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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    You transfer the account.

    Would you try transfering an account under the old rules during the preliminary 3 month seasoning period?... You would most like find an immigration officer very unhappy with you making such a move during that seasoning period... Now with the new rules you basically have 400k that must be seasoned for the full 12 months... moving that will also likely put you in a bad place with immigration 

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  2. It’s best if you move to establish a local branch and move your bank account over... There will inevitably be a situation when you need something in a hurry only to told that your home branch is the only place to do what you want done...


    That being said I would make sure IO approves any account move for balances used for visa purposes... It seems there is essentially a permanent seasoning period... So how does one move from one account to another without breaking this rule? To my mind a mid year bank account move would put you in the profile of a visa agent user in the eyes of an immigration officer...


    Ah such is the life in the rabbit hole of immigration rules...  :coffee1:

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  3. I retired here in my mid forties and back then they had a one year business visa that was easily obtainable by having a legal firm “sponsor” you... That visa is no longer allowed... I’m now over fifty and on retirement visa... But if I was coming here now I would consider doing a dual country living arrangement... 6 months in Thailand and 6 months on say the Vietnamese coast... Visas for 6 months are doable in both countries and with a 6 month spacer both immigration depts shouldn’t give you much problems even with just tourist visas...

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  4. 2 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

    They said i could send the form without medallion, then call in and customer service would set it up after going through some security procedures over the phone.

    Which brokerage did you get this option?... Fidelity?


    What currency do you transfer USD to or Thai baht? do you have a foreign currency account here in Thailand?


    Fidelity seems to only support transfering about 20 of the basic currencies?...




  5. 13 minutes ago, BertM said:

    My international SWIFT wire transfer fees are free, so I don't need TW. I also read where some brokerage firms offer very low or free wire transfer fees for those who have sufficient assets.

    My brokerage firm has a similar low fee swift but sadly you can only set it up by going in person to one of their offices or a bank medallion which are only located in the US...

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    From my IO, yes.

    I'll give 3 reasons why the balances won't be checked until the next extension application;

    1. It would make the option to report by mail or online defunct.

    2. You may be visiting another Country, so not in Thailand.

    3. And probably the main reason, IO's wouldn't be able to cope with the demands if every 90 day report had to be made in person.

    Weren’t they mulling the idea of allowing us to do our 90 day reporting at the 7-11?... We could bring our bank statements too and the 7-11 lady could take a picture of it with her cellphone and forward everything to Immigration!... Easy Peasy!...

  7. 21 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    The letter can be obtained from your local branch same day.

    Immigration are well aware it takes a few days to get statements from the head offices confirming overseas payments.

    They can verify your balance with your bank on the date you apply if suspicious.

    So I guess the strategy would be a week before your extension go to the bank and request the 12 month statement and then in a week when you pick up the statement ask for the balance letter (making sure that you make no deposits or withdrawal during the week so the statement & balance letter show same amount) and go to immigration that day with those two documents as proof?

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

    5 days at BKK and Kasikorn.

    I asked at my BK Bank Branch and got “About a week...” as the turnaround time... Then the question is what date on these statement will Immigration accept?... Assuming they are printed in Bangkok and then sent here the date on them will be a few days old by the time we get to out vaguely timed renewal date...


    I guess we could also get the letter that accompanies the statement dated the day we pock up the letter at the local bank branch...

  9. 25 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    Tolerance sounds reasonable to me, if my son came out as homosexual I wouldn't dance around and be pleased about it, I would have to tolerate it.

    I’m glad you’re not my father...

    And if your son turns out to be gay he will most likely feel the same.. :coffee1:

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Puchaiyank said:

    "Mike Pence, most of the Christian conservatives in the US, and other "religious" people who have been indoctrinated, and homophobes, who are very ignorant"


    I thought there were rules governing this form of offensive rhetoric...guess not!


    But But... What about your post #22?...


    2 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

    Talk about oversensitive and over reacting.  You might also want to add a 'safe space' forum on here where you can be protected for anything you might get offended about.


    Thank you!  

    Seems like you just want to pick a fight?...

    Were used to that...

    • Sad 1
  11. 39 minutes ago, bobonzo said:

    Thanks. I'm only looking for anyone who may have experienced this same issue. 

    Your initial question was a perfectly valid one... But at this time TI new rules have not been defined in working terms so time will tell...


    The bank statement you received is the standard one banks have always issued on the spot (6 months)... I was thinking of getting this statement at my 6 month mark and a second just before my extension then I would have a full years history - But then again will TI accept the older (6 month old) statement. Or must we preorder a special 12 month statement that the bank say takes an undetermined “couple of days” to get (My bank said “about a week”)... How do we coordinate a current statement to our appointment with TI...


    It’s a bit of a rabbit hole we’ve all been thrown in... :coffee1:

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