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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. The OP had 800k seasoned in the bank...

    The OP had a embassy letter confirming income...

    But the OP (a 20 year veteran of Thai life & 2 posts on TV?) chose to put aside these tried and true methods to wade into the immigration bureaucracy with a uncharted method he hadn’t fully understood or prepared...


    In hindsight he should ask why signed himself up for such grief?... :coffee1:

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  2. 35 minutes ago, berybert said:

    It is, but was it when he did it previous to the new rules ? He said since the rules have changed he has since done monthly transfers. So it would appear he is following the rules. If you are meant to follow rules before they have been made maybe it wont be long before we are all leaving. 


    The OP.. ”In March I transferred more than 65k X 3 to cover living expenses for April, May and June.“


    That does not sound like he made monthly transfers to me... :coffee1:

    • Like 2
  3. There was an recent iPhone update to iOS 12.2 and the Xiaomi App also had an update... Ever since the updates the App can not register the air quality and says the filter has expired... I can still control the filter turning it off & on but not air quality or filter status is shown... I have a few(5) of these both model 2 and 2s and they all have the same problem... This communication problem comes and goes...


    Anyone with the same problem the last week or so?...



    33451255-53C7-4755-83BC-8B5E80F808E8.pngFew minutes later...



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