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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. 58 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    If there was a forum for Heterosexual lifestyle it would not bother me.  Alternative can be defined as "other" not derogatory

    Alternative connotes a choice which no gay person considers this to be... Again the forum owners should consider the words they are using... :coffee1:

    • Sad 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

    It seems that Bangkok Bank has a similar debit card. 

    I have this BKK Bank Debit Visa also... it is the same as The KBank card accept it used the older 4 digit pin and when you make purchases they do not require you enter a pin... The K Bank card has the added protection of requiring a pin for purchases also...

  3. 42 minutes ago, VBF said:

    What happened for me in December 2018 was that I signed up to TW, giving them my UK address which is the same address that my sending bank holds for me.

    I’m a US resident and had a similar experience with both TW & OFX signups... TW asked me to upload my passport photo page and OFX my US Drivers License... which has the same address as my bank/brokerage account in the US... Neither required me to make a call to them... All my linked bank accounts are in my name... 


    My first transfer with TW was held up for 4 days but subsequent transfers arrived next day and coded as foreign at BK Bank.... I have not tried a OFX transfer yet... I plan on using them for next months transfer...


    Basically with the demise of the BK Bank ACH method I am transitioning to TW & OFX... I will use each every other month to keep two methods of transfering active in case one method goes down as a few people have reported...


    I would guess anyone without a current government linked ID or identification method and address in their home country is going to have difficulty setting up these accounts online...

    • Thanks 1
  4. I have always use my bank ATM Visa Debit card for shopping knowing that if I lost it anyone could walk into a Big C and buy anything they wanted and I would have no recourse with the bank.. So to limit my exposure my day to day card in my wallet is on a separate account that I only kept ~20k in... and I top it off as needed for my main account via the banking app... So my loss limit is never more than 20k...


    Also the card I use (K Bank) just expired and the new ATM/Visa card they gave me has a chip imbedded in it and requires a 6 digit pin... The pin is also required when I make purchases at stores and restaurants- every place seems to accept it (Rimping, Big C, Tesco and such) and online purchases require a sms code confirmation from my phone... so this new card should not be able to be used by anyone if lost or number skimmed





  5. 7 minutes ago, EricTh said:

    You can get it free if you can wait one month at immigration.

    Where in the new Immigration building do you go for the free one?... Is this still run by the trollish old guy they had at Promenade that basically threatened you if he ever saw you asking for a free on again?

  6. I would suggest you look for a camera kit that has removable/interchangeable lenses.. They usually come with a zoom lense standard for everyday shooting... but then you can buy what is called a prime lense... these have no zoom capabilities but you can get one with a lower f stop which will give you more picture depth and bokeh option...


    Check out this Fuji XT100... and add a 28 or 35mm prime lens...





    Also Check out Facebook groups where people sell some nice kits for big discounts from new price...

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, DJ54 said:

    Hi ......is there a minimum amount deposit for fixed term account? 

    Thinking put 70-80k a month until over let’s say 900,000.


    Would want in my name only and in the will when it’s my time to go to the other side and it would then go to wife. 


    This keeps out any chance of sticky fingers.....

    Wait for 3 months to accumulate (210k) deposit in 9 month fixed account... wait 3 more months to accumulate (210k) deposit in a 6 month fixed account... wait 3 more months to accumulate (210k) deposit in a 3 month fixed account... wait 3 more months to accumulate (210k) and the three prior fixed accounts mature at the same time... Them you can roll them all up (840k plus’s interest) into one fixed term of whatever time period you like... say 24-36 months...



  8. It’s her house legally... So you must convince her to sell... 

    She could keep 100% of the proceeds legally... You have no ownership rights...


    The only leverage you you have is the lease that allows you to stay in the house for 30 years... This would not be of much leverage to force her to sell if she doesn’t want to sell but could induce her to share the proceeds if you relinquish the lease as part of the sale...

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