTHING but ME kept me alive.
  14. New bike. High-performance. First time? Have a 13 yr old PASSENGER? A passenger can control the bikes trajectory. Kid prolly got scared dad was hot-dogging, moved around to look at where they were goin....The mom/wife must be just devastated. Can't even kick her husbands ass for being stupid. This is the kinda <deleted> that pisses me off.... We have the people in cages trying to kill us.... they don't need your help, man! AND kill your son in the process. Just my best guess after 200,000 miles on big fast bikes. God take these 2 in your loving arms. Amen
  15. Who believes this nutjob, who received NO votes in the primary, was the 1st to drop out, became Biden's running mate, and as the dem nominee was the recipient of millions of illegal votes.......actually got more than 40 million legal votes? I do not believe Biden got anywhere near 80 million, don't believe Harris got 30 million...let alone the amt they claim. How about the truck loads of 95% dem votes showing up at 3 am.... for a House seat. The guy went to sleep 18,000 votes ahead...them lost by 600 votes after the semi truck load arrived at 3 am. Let's fix the Federal ID for voting. If the people of a state want to continually have their voting mean precisely nothing, that is on them. I can't imagine people would want that/...but when it comes to democrats/liberals ...who tf KNOWS what their reasoning is?
  16. Doofus. And I would bet a six-pack of Singhai this goofball will blame the Thai people for his serious lapse in self-preservation. He coulda been in downtown Miami, and this same thing woulda happened.....except The Miami thugs would not have allowed him to be a witness. I was 19 years old and it was 2AM , the bars were closing (in Udon Thani). I could smell the danger, and there wasn't a soul around. Finally, a lone samlar came by....and it was a long ride back to the base....but worth it. And I gave him a nice tip as well. After all...he had to peddle back as well
  17. Ukraine, THE most corrupt nation on earth. Home to NIH funded biolabs that are weaponizing viruses. Home to sex trafficking. Home to the money-launderers that take our close to a TRILLION dollars by now, and send 25% back to our politicians, CIA, FBI and others. I LIVED in Florida during the Oct 1962 Nuclear World War scare. We had TANKS up and down the streets. Tank tracks were on the roads for YEARS after that. Then an agreement between JFK and Khrushchev... Nikita took out his missiles, and we BOTH ( USA and USSR/Russia) agreed to never EVER put military PEOPLE, WEAPONS whether by one another OR BY PROXY on one another's doorstep, front or back. PERIOD!! EVER!!! (See Cuba was PROXY. So that was made VERY clear by JFK...not even by PROXY...like now in Ukraine is proxy for the USA.) We have lied to the world, most importantly our "leaders" have lied to us AGAIN to get us in a war. Gulf of Tonkin, weapons of mass destruction and so on. Just get us to war. And we have been creeping up to Russia's doorstep inch by inch for decades. If Ukraine becomes a member of NATO, that will then become the same as Russia in an actual war with the USA. THAT is what you dumb cucks want? The USA is wrong WRONG WRONG. And I hope Putin goes in there and destroys ever fckn biolab in Ukraine, puts a stop to the sex trafficking, and the money-laundering,. WE (the USA) caused an illegal ouster of the duly elected people cuz we didn't like them. The people in East Ukraine VOTED ( yeah that democratic process we in America hold so dear) to join Russia cuz...they are all Russian! So the illegal Ukraine gov't started killing the Russians in east Ukraine.... and Russia said FCK THAT NOISE!!! And just like that, the USA idiots have us on the verge of a world war with nukes. To quote Tom McDonald "No more plastic straws in paper. Just paper straws wrapped in plastic. CONGRATULATIONS!" If it wasn't for stupid, America would have NO personality traits. Oh, I spent 30 months in Vietnam in an actual war. MILLIONS of Vietnamese died. 58,000 Americans died. I got piss and bags of <deleted> thrown at me each time I came home (3 times). I pay attention to the warmongers who get rich creating wars for our young men die in so they can get rich. We have domestic issues we need to sort out. For the historical illiterate, Russia has NEVER invaded Europe. Yet has endured 2 MASSIVE invasions that killed millions of Russians. Napoleon and Hitler. Both paid dearly for their idiocy. So what is all this fearmongering "Putin will roll across Europe!" nonsense. I am so very tired of the democrats and their <deleted>. Giving BILLIONS to ILLEGAL ALIENS as good Americans lie dying of hunger and exposure in our streets. Thank GOD that is ALMOST over. If they don't <deleted> up and get us in a nukes war.
  18. 73 year old LONG time mc rider. Just YESTERDAY, I was telling my wife, when I ride my MC every car sitting ready to turn left in front of me, every car at the stop sign ready to pull out, EVERY traffic light, I make eye contact with the person in the car/truck. If I dont get eye contact, and then get the message through their eyes they see me I slow down and REALLY crank up my spidey sense. It has saved my life dozens of times. This mc rider NEVER even LOOKED. You see the others stop . In about 200,000 miles of mc riding, through 5 motorcycles, one accident. I was in a school zone stopped behind a school bus that was stopped by a traffic cop. I was stopped, both feet on ground, 7:30 am, and WHAM! some lady hit me from behind. I ended up my ass on her windshield. A pretty young mom, in her house coat. Cops came... She got NO TICKET! I lost my friend as HE was stopped at a traffic red light, and a pretty young girl hit HIM , but she was going about 40 mph ...killed him. SHE didn't get a ticket. I had a friend in the PD, asked him about it. he said the cop told others, he "didn't wanna ruin the girls life." Yeah....well she ruined my friend's life. There should be ( and are in some places ) a delay between when one way goes red, and the other goes green. Maybe 2 seconds. But for Pete's sake... LOOK! The people in cages are out to kill you! ACT LIKE IT! STAY ALIVE that way.
  19. Remember when the Chinese bus operators were charging undermarket prices and the domestic bus companies asked for help, for protection from the unfair unlicensed cut throat Chinese bus companies? Well, nothing happened. So bus companies resorted to cutting corners, and pressuring drivers to maintain a brutal schedule that was intolerable for the drivers and the machines. That's it, in a nutshell. Next on the agenda? As the investigation gets closer to the bribery, this brilliant investigator will get re-assigned ....or told to concentrate on the designated scapegoat, and hit the one bus company exec hard. Fortunately for these officials, they have their scapegoats...the driver and the company executive! That is akin to saving a couple of people from dysentery in a town with their outhouses emptied into their drinking water supply. And doing NOTHING about the outhouses dumping human excrement into the drinking water supply. Most people will be satisfied that these 2 evil agents of Satan will have been dealt with in a most serious manner. They will destroy these 2 puppets, and the puppet masters will just slip out the back, their entire apparatus intact, and ready to put into action next it will be a mining disaster, or a train derailment, or a bridge collapse, or a dam bursting, Always there will be a scapegoat, and the BIG scapegoat today is "CLIMATE CHANGE!".
  20. Coached college female softball team. One girl late for practice told us how an unfair ticket was the problem. Explain, says I. She was following a car ( closely) coming to an intersection. 3 through lanes, 2 ;left turn, 1 right turn. She was in left lane ( no lane to her left yet as the left turn lanes were up ahead) The car immediately in front of her moved to the lane to turn left, and right in front of my player was the last car ...stopped...in a long line of cars stopped waiting for the light to change. She gave that driver a Prestone Enema, and whined it wasn't her fault. OK. Whose fault WAS it? You were the only moving car. He was stopped behind a car thaT WAS STOPPED. aND HAD BEEN. stopped. You hit him. From behind.While he was stopped for a red light. I told her she was driving carelessly (not recklessly) and should have gotten a ticket. She loudly exclaimed "That's EXACTLY what the MFer did. He gave me a careless driving ticket!" You can lead them to water....
  21. Yeah I ALMOST understand. Dashing ( with haste...an EMERGENCY!!!! MUST get to hospital!) ...But , hold on. I need to stop this rush to the hospital in the middle of an emergency to have a spirited argument with a citizen of the nation of which I am a guest. This may take a few minutes, honey. This emergency ...oddly enough....just became back seat to ...'I require an argument with another driver !" Must have been some kind of super-duper emergency eh? Pull over, stop. 30 seconds? Open door, walk to other car. 30 seconds? Rant at driver, who may be terrified. She(he?) may have no idea of what's going on. Finally acknowledges the mouth-foamer at the door. 45 seconds? It takes a bit for the emergency person to feel they won the confrontation, and does a"congratulatory strut back to his "emergency" 60 seconds? Starts car, looks around, finds his re-entry point into traffic and continues his "emergency" trip to the hospital 45 seconds? That's 3 mins 30 seconds. That is no emergency. That is an entitled person who thinks their lack of planning by themselves, now constitutes an emergency on the surrounding traffic. Pffft In an actual emergency, you would have your window down and be gesturing to all that you needed help and understanding. If you descend to anger immediately upon meeting with typical traffic issues.... you are an entitled dip wad. I would bet my paycheck that if the police ever found this person, no matter the circumstances....he would be charged somehow.
  22. Running a palm plantation is NOT easy living. To make that commitment, (and obviously there is a family involved), my opinion is....they were there, had been there running their plantation, and for the love of all things holy, permit them to stay. I doubt he and his family have a plan "B". This truly is a land of contrasts. I have been here 8 years (after 2 years of military service in 1970-72) and STILL have a difficult time reconciling the evil that resides here. I suppose it is my fault ( the difficulty reconciling, NOT the evil) as this evil permeates the entire earth. My heart simply breaks for this family. Would anyone in this ASEAN News community be willing to help this family in some small way? I could swing 1000 baht and not upset my monthly budget. I am not a big poster here, am not proficient in computer tasks. Someone set it up...? Or am I just a maudlin old man?
  23. Well, all farangs are equal....just some are more equal than others
  24. As an American who carries a Sig-Sauer while home...yes, he woulda got the power portable hole puncher treatment, should he try to enter the car through a window.
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