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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. I’ve had a few of these units going on three years (I never paid more than 5,000 baht for them - so there is a bit of price gouging )...


    They work great and I really like the monitor and programmability... I have them thruout the house...


    That being said there are a couple shortcomings that can be easily overcome...


    The first is the Auto Mode is not really useful... Its algorithm is designed for a high pollution environment... It will basically shut itself down (low fan) when it senses the PM drop below 30 (which in Beijing may be acceptable) but not for us...


    Second is the Manual Mode if set above ~50% fan speed will revert to Auto Mode after 3 hour - basically shutting itself off... My guess this is to reduce motor wear and filter usage... 


    So these factors limit the out of the box unit to cleaning to 30PM...


    But you can easily work around this problem by setting up a timer setting to reset the unit prevent the 3 hour mode change from Manual to Auto... Just add automation rules that turns the unit off & on every 2.5 hours and the purifier will stay in manual mode for the whole programmed time... 


    My units all bring the PM level down to single digit and maintain that level throughout the timed program...


    Here is my setting for the unit I have in the main lounge...




    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Almost all the Vietnam VISAs are 90 day multi entry, which puts some people off.

    Many of the online visa (E-Visa) sites offer offer one year tourist & business visas that are one year - The business visa does not seem to require you to do any 90 day border runs... Anyone have any experience with these?... can they be ordered online back to back year after year?



  3. If I were doing a long term condo rental I would open up the inside unit (in the presence of the agent/owner) and if it looks the least bit dirty I would tell them that I would only rent under the condition that all AC units we cleaned inside & out and the freon levels checked (not a simple mae baan cleaning)... This you could also do on your own (it cost 4-500 baht unit)... In my house I have it done every April and bet the cleaning cost is recouped by the increased efficiency and lower electric costs... I also have our Mae baan remove and wash the inner filters weekly...

  4. On 1/26/2019 at 3:14 PM, depe said:

    Is there a timer functionality? E.g. Can I set it to turn on daily 5 AM and turn off 8 PM etc.

    No and this unit can not be controlled by a wall plug timer as it has a fancy electronic touch control with remote that resets to off everytime it loses power... That’s why I switched the the Xaiomi model as it is controlled by an App and can be programmed to go on/off whenever you want...

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  5. 1 hour ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    On the plus side , I learnt a new word today “ spackled “ !

    And I learned a new Thai saying I would have thought would be completely different... :coffee1:


    a screw in the pook

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  6. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    Yes but there is no definition of "lenient". No way to know what that will mean and certainly no guarantee that they would accept just a few months worth of transfers.


    I can get 61-62K transferred directly by Social Security with no outgoing transfer fee. So the SWIFT transfer fee would be solely for an additional 3-4,000 baht and seems ridiculous to pay $45 for that.


    I could have SS deposit in my US account and make a transfer of the whole 65k but same difference. Either way I am paying $45 just to get a few thousand baht more sent here.


    I also do not want to have to keep track of exchange rates.


    Just parking the 800k is easier. Only 1 transfer fee, only one time that I need to calculate exchange rate etc.

    If the combo method is still available you should only need to keep 50-100k in a fixed account to markup the monthly SS deficit...


    62k x 12 = 744k plus 100k fixed account = 844k

    (Cushion for exchange rate)

    No one has confirmed the combo method under the new rules but the last police order seems to specifically refer to the use of the combo method in clause 5...

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