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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. 4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    Attaching Etrade's wire out form as an example.  You go online to Etrade, click on a link, provide some information, then you download this from their site, fill in the information then you attach/submit it to the online link you started with. 

    bnkwireout(1).pdf 656.34 kB · 1 download

    Curious?... They require a State or Federal ID... Is a passports considered at a Federal ID?...

  2. 56 minutes ago, Mahseer said:

    That Mae Sot route gives access to some fabulous places in southern Burma without the need to ride a bus for 6 hours with Ye my favourite plus there's one of the slowest train rides ever from Mawlamyine to Dawei.

    How did you get from the Mae Sot border crossing to the train station in Mawlamyine?

  3. As a side note... If you have a TM30 and you leave and return to Thailand you both have 24 hours upon return to notify immigration of your return... This is easily done at immigration on the 2nd floor...

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    You seriously believe the Clintons are any different?


    And old man Clinton lied to the American government and people, insulted their intelligence and got away with it!

    My guess is you sit around watching Benghazi reruns hoping for a different ending...

    And you still think Obama wasn’t born in the US and he was the first President to wear a tan suit...


    You have been brainwashed by Fox News... :coffee1:



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  5. Go to the Macro on the superhighway... As you enter the parking lot go to the left... There are a 2-3 places that sell basic wood furniture that is locally made... Price compare between shops there as one place where the lady seems to price gouge and another the guy has better prices... ????


    (18.7859016, 99.0277291)

  6. 4 hours ago, wayned said:

    So far he has been granted limited immunity relating to the Cohen campaign finance charges.  He should be granted blanket immunity relating to all of the Trump organization financial  dealings and that way he can not plead the fifth.  At the same time he should request witness protection from the DOJ!

    Or the conman/thugs accountant should go to jail along with everyone else in this mafia styled Trump Organization... :coffee1:

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  7. 2 hours ago, Austrian26 said:

    There is no real law in this country, thats why its so beautful. You can´t get arrested for...

    That being said don’t think you can sip a few brewskies atop a romantic ancient wall and then throw your empty beer bottles at those official looking posters of well dressed men... :coffee1:

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